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Anyone have/remember the Swallow Doretti?

carphotocarphoto Member Posts: 37
OK, this is my first shot at this dicussion thing so I hope I get it right. Anyone have, used to have or faintly remember the Swallow Doretti sports car? Built 1954-1955, Triumph powered. I have one and am always looking for info, owners, recollections.


  • lokkilokki Member Posts: 1,200
    Motorbase says that only 276 of them were made.

    Wonder how many others are left, 45 years later?

    Very handsome, juding from the photo. Hope you find someone who can help.

    Here's a link to Motorbase


  • carphotocarphoto Member Posts: 37
    lokki, I've had this car for 15 years. Before that it belonged to my father-in-law. There is an informal owners group for the car. As far as we know there are about 80 known survivors worldwide, mostly in the US. The total production was actually slightly more than 276, some cars were assembled out of left over parts when the program was abrubtly canceled due to pressure from Jaguar.
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