2013 Hyundai Elantra MPG problem
About the Elantra Car:
- I bought Hyundai Elantra 2013 in June (I didnt have great sales person to work with, I think my problem started there itself)
- From the beginning I didn't get great millage & had break issue. I was getting 25-26 in combined. After they fix the break issue, I have been getting 23-24. I am very much frustrated.
About Dealership service/sales peoples:
- Sales person i had got was a crape guy. I was about to walked out, the only reason i bought the car was, they had traded my old(Corolla) in a decent amount, that is where i made a mistake. I regret now!!
- First time i went to the service within 30 days of purchase with the SMOOTHNESS OF THE CAR, BREAK, Key Less lock issues. Service person wasn't friendly and immediately he declined my issues. Somewhat i forced him to look at the car, after one hour they said no issues with the car.
- Second time when i went for OIL change, I told about my millage issue, smoothness. This time they fixed my BREAK issue (reported earlier). After this service my millage reduced into 23-24 MPG combined.
- Next time I showed them the proof of millage which I collected all document about the millage (taking a picture of odometer, gas receipt). I again complained about SMOOTHNESS, KEYLESS LOCK issues with the millage issue. They agreed to do the millage test (which i need fill the gas out of my pocket). They took 1 FULL day & called me saying, "we did all check up and ROAD test, your vehicle is working as designed". Note that this time they fixed my KEY LESS LOCK issue. I was very disappointed/frustrated. When i tried to take out of the service, i noticed there were not ROAD test been done in the car. When i asked about this, now they are saying, "We don't need to do the road test".
*** As i said I am really frustrated.. How about other 2013 Elantra Owners? Do you have any of my issues? Please share it with me.. It will be helpful to move forward what i can do. I appreciate in advance
- I bought Hyundai Elantra 2013 in June (I didnt have great sales person to work with, I think my problem started there itself)
- From the beginning I didn't get great millage & had break issue. I was getting 25-26 in combined. After they fix the break issue, I have been getting 23-24. I am very much frustrated.
About Dealership service/sales peoples:
- Sales person i had got was a crape guy. I was about to walked out, the only reason i bought the car was, they had traded my old(Corolla) in a decent amount, that is where i made a mistake. I regret now!!
- First time i went to the service within 30 days of purchase with the SMOOTHNESS OF THE CAR, BREAK, Key Less lock issues. Service person wasn't friendly and immediately he declined my issues. Somewhat i forced him to look at the car, after one hour they said no issues with the car.
- Second time when i went for OIL change, I told about my millage issue, smoothness. This time they fixed my BREAK issue (reported earlier). After this service my millage reduced into 23-24 MPG combined.
- Next time I showed them the proof of millage which I collected all document about the millage (taking a picture of odometer, gas receipt). I again complained about SMOOTHNESS, KEYLESS LOCK issues with the millage issue. They agreed to do the millage test (which i need fill the gas out of my pocket). They took 1 FULL day & called me saying, "we did all check up and ROAD test, your vehicle is working as designed". Note that this time they fixed my KEY LESS LOCK issue. I was very disappointed/frustrated. When i tried to take out of the service, i noticed there were not ROAD test been done in the car. When i asked about this, now they are saying, "We don't need to do the road test".
*** As i said I am really frustrated.. How about other 2013 Elantra Owners? Do you have any of my issues? Please share it with me.. It will be helpful to move forward what i can do. I appreciate in advance
The EPA tests do not account for severe stop-n-go conditions. I'll bet you're driving a lot more city/stop-n-go than you realize. The more city/stop-n-go you drive, the worse your overall MPG.
I drive all highway at 100 km/h and only get anywhere from 490km - 550km a tank. Which really is pathetic.
Should I call the number on Hyundai's website and complain about it, or?
I just don't know what I can do when an auto company lies their valued customers.
Since you bought recently, go back to your dealer and complain. You have some right till 30 days. Good luck to you
By the by I am in the process of getting legal advice and i probably go to court. I am collecting all sort of information/evidence about the millage. I may or may not win.. But I am really going to the court for sure... not to get 1m out of it.
I am also on the other Elantra forum on the internet.
Are you people still getting such low mpg now?
I am the one who originally created this conversation. I totally understand your disappointment.
