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Subaru Forester Windshield Cracks

dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
edited February 2014 in Subaru
...my windshield is cracked again, the second time in five months of ownership.

[rant to follow]

I posted a complaint back in January that my 06 FXT windshield seems to attract flying rocks better (or worse, depending on how you look at it) than any car I've ever driven. I get hit at least once a week, on average. For the most part the rocks just bounce off.

I had my first windshield replaced back in January after a rock cracked it on December 31st. Today coming home from work I heard a small stone hit the windshield but didn't think anything of it because it wasn't that loud so I figured all was ok. Wrong. Five minutes later I noticed a crack spreading from the bottom of my windshield, directly behind the drivers edge of the hood scoop - the EXACT same place it was hit cracked the first time - and DIRECTLY through the heating element in the glass.

Two cracks in five months - at this rate I'm looking at 4 windshield replacements per year. And Subaru glass (esp with the heating element) ain't cheap. Fortunately my insurance company covers the entire cost of replacement, but I can't imagine they won't start asking questions after a few of these each year.

With all the flying rock action you'd think I have chips and dents all over my hood as well - but that isn't the case. There's only one chip on my hood - everything seems to hit the glass. And this is on the interstate, not a gravel road. I'm sure that I was going 80+ when it happened didn't help, but c'mon.

Sorry for the rant, but as you can imagine this is frustrating.



  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    ...at this rate...

    I'm sure it is simply a statistical anomaly. Even if the probability of having your windshield crack is 1 in 1,000 over 3 months it becomes a virtual certainty that of 100,000,000 drivers on the road someone, somewhere and sometime will have it happen twice. It just happened to be you this time.

    tidester, host
  • dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
    I understand that at this point it's easy to pass off as an anomaly... but I'd wager that it cracks again within the next six months. :sick:

    I wasn't surprised the first time it cracked (like I said, it gets hit relatively often), and I'm not really surprised that it happened again.

    Maybe it's an anomaly. Then again, maybe some unfortunte combo of the mediocre aerodynamics of a boxy SUV shaped vehicle, mixed with the in-between ride height, make it more prone to this sort of thing. My brother for instance drives the taller, even boxier Pathfinder and says that most stray rocks hit his front fascia or the hood.

    On the other hand I haven't heard too many Forester drivers lament about this, so I could just have s*** luck. :confuse:

  • jeqqjeqq Member Posts: 221
    especially trucks and motorcycles. Those guys are usually the worst offenders.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    It may not be entirely scientific, but you may try asking the folks who replaced your windshields whether it's a common problem with Foresters.

    tidester, host
  • dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
    Since both windshield cracks have resulted from a rock striking the glass down low, on the wiper heating element, it may be due to a weakness in that area of the glass. I'm not sure exactly how the element is constructed, though, to know whether this is a legitimate theory.

    I'm no physicist either, but I've also been considering the fact that the dash/console sits flat up against the bottom few inches of the windshield where these breaks have occured - would this make the rock's energy more difficult to transfer through the glass (as it might if there were only the open cabin on the other side of the glass), resulting in the glass taking the brunt of the force? :confuse:

    I'm analyzing too much. One thing I know for sure is I need to stop thinking and get back to work!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Stew, get back to work! (just kidding!)

    Seriously, yes, there may be some systemic problem resulting in extraordinary stress on the glass. I only offered the "statistical anomaly" hypothesis because I haven't heard of any unusual incidence of windshield cracks in the Forester. Of course, that does not exclude the possibility of "real" problems.

    tidester, host
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Bummer, but my guess it's a combination of:

    * the Forester sitting relatively low
    * an upright windshield
    * bad luck

    Mine is still original, almost 9 years old. Knock on wood.

  • dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
    I think you're right, Juice. The angry villagers hurling stones at me certainly isn't helping, though... :P
  • p0926p0926 Member Posts: 4,423
    I'm analyzing too much

    Bingo! Between my two Foresters I've driven over 100k and while I've had two chips repaired, I've not had to replace the windshield. Most of my miles are hwy miles in heavy traffic doing 70-80mph so it's not like my windshield glass doesn't take a lot of abuse either!

    Does your commute include a lot of trucks hauling dirt, gravel etc? For sure I avoid following behind any type dump truck and always try to keep at least one lane between us when passing (obviously not an option on a rural 4-lane hwy).

  • dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
    Does your commute include a lot of trucks hauling dirt, gravel etc? For sure I avoid following behind any type dump truck and always try to keep at least one lane between us when passing (obviously not an option on a rural 4-lane hwy).

    Both times the guilty rock was kicked up by either a passenger car or SUV, if I remember right. Divided interstate, three lanes on each side, relatively straight and clean. In fact both happened on the same two-mile section; part of my daily 11 mile commute.

    For now I'll pass it off as bad luck. If it happens again soon, rest assured I'll be back to let you all know about it. :)

  • jtm4jtm4 Member Posts: 60
    We've had our '98 Forester for almost eight years, over 100k, with very few problems. Two weeks after we bought the Forester the windshield cracked. I had it replaced with a PPG windshield and haven't had a problem since. I've heard different theories as to why the Forester windshields are more susceptible to cracking...bug guards, angle of windshield, etc. If it was the windshield angle you would think we would have had another issue since the replacement. We used to have a bug guard but don't use one anymore. By the way, if anyone needs a bug guard for a '98 Forester let me know.

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    The irony is that we have had three windshields crack - but it was never my Forester.

    My wife's 626 went through 2 of them. We replaced the original, then the new one cracked. We sold it and gave a credit to the buyer to replace it. The original was Carlex and the replacement was PPG, so that didn't make any difference.

    Our Legacy has a crack now, too, and that's a Carlex.

    I think she follows too closely!

  • quigllquigll Member Posts: 2
    I think there is a problem with the Forrester and windshields. In Oct 2002 I bought a 2001 Forrester. Two weeks after, my first large crack in the windshield. Should have been replaced. I soon got another crack. I went a year and finally replaced it. 3 days after my first replacement...again...crack, the size of a CD along the bottom. I ignored it for over a year (Dings here and there) After a year, I woke up one morning to find it had spiderwebed along the bottom.....time to replace AGAIN!!! One week after the replacement I bought a 2006 Forrester. Exactly 14 days later a ding which has now become a crack along the entire width of the windshield. In 3 and a half years I have gone a total of 4 weeks without a cracked windshield in my Forresters. I don't know what to do. I am sick about getting this fixed. Thankfully I have glass insurance but once you replace a windshield, the part where the inside of the roof and glass meet is never the same.
  • dstew1dstew1 Member Posts: 275
    Four weeks in 3.5 years of ownership without a cracked windshield? Wow. I've been patient with fixing my latest crack - it's been there a month and stopped spreading at about 16 inches - but I'm not sure I could be as patient as you've been.

    I haven't gotten mine fixed in large part because I knew I'd be driving over 2000 miles in April (a normal month for me is about 1200) and with that kind of mileage didn't want to risk cracking a new windshield.

  • pretzelbpretzelb Member Posts: 64
    think there is a problem with the Forrester and windshields.

    As someone who may buy an 06 X I really hope this isn't true.
  • subearusubearu Member Posts: 3,613
    If there was a problem, then every Forester windshield would be breaking (or there'd be more reports of them breaking), and that is not the case. The Forester windshield is fairly vertical, so it much like other fairly vertical windshields will be subject to more debris that can cause cracks.

  • higwenhihigwenhi Member Posts: 1
    This is a very interesting forum. I have a 2006 Forester--I got a small chip on the lower driver side window from a rock thrown by a car--very small. This was soon after buying it. Today I was driving on the freeway and heard a noise--you guessed it--another rock spewed by either one of the two mid-size trucks ahead of me (in the slow lane yet!). I now have a 7" crack on the lower passenger side front window. Went right to my insurance man and having this fixed soon--I have NEVER in all my years had a cracked windshield, and now I have two chips/cracks. I bought the Forester for safety!
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,376
    Interesting. I have owned three Subarus (96, 07, 08) and while rock chips are an almost daily occurrence here, non of the chips ever developed cracks. My cars were never garaged, which does reduce the likelihood that the chips will form cracks, but the development of cracks mostly depends on the stresses on the windshield. chips near the edges will tend to crack easier than those in the middle. The size of the object and force of the impact will affect the chances of cracking, etc.

    It sounds to me like the windshield did its job just fine. When you start getting pelted in the face with rocks, then you have a serious problem with your windshield.... :P
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Well, at least you got the 2nd crack before you replaced it. Imagine if you had replaced it and then got the crack on the brand new windshield.

