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Chevrolet Impala: Meet the Owners



  • charts2charts2 Member Posts: 618
    Was this Impala a two dr or 4 door?. If it was a two door the 1967 and 1968 Impalas were fast back models. More information is needed to narrow it down
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Just over 6-1/2 years from purchase, I hit 100,000 miles today on my 2000 Impala base model w/3.8l. I realize it's not that big a deal with modern cars, but still exciting to go from 5 digits to 6. Planning to drive this car another 2-3 years, so here's hoping I can get to 150k or so with no major problems.

    imageSee more Car Pictures at CarSpace.com

    Oddly enough, my "Change engine oil" light came on at 100,017...guess it's time to change those spark plugs too!
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,304
    Congratulations. Change the oil frequently on your 3800. Change the transmission fluid at 40-80-120 etc.. I hope you changed your plugs before 100K, like 60-70K. Change the dexcool every two years or 30K miles and your car will last to 250-300K mi.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Okay, apparently what I thought was a gentle request to come here to talk about things other than your Impala has been received by some as an invite to leave the site completely?! :confuse: That was not my intention at all and I apologize if anyone perceived it that way. It just seemed that there was a group of Impala fans that were becoming close friends and I simply didn't want their off topic remarks confuse and deter new members from posting. Believe it or not, but whenever a discussion does drift, I invariably get emails asking me if it's about abc, why are they talking about def?

    I hope that helps explain things and if you have questions, please let me know.

    And yes, I'm still digging out today. :sick:
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Thanks Karen....

    To be quite honest with you, under the circumstances and feeling the way I do right now , :confuse: I think the best thing for me to do here is to just take a long deep breath, and then give myself some space from all this...
    I'm sure we'll all talk again one day !
    Thanks everyone....!!
    Have fun and drive safe.
    Frank ;)
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    Whoa!!!...I left a message , went away for a day and ...what happened?...Well, to begin with , to be honest , It is hard to keep talking about your car, house, kids or anything without crossing over into other subjects!! Personally, I guess I should be over in the new jersey Chevy forum (did you know that New Jersey is the only state with it's very own forum?).I did feel that there was a "slap on the wrist" attitude from the host, I guess my question to Frank about the Blue jays set that off! Anyway, I'm not mad at Karen or anyone else...I left that message and shortly after left on an overnite personal matter!..My SS is in the garage, too much ice to bring it out, and at this point have no problems with it. Sooo, I guess I'll be here or over at the Jersey Forum talking about whatever!...Thanks to Frank for his concern, and Karen, our lovely and gracious host for her concerns about keeping things tidy around here, albeit my wrist is still hurting somewhat! :cry: .......Talk soon............bryan
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    Well, remember, the idea of the 2006+ forum is to talk about our cars, not just when something is wrong with them but whenever something makes us think it would be nice to share the story. I'm going to share a new discovery over there now. ;)
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    I will use this forum or the New Jersey one at all times now. I'm sure it will be ok the talk personally here and talk about our cars or whatever in this forum. For those of you who want to talk about anything in private about my Impala.....colchester47@yahoo.com...........talk later..............bryan
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Back when I got involved here in early 2000, there was just one board for the then new 2000 Impala. Over time a few splinter boards broke off (primarily audio-related), but there was one primary board where we all discussed everything related to the cars (and some things that weren't). While it may have been more difficult to search for things, I found myself checking the board daily to keep up. Fairly recently (was it a year or more ago; maybe when the 2006 broke cover?) Edmunds started tinkering with things here, and broke the Impala boards out into many, many different categories, and the community feeling that had developed started to dissolve. I've hung around to provide what info I could for the 2000-2005 owners, and while I don't know much about the 2006+ models, I have enjoyed seeing a sense of community forming around this car as well.

    Based on the current setup, maybe it does make sense to make this forum the more community-oriented one, and then post things that are pertinent in the other topic-specific forums. There'll end up being some duplication, but I'd rather find myself reading some things twice, than coming here and finding nothing new to read at all. :)
  • robs6wagonrobs6wagon Member Posts: 68
    Hi Bryan, Frank, and all, I just want to say (again) that I very much appreciate all the tips, advice, and good old-fashioned humor that you have shown me during my "conversion" from some Japanese made car, to the incredibly exciting and tastefully crafted Impala SS!!! Many, many, many thanks for all your help. I hope to be able to continue to talk to you fine folks over at the site, or here, etc........thanks again! -Rob
  • 944s944s Member Posts: 42
    hi im sorry to post this here but the maintance and repair forums look inactive since about last month... i have a very serious (and expensive) problem with this impala. the car is overheating a lot, i have already replaced the water pump (2 times), thermostat(3 times), radiator fans, coolant temp sensor and the coolant level sensor, and it is still overheating. i need some help as to what can be causing the problem. any answers yould be creatly appreciated.
    thank you!
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    I haven't had any overheating problems with my 2000 3.8, but considering you've pretty much replaced everything in the cooling system with no success EXCEPT the radiator, could that be the problem?