Let me explain what i did and results:
After going several time to my dealer I get fed up with them, i went and took Attorney advise spending $1000, send a letter to the dealer. After they see my Attorney's letter, then Hyundai Regional Manager called me & i explained the issue. He suggested to go to different dealer to check the MPG and look if there are any issues in my car. They found that there were some break pad (my car dealer changed break pad 2 months later after i bought the car, that is when i started getting POOR MPG) issue, once they fix the issue, the MPG was definitely better; I used to get 23-24 MPG, now I am getting 26-28.
Now I am asking compensation from the dealer for the experience i went thru and Attorney fees, they are returning my calls/letter. I may probably go to the court and file a case. I will update you guys.
I would suggest you all go to different dealer and check your car's break.
Whoever having this issue, please share your thoughts/current situation
dueable. I got 28mpg in city driving with 30% was highway. My next statement is hearsay but it could be true that the valve ports get dirty with carbon builtup and causes the fuel mixture to be less efficient. If you notice the matinance manual has you putting it in every 7,500 miles ( that cleaner ). By the way it doesn't last long about 2 tank fulls. I hate my car has Cal. emissions.
Also try to keep your tire pressure 32-35 psi
I recently bought a 2013 Elantra GLS and am one of the few people getting great gas mileage out of the thing. I live in rural New Jersey and usually drive at about 40-50mph with frequent stops and tons of hills.
When I'm just driving around town I get around 31mpg and have gotten as much as 42mpg on the highway. This may mean nothing you anyone, though, because I drive like a grandmother who forgot her glasses. I regularly have a rather long line of cars behind me and I take quite a long time to actually get up to speed. It isn't a driving style most people are willing to commit to, but I think it may be the only way to get the posted MPG out of this year's Elantra.
When I drive like everyone else, I get about 29mpg around town and about 35mpg on the highway. My tires are at 34psi and my car has just over 10,000 miles on it.
Replies to several of you:
Someone suggested using non-ethanol gas. I tried to find out what gas the EPA uses. There was no info posted but I imagine 10% ethanol is used since that, unfortunately, is standard. The EPA has never been accurate and I just think it's a ballpark figure if I drive 55 mph on the highway but Hyundai took their inaccuracy to new highs.
It's unrealistic to think I'm going to pay up to 50 cents more/gal. for non-ethanol for a car. I do use it for my smaller motors (lawnmower, etc.) where it won't break the bank using it.
Also, I learned not to trust the MPG display in my 2013 Elantra. It's not programmed correctly and has been off as much as 20% lower. I manually check
each time at the pump. I'm also keeping a spreadsheet. I can get a combined city/hwy 32 mpg.
I do keep my tires inflated 3 lbs higher (as suggested by the dealer, who's pretty bad for everything else) but I am sort of in the mountains and learned to inflate my prior car higher when we moved here.
catr: I'm sorry about what you're going through. I sort of expect it in the future. My car is relatively new. I've read about brake issues. I will likely try going through other means rather than a lawyer. The company (Hyundai) has more money than you do (sorry, but this is how life goes) and can outlast your fighting for your money back.
nkessler: I also tend not to speed much in my car because I don't want a ticket. When I had a 100 mi. RT down 287 in Jersey (in my last car), I drove consistently at 55 MPH and other somewhat higher speeds. Driving slower (what the EPA tends to do - unrealistically) does get better gas mileage.
I sent the company a note about the faulty MPG. Here's their response. They'll never see mine. The bottom line is they are still lying. Since they say the cars "... sticker" should show the new mileage but don't, I said they were doing it on purpose. It's a simple fix and the inaccurate rating still shows up on the 2014 Elantras. They said to me not to expect EPA rating. I said it was Hyundai that sent the information to the EPA, so they lied and I never expect to get the estimates state but 20% off or more is unacceptable and appears to be done to sell more cars.
Consumer Reports got it right. They said they got 27 MPG mixed driving.
Here's Hyundai's response for your reading moan of the day. They don't value our opinion. Enough of you have said that. I bought the car 1.3 years after this was supposed to be corrected.
Thank you for contacting Hyundai Motor America. Hyundai values your opinions and we appreciate you taking the time to contact us with your comments and suggestions about your Elantra.
We are extremely dismayed to learn about your concerns about the mileage on your Elantra.
