Used Sonata availability

I've been looking for a last generation Sonata. Unlike most people, I prefer the styling of the pre-2011 versions to the newer ones. I also prefer the smoothness of the V-6 over the 4, and since I don't drive that much, the mileage penalty is not that important to me.
What I have noticed is that there are about 5-10 times more 2011 and 2012 models listed on the various web sites than there are of the older versions. It doesn't matter if I check out specific dealer sites or the regional ones that cover lots of dealers. There are always many more '11s and '12s than there are '09s and '10s. This brings up the question why? Have they really sold that many more of the new versions than they did of the older models? Or is it that the the owners like the older models better and don't want to part with them? I would think that the market should be fairly heavy with '09s and '10s just coming off three year leases, but the newer models seem to be much more prevalent out there in the market.
Anybody have any comments? Thanks.
What I have noticed is that there are about 5-10 times more 2011 and 2012 models listed on the various web sites than there are of the older versions. It doesn't matter if I check out specific dealer sites or the regional ones that cover lots of dealers. There are always many more '11s and '12s than there are '09s and '10s. This brings up the question why? Have they really sold that many more of the new versions than they did of the older models? Or is it that the the owners like the older models better and don't want to part with them? I would think that the market should be fairly heavy with '09s and '10s just coming off three year leases, but the newer models seem to be much more prevalent out there in the market.
Anybody have any comments? Thanks.
Another reason you may find few 2009-10 Sonatas is, yes, they were very nice cars, with a redone interior for 2009 that IMO was the best in the mid-sized class at that time. And with the long warranty, owners might be trying to use up at least the b-to-b warranty before trading/selling.
Plus you are looking for a V6--much more rare than the I4s.