    It might help the diagnosis if you can give an example of how/when the car overheats...how you were driving, for how long, weather conditions, etc. When you say it's overheating, is it literally spewing coolant somewhere, and/or is the temp gauge getting into the red zone...or is the gauge reading hotter than "normal" but below the red zone?
  • 944s944s Member Posts: 42
    oh i forgot to mention that the radiatior was also replaced.. what seem to be happening is the coolant is not circulating throughout the system. i doubt one of the hoses is clogged. and the water pump works becaure there is pressure.when i start the engine the hoses are hard to the touch,,, and what it seems to do it spits it back through the reservoir. as for the gauge, it quickly goes up, if i dont shut the engine off it will go all the up :sick:
  • emmanuelchokeemmanuelchoke Member Posts: 97
    Losing coolant through the reservoir is a classic symptom of leaking head gaskets. The wife's Alero with the 3.4 did exactly that.
  • 944s944s Member Posts: 42
    thx a lot man i appreciate it!
  • phaetondriverphaetondriver Member Posts: 175
    I have read a lot of postings about radio, RKE/fob, and tire pressure issues in the Impala forum.
    I do not own one, YET, but I am seriously considering one. My question is should I buy a new 07 because Chevrolet has fixed these problems or should I save a couple grand buying an 06?
    BTW, it will be an LT/V-6 :shades:
    Thanks for any and all recommendations/suggestions.
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    Why not go for a leftover SS?
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    I'm pretty sure all the common problems have been fixed. I addressed them somewhere in one of these Impala forums. If you have a particular concern, I'll try to answer it for you. But, an '06 3.9L won't have DOD if that's something you're interested in. Otherwise, it's the same car. :)
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    true, If power is what you want ..go with the SS...otherwise ..it doesn't matter..
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Wow..this is somewhat disappointing..... You know, I really don't want to cause a problem here for myself, but, Holy Moly Batman...what's going on here. Hey guys, am I reading too much into this and taking something too personal, or what...?? Would you please help me understand this one..!! I can logically see a different posting topic area beteween the 2005 and 2006 Impala...Ya, it's a much different car. Ok then, why do we now have a different posting topic area for the 2006 and the 2007 Impala ????!!! Come-on now...What's so different here ...? The '06 & '07 sure look and act like the same car to me....Same body, same features ,same options, same problems, etc, etc.
    So, do ya think, we are all getting too close here...?? I don't want to cause a problem for y'all, but hey, Ron, Bryan, if you care to, please help me with some of your usual good reasoning here..Calm me down...i'm ticked!!
    Frank :mad:
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Uhhmmm....all I'm trying to do is help out new people who won't venture into a discussion with 2006 tacked on it because they're either buying or thinking about purchasing the 2007. There's no conspiracy here. I thought it would be welcome. :( I will change the title to 2007 New Owner Reports if that is more acceptable.
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    lol...Well, actually while all this was happening I was re-falling in love with my '06 here..washed her....waxed her...ahhhh...true love! My wife says she doesn't know how or why men can fall in love with a car!!! Anyway, Frank, I see your point here,we know the 07's are identical to our 06's, and then I can see Karens point also (rubbing my wrist as I typing, darn thing still hurts). Not everyone out there is as astute about cars as we are. Some people who are not 'into' cars may not know the 06's and 07's look alike, smell alike,feel alike......so for me this time I'll sit on the fence...I can see both sides this time...of course it behoves Karen to tell the 07 buyers to come and talk with us since we are without a doubt the most intelligent,kind-hearted group in here :blush: .................ok, let me go now , finish cleaning up my baby................talk later..
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    While I don't necessarily like all the subheadings (because you can't count on people to use them and end up searching through unrelated subjects to find info), this one is acceptable to me. It will help the '07 owners avoid the common '06 woes and concentrate on any new '07 woes, such as the chipping red paint.

    Frank, don't feel like you're being uninvited. I'm sure the '07 crowd will value our insight and experience and enjoy rubbing it in as to how their FOBs worked as advertised from the start. :)
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Ya know , I personally don't like all the subheadings
    here , but I'm willing to work with it ....I still consider this to be one of the best, if not the best , Impala forum's around !! Great bunch of Guys. Some times we (I) get a little emotional and wrapped up in our(my) way of thinking and we (I)can't see the forest for the trees, as they say. So thank you to my two friends who made some very valid points and helped me through this..!! Much appreciated Ron,& Bryan .! I knew I could count on you to impart some wisdom...
    And Karen, sorry for being such a pain in the back-side here, you do a great job..... :blush: I know it's not easy!!
    Hey guys....I love my Chevy !!!
    Many Thanks,
    Frank ;)
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    No problem! Just please know that if you have any questions about the Forums, don't hesitate to ask! Drop me an email any time. :)
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Hey Bryan,