    Make sure you're not following the car in front of you too closely, as this has happened twice. Even if the rock doesn't crack the windshield, it could scratch your paint or damage your radiator.

    I suggest a 2+ second following distance, no matter the speed.
  • p0926p0926 Member Posts: 4,423
    I've got 3 chips in my 04's windshield (plus numerous pits & scratches). I just drove it across country and was half hoping for it to get hit by something big enough to cause a crack so I'd have an excuse to replace it ;) However, I heard recently that if you had multiple chips the Insurance company will replace rather than repair. Anybody else heard that?

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Not sure.

    I've heard ads for a local place that will replace any chip or crack smaller than a credit card. They even say most insurance covers the whole cost.
  • onoffroadonoffroad Member Posts: 17
    08 Forester ! First two chips {small rocks} ! As I wash auto,more chips ! Weeks later,more chips ! Looks like "popcorn" windshield ! I think it's thin or faultee and even bugs or chipen it !
  • diznjdiznj Member Posts: 1
    I bought my forrester brand new a month ago. While my car was parked for 2 days in my driveway a stress crack appeared. It starts on the bottom on the driver side where you can no longer see the window comes up and makes a turn toward the passenger side. The crack is inside the glass, you cant feel anything. I figured no big deal subaru will replace the windshield. Of course I was wrong. The service manager kept digging a pen in the crack until he finally made a mark then said something hit my windshield. I am now worried that subaru warranty is just a peice of paper. I think there is definately a windshield problem as I saw alot of similar storys and Im very discouraged that subaru dont take responsibilty and honor their warranty. It is obvious on my car that it is a stress crack, a defective windshield from the manufacturer.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    He couldn't have started a hole with a pen - that's just to check if there is indeed a "pit" where the crack may have started.

    If you don't trust him, ask a SafeLite glass expert to inspect it again. They'll do the same thing with the pen.

    If there is indeed a pit mark there, it was indeed caused by a rock or something, and only spread later, when the temperature changes caused expansion/contraction.

    If they observe no such pit mark, ask them to put that in writing and see if they can put in a warranty claim on your behalf.
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,376
    Yep, most likely it was a small rock that caught the extreme edge of the glass. If any weakness is introduced right along the edge, it will lead to a stress crack (most likely the next time the temperature changes). The fact that it occurred overnight after the chip is no surprise at all. It's just bad luck - we all have it now and again. :cry:
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • sflorasflora Member Posts: 35
    Got a windshield chip yesterday. Actually saw it coming as I drove on the highway, a small object came curving in off the port bow and hit my windshield dead center with a really loud "Thwack!" I generally keep my distance when following but it didn't help this time. I was sure the windshield would be damaged beyond repair, but it was just a tiny chip. Took it to the glass man today and it was fixed 30 mins. later. I had put a small piece of masking tape over the chip to mark it for repair and keep it clean, the guy said that was a good move.

    It was a little surprising how some noises are much louder in this type of car than my previous one (a coupe with a raked-back windshield.) I've had things hit the windshield and make such a noise I was sure there was damage, but never found any. It was a bit startling at first but I'm used to it now. Rain on the big flat roof is much louder too!
  • rrenorreno Member Posts: 1
    :cry: 2004 Forester. Love the car but Oh, my. Anything hits the car and it's off for a new windshield. Number 7 this a.m. Also, When I now step on the gas peddle, I hear a sign that either sounds like hair escaping or a scraping sound????
  • robinjorobinjo Member Posts: 1
    That's the very same thing that happened to my forester and my friends outback. I took it to the dealer It's a 2010. They said it had been hit by something but there's no sign of that. It's started on the driver's side by the inspection sticker and then went all the way across to the passenger side.
  • jomaeprujomaepru Member Posts: 1
    My first subaru and my last! I have taken a couple Chysler minivans and a Toyota Rav4 over 110,000 miles without a windshield crack problem...so it's not 'my driving distance'. It's a problem with poor glass +/or design! There was no 'pit' until the guy at the dealership dug his pen into it...and anyway, the size of the minuscule pit should NOT have caused the problem of a cracked windshield! My thoughts are poor glass quality combined with design and the heat from the black dashboard on a cold day. Came out to the crack while parked for the day in a parking lot on a cold, snowy day in MN... and they market these as tough cars---what a laugh!! Subaru is NOT accepting any responsibility...
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I doubt a pen could dig into a glass windshield to create a pit, FWIW.
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,376
    edited April 2011
    I agree that the Forester's windshield is far more prone to cracking than anything else I have experienced. I was lucky and went about 16,000 miles with my 2010 without a single chip - longer than with most any other car I have owned. Unfortunately, the first chip resulted in my first crack! It was just a tiny little thing, well away from the edge of the windshield, but within a few hours it had started to run a crack vertically along the passenger side.