If the MPG number on the Monroney label (the large sticker in the window of new cars) on your Elantra was incorrect, we do apologize. All of the old, incorrect stickers were to have been replaced by November 2, 2012. If you purchased your Elantra prior to this date, then there is a good chance that the label may be an old, inaccurate label.
If, however, you purchased your Elantra after November 2, 2012, the old Monroney label should have been removed, and a new, accurate label should have been put in it's place.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides basic fuel economy estimates which are intended to reflect "typical" driving conditions, but are also conducted in a controlled manner. The city and highway miles per gallon (MPG) estimates help consumers compare the fuel economy of different vehicles tested under the same procedures.
While the EPA estimates are a useful tool for comparing vehicles, there are many factors that affect gas mileage, including how the customer drives, vehicle condition, weather conditions, fuel quality variations, use of air conditioning and other accessories (e.g. roof racks, spoilers), etc. Given these factors, the actual mileage will almost certainly vary from the EPA estimates.
We have documented your concerns, and have forwarded them to the appropriate personnel for further review.
Bon apetite.
I too bought the 2013 Elantra Limited in October 2013 for the gas mileage and I am SEVERLY disappointed with the gas milage. I drive a combination of mixed highway and city driving, 110 miles each day. I average 20 MPG in the city, Never more than 32 on the hiway WITH the ECO button selected. Avg combined with the ECO button selected is 28.5 MPG. If I turn off the ECO button, I'm averaging 30-32 combined. BUT never more than 33 on the highway. I have 10.5K miles on it. I did not expect to get what was advertised on the window sticker, but I did expect it to be within 10%. So, the advertised 28 city should have been at least 25 MPG, getting more like 22 MPG. The 38 highway should have been at least 34.5 MPG, getting more like 32 MPG, and the combined Highway/City estimate of 32MPG is actually pretty close IF I keep the ECO button turned off... Dealer stated that they could find nothing wrong with the computer or the ECO system, and if I would leave the car for a couiple of days, they would have their technician drive it from the dealership to his house and back for a couple of days to see if they can duplicate the issues... Of course this is a non-starter... Anyone starting a class action lawsuit, sign me up as a co-paintiff...
The tires are bad and dangerous. There's an intermittent problem with the nav system. We all know the MPG advertised is fraudulent and Hyundai left it that way to sell more cars. I know NOT to go to the dealership because between the service department and the auto sales (spoke to both managers) they lied to me. I don't expect them to be capable of correcting something that can't be fixed (I would expect them to say leave it here but nothing would be done with it) and am concerned they'd mess it up more. I just got their coupons for regular maintenance but deleted them. Don't trust the dealership, I'm not giving them any more money and I would like to see them go bankrupt.
I'm trying to find a way to go after them but it will likely be as an individual. Class actions bring attention but nothing much is gained from them other than the lawyers getting rich.
godzylla58, I wondered if the ECO was making the mileage worse.
****I must be the lucky one,bought mine in Dec 2013 and I've been to Laughlin Nevada 4 times in 3 months from Avondale AZ.I get good gas mileage.I use half a tank with AC running one way 232 miles.For the money,meaning under 20.000$ I do not expect a Cadillac ride.The car is pretty smooth on the freeway and climb hill with no strain,there's freeway noise when it's windy.Overall so far so good for me.Sorry some of you have had bad experiences with your Elantra 2013..****
Had my car serviced last Friday,later on that day I noticed the low tire icon on my dash,and when I looked I saw my r/r tire almost on the ground.I spoke with Mr Ken P. and told him what had happened and with no hesitation he offered,even pleaded with me to bring the car back to have the tire checked.It was no big deal,I went on and put air in it myself.Two days later the same tire was flat.I took it back to the dealer and told them about my flat tire right after I had my car serviced.The service advisor by the name of Tara greeted me and took the car in with no fuss, no argument.They found a sharp object that punctured the tire,they fixed it for me with no charge.I was having a bad day,that gesture of good faith and service made my day better.I want to say thank you Mr Ken and big thanks to Tara for being so graceful and customer service oriented.I only have positive stuff to say when it comes to the Hyundai dealership in Avondale.Every time I go there,they treat me like I want to be treated.Thanks a bunch!!!
I purchased my Elantra July of last year. Haven't really had any major problems. My sales person was falling all over himself after I showed up on his lot and he didn't have the car I asked about. As I was about to leave he suddenly had a vehicle for me. My service department, no complaints there either.
