GMC Safari/Chevy Astro Warning Lights
I know this is a silly answer but the first thing I would check is the gas cap. The vehicle has a sensor for pressure & will give a check engine light if not tight or leaking. Just my 2 cents.
My 97 sits a lot and sometimes runs rough on startup giving the check engine light. I reset it and everything is OK.
If it continues to come on you are probably going to the dealer to have them run the code scanner. And hope that someone has not been running premium fuel and the injector pressure regulator is out. The list price of the injector unit is $470.00. The thing is only sold as a unit. My 97 was replaced at 27,000 miles under warranty.
If it is an O2 sensor, and there are three of them at about $70.00 ea. even at auto Zone.
Those are the unpleasant thoughts that I have on the subject.
Had similar problems, 1993 Safari XLT with 120k had stalling, low power, "Check Engine" light, etc. Had valve seals replaced twice due to smoking at start-up, and EGR continually clogged. Local mechanic, who works on several Safari/Astros did the following:
- replaced catalytic, it was bad
- replaced O2 sensors, which had been repeatedly nuked due to clogged injectors/EGR valve
- did an intake flush, I think it was BTG-system?
- removed EGR and ran the van on the road (with the EGR still removed) to blow out residual carbon in the intake manifold
- replaced EGR with a new unit.
Since then, I use a bottle of Techron fuel cleaner each month and switched to regular 87 octane. Last 20k miles have been the best running ever for the van! I was ready to heave the beast prior to this last ditch fix, but the improvements are dramatic. Also saw a site on the Van forum for a firm that makes an EGR screen to catch the carbon particles before they enter the EGR assembly, mounts on the base between the intake and EGR itself. There's also a PROM update that the dealer has that cycles the EGR open at cruise, probably to allow carbon to blow out? Good luck!
Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated
Good Luck
It's a 4.3L fuel injection engine. This time after trying to jump it, it just won't start..kinda feels like it wants too. It diesels a little after each attempt.
When the key is in the on position the service engine soon light is on and the check gauges light is on. I did a scan (with my battery almost dead) and it said the scan was successful but no trouble code found and said the MIL indicator was off?
Could it be my battery just needs to be charged or replaced?
Why is the check engine light on but no error code when scanned?
Should I try a scan with a fully charged battery?
Thanks for any help.
Thank Qloco.
Thats where im at now. Haven't checked fuel pressure yet
i had a check engine light on for awhile with a code
po301- no.1 cyl misfire. i'v replaced and tuned up everything and the problem is still runs rough with no power and sucks gas the engine light flashes all the time and no one can tell me what the flashing stands for.the flashing tells me what?i've checked the books and they don't address
the light flashing compared to just being on.
any help is appreciated.
"#43 electronic spark timing (EST) circuit - low voltage detected / electronic spark control (ESC)- circuit problems".
and the abs fault is
"#8 shorted dump valve circuit or faulty ecu".
both these lights started coming on within a day of each other...i kinda sounds like maybe something is not putting out enough voltage or something.
any ideas what it could be??...
P.S. I am fairly unhappy with all the little problems this vans has thrown at me for the last 8 years. The latest big one was the now infamous coolant leak from the poorly designed intake manifold gasket.
I have asked a few people, even a mechanic freind. The usual answer, "GMs do that a lot, I wouldn't worry about it".
I would like to sell it, but I don't think this will look good. Any ideas or suggestions? :confuse:
The check engine light stays on. I am new to this and I can use some help. The van drives fine, starts good and the motor sounds really good.
I understand that there are code readers out there that can reset the computer; is this correct? What type of reader works the best?
I also noticed that the airbag light stays on, can anyone tell me what to look for?
Finally the horn doesn't work.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
My ABS light and the red brake lights came on the other day at the very end of a long stop on a slippery road. The brake pedal went just about all the way down during this sequence but nothing seemed to be wrong. Just as the car stopped, the lights came on.
I think it is a nuisance light since the brakes, front and rear, work just fine. My question is... How do I reset the ABS module to see if there really is something wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
Does anyone know if this is a upstream or downstream sensor.Thanks
The fix was less than $100 dollar and it was very easy.
There are two companies that do this and give you a warranty for their work:
ASI (Automotive Scientific Inc) (HINT: their Ebay listings are way cheaper!
And the other company is Module Master:
You can ship it to them and still drive your vehicle. Your brakes will work just fine, but the ABS feature won't until you replace the controller. Just make sure you cover the other half of the ABS unit on your car. You'll want to protect it from debris and water.
Best of luck.