    I have received dozens of chips in other vehicles, including about 20 in the windshield of my 1996 Outback (many of which were large dime-size plus), and none have produced a crack save for one in my 98 Escort that was on the very edge of the windshield.

    I seriously doubt the issue has anything to do with dash heat being different from that produced by other cars. It is more likely to be the glass itself. They just don't make it like they used to. ;)

    When the value of currency tanks like the dollar has, something has to give to keep prices down.

    About fifteen years ago, I took a rock in the windshield of my 1969 Ford Econoline during a trip to Alaska. It was the first chip in the (original) windshield, which was sad enough by itself, but the rock that hit was a monster that resulted in a spiderweb chip about the size of a silver dollar. Fifteen years later, that chip still hasn't resulted in the damage expanding from its source. My '69 Chevy pickup has a similar chip (though somewhat smaller), under similar circumstances, in its windshield (which is also original) with the same results.
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    For us the irony is that we've had two windshields crack, but both were on our Mazdas. And we're on our 3rd Subaru.
  • margie12margie12 Member Posts: 1
    I bought my Suburu a year and a half ago and the front windshield is riddled with chips and cracks. I have had Ravs and Hondas before and never experienced anything like this. Once I get even a minor chip, within seconds it morphs intoa huge crack. I now have about 5 different cracks all over the windshield. Luckily the vision is still good but it is not aesthetically pleasing at all. Is this because of cheap glass? I am using the same roads I always used. Is there a glass I can order that will not crack as easily? I will replace the windshield but I am sure it will be full of cracks within a few months. Does Suburu have anything to say about this? Would it be worth contacting them? This is a shame because I love the car otherwise.
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,376
    I imagine their response would be something akin to "ma'am we have no control over the size and frequency of rocks contacting your windshield." In other words, no, it would do no good (to you), but I still think it is worth bringing it to their attention. :sick:

    I don't think this windshield is any more prone to chipping or pitting, but it is certainly more prone to cracking as a result of those chips/pits.