Now a few months after I purchased my Elantra I received a letter in the mail from an attorney. My name must be in the Elantra data base somewhere. Anyway I was a little suspicious but called the number on the letter. I found out that this guy took it upon himself to file a class action lawsuit for Elantra owners in Virginia. He wants to make Hyundai pay for their false advertisement of 40 mile per gallon highway. Hey that's why I brought mine. Kia owners are doing the same thing. Not sure what the outcome is going to be, but there are a few suggestions presented to the attorney by us Elantra owners on what we want as a settlement. Now I wait and see what's going to happen. I advise other owners to check within their state to see if a law firm is doing the same thing.
Folks, I need your help. I'm entwined with a dealership issue that I will lose and need to get one fact straight. I have a 2013 Elantra Ltd (my bad). What is the real mileage that should be posted on the MSRP? My sticker is in front of my nose and it says 28 and 38. I get nowhere near that and their reimbursement program ended in 12/13 and I bought my car one month later. My city driving is around 21 - 22 mpg. Can I scream now
? I've always been gas conscious when buying cars (thank Pres. Carter for that ... lol) but this car needs to be put out of our misery.
Catr, I know you started this discussion a long time ago and again, I thank you.
I'm sorry that this issue has occured I hope that the problem resolves soon.
Hyundai has been a known offender lying about its gas mpg on there vehicles. They did it with the Sonata and got in trouble with a class action law suit. The only thing I could tell you is as your vehicle is broken in it may get a little better gas mileage.
23 Telluride SX-P X-Line, 23 Camry XSE
Guys, Yes, Hyundai appears to be close to the worst company out there. I can't go locally because of all the issues I've had with the dealership. I've seen too many reviews where people complain about low gas mileage. Out of all of them one was corrected - (maybe CATR's) - and it was a brake issue and that makes sense to me. They're the epitome of the definition of denial. I give up with this and will send my response about their issues back to BBB.
I think we all know to stay away from Hyundai and Kia. Ironically, stating all this will likely make our car values tank.
**I used to get better gas mileage when I first bought the car,now I'm getting something like 21-23 miles per gallon.If anyone has any good idea or a link to guide people in order to address or attack this problem,please pass it on here.I bought mine in Dec.2013 and I'm in Phoenix Az.Since coming to this site,I've been monitoring my gas tank and it does not look good,especially when you only drive in the city,the stop and go makes it worse.******
kingalbert4u: I do city driving and I'm getting about the same using my own manual calculations and that assumes the computer readouts are correct - gosh knows, it could be even lower... I've seen some comments about driving local without ECO on. I don't know if you use ECO but it's a shot.
I attempted to find out if the EPA and mileage testing was done using ethanol. I'm not sure. If I assume the logical (it's unleaded 10% ethanol in most petrol now) the mileage drops more and eats your engine. There's really not a cost-effective work-around for that (unless you ride a motorcycle or have a lawn mower (small gas tanks), you can buy products that work to somehow slow down the erosion ethanol does).
City and stop and go will be worse. No doubt about that. But the sticker shows 28 city and combined 32. I think they're still lying and there's no way around it that I've found. Even if you reduce this by 10 or 20% (it's what I've done for 40 years - don't believe the sticker), it doesn't come close to the garbage mileage many of us are getting.
I think the biggest issue is that Hyundai lied (hence the ongoing lawsuits), so I don't know if there really is an answer. The technicians in my area within 100 mi. radius don't appear to know what they're doing or they're told by Hyundai (or "encouraged") not to help the customer. It's what they did when they first came to this country and one of many reasons I wouldn't touch them. I just thought that in 20 years they had changed and thus far, I don't see that change (except they are mass-marketing and that's working).
Someone here said check the brakes. I don't get it but it couldn't hurt... if you trust the dealership or have a mechanic who know what he/she is doing. I have to go out of state to a dealership that was willing to fix a navigation issue where the local dopes wouldn't. So, good luck.
I'm not saying the numbers on the Moroney sticker are right on the mark, but even my trusty 04 Accord averages below the sticker unless I keep it at 70 on the highway for 90% of my driving. If you drive on decent roads with a light enough foot and at a reasonable speed, my experience suggests the car is very capable of returning superb fuel economy. It just may not be "fun to drive"