We are aware of the login problems affecting the forums, and appreciate your patience as we work on a fix.
Did you recently purchase a new Tesla, Rivian or Lucid vehicle directly from the manufacturer and willing to share how your experience compared to previous vehicle purchases made through a traditional dealer? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 2/19 for details.
Hatchbacks: Pictures you'd like to share!

of some of the hatchbacks from Edmunds' Long Term Road Tests. ;-)
Hatchbacks Message Board
Hatchbacks Message Board
This discussion has been closed.
Edmunds Long Term Road Test: 2000 Ford Focus ZX3
Hatchbacks Message Board
Edmunds'long term road tests: 2000 Honda Insight
Hatchbacks Message Board
Hatchbacks Message Board
Perhaps we should start up a new discussion called on this board: "Hatchbacks for racing" or "Which is the fastest Hatchback?" Feel free to start one up on this message board, if you'd like to share some of your racing stories with us....
Thanks for posting your picture. ;-)
Hatchbacks Message Board
I don't think we want to start a topic which is the fastest hatchback. It will turn into my car is faster than yours and might start fights..
What you need is a new TOPIC called Competition/Racing. That oughta do it..
'06 Civic LX coupe
'11 BMW 335i coupe xDrive
'13 Honda Accord sedan (wife's car)
You will see what we cannot get!
I noticed other countries also get more
color choices (that I like anyway)
Its called the Honda Fit and will compete with the Toyota Vitz (known as Toyota Echo here) in Japan.
I know it was working properly when you first posted it here, so I have a feeling the problem is with the photopoint web site. You may want to check with them to see what's going on. Also, feel free to post a new vehicle pic with a working url. Thanks for your participation. ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
If you don't own the picture, it's always best just to provide us with a link/url to the picture location, instead of posting it directly it into the body of the message. Otherwise, we risk infringing on another individual's copy right protections. Please note, copy right infringement is also a violation of our Town Hall Member Agreement.
We appreciate the information that you share with us in our Town Hall discussions as long as it's within the guidelines of our membership agreement. Thanks for your participation. ;-)
Hatchbacks / Station Wagons / Women's Auto Center Boards
Sport Upgrade:
Do you have an upgrade to the GT?
Here's how to get this:
To demonstrate here, I'll be using "(" and ")" instead of "<" and ">" so you can see it. Use this html coding:
(img src="http://a332.g.akamai.net/f/332/936/12h/www.edmunds.com/pictures/209247.jpg")
Or: (img src="Photo URL address")
Don't forget, you want to replace the "(" and ")" with "<" and ">".
Btw, if you're using a url that's longer than 115 characters, you will most likely get a message saying "you cannot post a message longer than 115 characters". You can get around this obstacle, by hitting the "check spell" button before hitting the post.
Remember, posting copyrighted photos is a no-no. Unless, of course, you own the copyright. If you need more assistance, please let me know. Happy posting.
Hatchbacks & Station Wagons Boards
Also, their Cooper S was their ticket to the Italian Job movie premiere where it joined over 250 other Minis and Mini enthusiasts! ;-)
Hatchbacks & Wagons Boards