    Hi there my friend....just wanted to make sure everything ok..??
    That sure was a rip roaring posting !! :mad:
    Frank ;)
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    I was just being goofy....I'm irish, so I was just getting geared up for a celebration tonite....... ;) .......Love my Impala.....take care....... :)
  • alwjordanalwjordan Member Posts: 1
    Hello just wondering if anyone is having trouble with door weather stripping and key fobs? I purchased new 2007 in october the dealer has replaced the passenger rear and that has not solved the problem. now the key lost distance.it used to work 200ft away now it barely goes 12ft away.If there is no recall in site I,ll be forced to seek an attorney. Case in point I would not recommend buying this car! ">
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Hey Bryan,

    Gee, I wonder what you would have done if GM made a Leprechaun green available back in '06.. :surprise: Hmmmmmmmmmm very interesting !!! This would have certainly set you apart from you know who...!!
    Well, I'm am sort of an inquisitive guy here for the most part and some thing has just hit me !! :blush: Ya, probably a little slow on the up-take.... I sometimes like to figure out what's behind certain names here... I realize that it could be kind of personal and certainly none of my business .But, is it Colonel Bryan Chester..??

    Talk soon
    Frank ;)
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    Welcome to CarSpace Forums!

    Sorry you're experiencing problems so early into ownership. For the key fob issue, you might want to check out this discussion

    Chevrolet Impala Key Fob Questions
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Hi there alwjordan.. Hey, don't give up so soon..!!! :surprise:

    Yes, there is a " Technical Service Bulletin" (TSB) and fix for your Fob (transmitter)problems...See post # 47 for actual TSB explanation and then read all our experiences and comments etc. in this discussion title.
    Good Luck.......
    Frank ;)
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242

    Frank ;)
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Hey, alwjordan, what kind of problems are you having with the weatherstripping and why did they replace it?
  • quietproquietpro Member Posts: 702
    Wasn't the TSB or '06 models? I think he's the first with an '07 with problems. I think when I take mine in, I'll check the FOBs on a new '07 while I'm there. Maybe it's just been too early to hear about the '07s? Hmmmm....

  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Hi Ron,

    My understanding is that the current TSB covers all 2006 and 2007 Chevrolet Impala and Monte Carlo models....see copy of TSB in posting # 47 of this discussion title.....

    Well, I don't think they are all exempt from this... Some of the guys around here are having the same 'ole problems with some of their '07's. Let me know your experience when you find out.
    Frank ;)
  • mymittiesmymitties Member Posts: 242
    Hey Bryan...
    To be on the safe side, I thought I better post over here...As you well know, Karen has her wicked wrist slap thing , but Kirstie ??!! Geee, I don't like blood and stuff... You never know who's lurking about now.. do you !!

    Sooooo, anyway, Something just hit me here..!!
    With all your senority here (no not age) with this forum, and your vast histoical Impala experience and knowledge, why aren't you Hosting.?? You get my vote.

    Enjoy the day...
    Frank ;)
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    Not sure how reliable I'd be...and I've never been asked. I have been in here for quite some time, back in '99 when everyone was buying the new 2000 Impalas this place was a hopping forum. My profile says I was here since April '01 , but thats when they started keeping record. I was here in '99, maybe a little before. I think I've been around before most of the hosts have been. But, I appreciate your vote, and yes I have seniority in age as well...thats why my SS is a real "sleeper"....I need my nap every afternoon.... :) ......picture a young kid pulling up along side this old gray bearded guy in a maroon car....then I blow them away...it's so embarrassing for them if their girlfriend is with them!!.......wishful thinking.... ;) .....anyway, take care......bryan
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    I'm as old as it gets here. :sick: Been in these parts in one aspect or another since the Forums started in '97.

    FYI: The 4/13/01 start date was when we went to a different software vendor.
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    Yeah, that makes you an old-timer...for sure..... :sick:
  • colchester47colchester47 Member Posts: 261
    I'm hoping this is under the right forum......As of today, I have decided not to post anymore on the Edmunds forums. This is my last post. I wish everyone the best of luck with their Impalas.........I'm requesting that the Host/Hosts remove me as a member, thank you........bryan
  • nosirrahgnosirrahg Member Posts: 872
    Sorry to see you go...I've been posting here since early 2000 when I ordered my Impala, and you're right it was often THE busiest forum on Edmunds. While there are obviously some big fans of the current 2006+ Impala here, it hasn't had the same following on Edmunds as the 2000 did. The upcoming 2009/2010 Impala promised to invigorate the boards, but now there's talk that they're on hold and might not happen to the CAFE standards.

    Anyway, I hate to see you go; I'll likely hang around here for at least another couple of years until I decide what I'm going to buy next. I'm trying to stay loyal to GM if I can, but lots of things could change in the next two years.
  • wbowl99wbowl99 Member Posts: 133
    Bryan, although I haven't been around but a few months, I do appreciate all the help/advice you given, even if we women made you feel like you had a girlie car :D .

    I know you will be missed, by me and others. Happy cruising, er, spinning.

    Wanda --
  • kwhit60kwhit60 Member Posts: 2
    Hello Everyone,
    I am changing my brakes and rotors on 2008 Impala LT. Can someone tell me what tool I need to actually remove the rotor off the hub? Is it the star shaped bolt (allen)on the disc? If yes what size would that be?
This discussion has been closed.