    It is possible that a replacement windshield would be more durable, but it all depends on the manufacturing source and the quality of the workmanship that goes into it. If you get a Subaru "OEM" unit, no, it's going to be just as flimsy. :sick:
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
  • subarukathysubarukathy Member Posts: 1
    I had a chip that led to a crack, I had the windshield replaced and the tech that came and replaced it told me the windshields they put in at the factory are very thin and chip easy. He replaced it with a much thicker windshield and it even has a heater in it( i live in a cold climate). I have done a lot of open highway driving since having it replaced and haven't had a chip since. I hope I'm not jinxing myself! So if you can have the windshield replaced, I was able to claim it on my insurance.
  • paulahspaulahs Member Posts: 1
    Today I noticed a crack in my front windshield. No chip, just a crack. Hairline up the middle of the windshield about 5" starting at the bottom by the wipers, and then it veers off to look like a CRACK. The hairline ALMOST looks like it's a line in the glass, like a defroster or something. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a defect? :confuse:
  • dmwesqdmwesq Member Posts: 1
    Add me to the list. Just came out the other morning to find the windshield cracked. Ran my hand over the entire windshield in and out and couldn't find anything remotely resembling a chip that would have caused the crack. Do not recall anything recently hitting the windshield either, although I am sure like most cars some road debris has been kicked up into my windshield. The crack looks like it starts at the extreme bottom of the windshield. Have had this Subaru for 1 year. Have owned 4 other Subaru's, but this is my first Forester. I expect to get nowhere with the dealership but will certainly try there before hitting the glass replacement store - insurance will cover but would rather have Subaru replace as it certainly seems like a defect that should be covered under warranty. Subarukathy's comment about thicker replacement glass sounds promising if I have to have replacement done on my own.
  • tomasdelsoltomasdelsol Member Posts: 2
    I owned my 2011 Forester for about a month when my first chip appeared. There's also a 1/4 inch crack that hasn't grown. I'm about 10 months in and there's another small crack now. Both were from small debris on the highway. But the windshield definitely seems very, very prone to chipping and cracking.
  • jrgodspropjrgodsprop Member Posts: 1
    I don't normally join in forums like this but I have owned for 2011 Forester for exactly 2 months when I was driving home from Thanksgiving holiday. I heard a loud pop but saw nothing. Two days later the weather dropped 20 degrees and I notice a long crack along the bottom of my windshield. I have owned several other cars but didn't expect to have to replace the windshield after 2 months. I will have to rethink Subaru when I purchase my next vehicle. :lemon:
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    The loud pop means you hit something pretty solid, sounds like it would have damaged any windshield, not just Subaru's...
  • robert142robert142 Member Posts: 18
    I notice that rain sounds much louder on the subaru windshield than any of my previous cars. Rain makes a tinkling sound much like hail. in fact the first time I heard it I thought it was hail but then realized that it was too warm out to be hail. I think that the windshield is thin. Who knows why.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Do yours have a moonroof? It's probably just more glass causing that.
  • jmwavejmwave Member Posts: 1
    Same car same problem. No chips no rocks. Bought a new 2011 Forester in October. Just yesterday after using defroster on hi noted a long horizontal crack by the windshield wipers. From what has been posted, Subaru may be using substandard windshield glass. I have had many different cars for many years and this is the first time I experience a crack in a brand new car without having a rock hit the glass. Even after having a chip on the windshield seldom has it expanded.
  • jrh6jrh6 Member Posts: 1
    This is ridiculous - same old thing - small crack starts out from edge of drivers-side glass - no chips and there never have been - just cheap, thin glass. This is my last Forester. Great car otherwise, but a bit small. I am done with cheap, thin glass.
  • laromeolaromeo Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I just purchased a new Forester 2012 2 months ago, less then 800miles on the car. This is my first Subaru car. Two days ago I noticed a stress crack in my front window. There was no trauma to the window. It is an interesting crack. It originates at the top midline of the window and travels in a waveform fashion down to the driver's side. It does not interfere with me driving. It ends at the level of my inside adjustable rear view mirror. I called the dealership where I purchased the car and the mechanic's replied, "we do not do glass". The mechanic never asked me if there was trauma to the car's window. I called Subaru's national 1-800 number, and they were very helpful. Chris, the representative stated to take it back to Subaru and find out if it is a defective window or not. I am in the process to go to another dealership,different from the place I purchased my car
  • eastbayjeastbayj Member Posts: 4
    I have a 2011 forester I got last Nov. I took a road trip up to Wa from Ca and on the way back we got hit by a rock on the driver side of the windshield near the wiper. The crack was only 3 inches long, we stopped for the night and it grew to 3 times the size!!! and kept going on the way back home... I didnt think I'd get anywhere with the dealership so I came here to tell my :( story.
  • aathertonaatherton Member Posts: 617
    Did you not think the dealer would replace a windshield cracked by a rock, except on an insurance claim?
  • aathertonaatherton Member Posts: 617
    You probably guessed that the dealer would not replace a windshield cracked by a rock under warranty, but would under an insurance claim.
  • editorladyeditorlady Member Posts: 1
    I've never posted to a message board, but this one helped me immensely this morning, so I feel the need to pass on the advice. I've had my 2011 Subaru Forester for a little over a year. I heard a loud pop on my window last Friday and scanned my windshield for visible evidence of a chip because of how loud the sound was. Then on Saturday I noticed a huge chip up behind my rear-view mirror and a crack that had now spidered with the main crack spreading about a third of the way down the middle of my windshield. Thankfully, my auto insurance policy covers glass so I'm having a local glass vendor replace my windshield with an after-market version (windshield will be heated/tinted the same way). I would have had to wait a few days to get the manufacturer's version, which I'm now realizing would probably have me back in the same situation in another year. I'll report back good or bad about the after-market windshield. Stay tuned.
  • xwesxxwesx Member Posts: 17,376
    Thanks! I'd certainly like to know. OEM is junk, I think, on these. I haven't replaced mine yet, but the whole bottom is cracked up on it, along with a full vertical on the passenger side. Every chip results in a crack. :sick:
    2018 Subaru Crosstrek, 2014 Audi Q7 TDI, 2013 Subaru Forester, 2013 Ford F250 Lariat D, 1976 Ford F250, 1969 Chevrolet C20, 1969 Ford Econoline 100
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