Honda Civic GX & HOV Lane Access

airmarairmar Member Posts: 10
edited August 2014 in Honda
I just purchased a new 06 civic GX. My DMV form was returned saying that it was not listed as a hybrid. I'm not sure if that is what they meant, however on one of the CA ARB lists, the car is not listed yet. There are no 06 Honda cng vehicles.

Anybody else with a new vehicle run into similar problems. Also, it appears that when it is listed it will only qualify for the "yellow" sticker and not the "silver" sticker. Anybody know what the difference is? And any limitations?


  • ngv123ngv123 Member Posts: 18
    Unfortunately I do not have any documents supporting this. I only know through my research in speaking with different auto manufacturers. You might want to contact Toyota directly. Good luck.
  • airmarairmar Member Posts: 10
    I just rechecked and it is listed now. But the question still remains about what color sticker it qualifies for and what is the difference?
  • ngv123ngv123 Member Posts: 18
    I also just purchased a new 06 Civic GX. On the DMV form, I checked off ATPZEV and Compressed Natural Gas squares. I am not quite sure why they would respond with the vehicle not listed as a hybrid? Hybrid stickers are yellow and NGV stickers are silver. They are separate sequence numbers.

    I will post a message once my stickers arrive. By the way how long did you have to wait for the response from DMV?

  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    You should be getting the silver stickers, and they are very different. the yellows (hybrids) get you access to the HOV lanes ... the silvers (alt fuels) get you HOV access AND free bridges 24/7. for me, that's $6/day savings (going up to $8/day on Jan 1 when they raise tolls to $4 each.)

    i'm still waiting for my plates, but have been told that once registered, it should take only a week or so after submitting form to get stickys.

  • jetboatjohnnyjetboatjohnny Member Posts: 104
    I just got back from the Auto Club and I was told the silver stickers will ALWAYS have HOV acess, and the yellow ones are temporary, will only be good till the end of 2007.
    Mine are worn out ('99) and I have the form for replacements but will wait until I get my new license plates, then they said about a week in the mail to recieve them.
    Hope this helps.
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    interesting responses. In 2005 I was rejected for checking the box marked ulev. I responded with checking the sulev box (and the natural gas box). I receive the stickers right away. I had no plates and on the form the stickers were attached to the license plate number was marked as "unk" A few weeks later I received a second set of stickers because it seems the dealer had also applied with the application for the plates. Don't bother going to the Auto Club, they can't help with the stickers. I applied about 1 month ago for the stickers for the 2006 and I have not received them. Maybe they now require the plate # before they will issue the stickers. My check has not been cashed either. Will post when I get the stickers.
  • airmarairmar Member Posts: 10
    I sent the form in without having plates. I just put the VIN, which might be the problem. It did say Civic GX and CNG, I don't know why the thought hybrid.

    When I added my car to my insurance they told me that the VIN was not "valid". I had to fax my registration just to get insurance. I believe that the fact that I listed no plates and the weird VIN probably confused the DMV.

    One more question to everyone. Has anyone with a 06 actually received the silver stickers. Or are we going on the "sales pictch". I found on the DMV web where all ATPEZ cars get the yellow sticker.

  • airmarairmar Member Posts: 10
    OK, I answered my own question. I just talked to someone at the ARB and was told that the cng vehicles are legislated in by Assembly Bill AB71 and the hybrids fall under a different law. The silver (cng) stickers have no cap and the hybrids are down to about 1500 left statewide. Whew!

    My Phill is scheduled to be installed next week, I'll let you know how it goes. I got the 2,000 discount right off the purchase price.

  • lakewood90712lakewood90712 Member Posts: 108
    AB 71 HAD a sunset clause in it with a cut-off date for first time stickers for ulev cng. The legislature changed that , so any ulev cng vehicle qualifies.
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    My stickers for the 06 came in today. I do not have the plates yet, but the lic #'s are on the sticker paperwork.
  • jetboatjohnnyjetboatjohnny Member Posts: 104
    What color are they?
    Are they still issuing the silver ones?
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    They are the silver ones. It is my understanding that all sulev's get the silver.
  • jetboatjohnnyjetboatjohnny Member Posts: 104
    Did you get 3 or 4?
    I noticed all the hybrids have a sticker (gold) on the front bumper, but the NGVs at the SCAQMD in Diamond Bar this morning have no front sticker.
    Also I have been trying to find info on the NGV Camrys, I know they only made them 98-01, haven't had much luck, there is a guy offering a finders fee for one.
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    3: two large for the left and right rear and one small for the rear bumper
  • ngv123ngv123 Member Posts: 18
    In my research I found that Toyota made only about 50 of them. It will be a mission to find one but all the best.

    I hear Clean Energy is offering special incetives on brand new Honda Civic GX.
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    The Clean Energy incentives are a reduced rate for fuel for 18 mos. The rate will be $1.89 per gge. (only at selected Honda dealers and I believe by telling the dealer that you were referred by Clean Energy)
  • moore101moore101 Member Posts: 39
    Do you have any documents/links that mention only 50 CNG Camry's were produced? I would love one also but they are very rare. I think AQMD has most if not all of them.
  • ngv123ngv123 Member Posts: 18
    Correction to my comment on 9/4/06 regarding CNG Camrys. Toyota built 500 and most of them are owned by the cities and SCAQMD who owns several. They loved them and are not planning on selling them any time soon. It will be tough tracking one down for sale. I hope this helps.
  • moore101moore101 Member Posts: 39
    500 sounds about right. Any idea how many GX's have been produced for comparison sake? 96-present?
  • ngv123ngv123 Member Posts: 18
    Unfortunately I do not know the figures for the GX.
  • rogerbohlrogerbohl Member Posts: 34
    How do you get free bridges with silver stickers? Are you in northern CA? Are you using a transponder (hybrid type)?
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    let me confirm with you later this week. i spoke to 2 different managers at fastrak to determine if i needed a transponder for the dmv application -- both managers said NO transponder -- the GX qualifies for free bridges. one said 24/7, the other wasn't sure if it was just carpool hours, or 24/7. both suggested that the handbook wasn't clear concerning CNGs. i also spoke to the DMV 'sticker' office and they weren't really sure how to treat them either (in fact, one person said THEIR handbook wasn't clear either!)

    all that said, i submitted my application with a letter that spelled out what Fastrak told me, citing the manager's names, as well as an individual at DMV that was able to help another CNG customer out, as well as a big fat note to supply me with the silver stickers, and not yellow by mistake.

    i'll write more once i've actually received the stickers (if i ever do!)
    edit: yes, bay area.
  • rogerbohlrogerbohl Member Posts: 34
    Let's try to get some authority, such as actual legislative language. I got replacement stickers (3, white) and have a hybrid transponder. But if the bridge access is really free, the transponder can be put in a mylar bag.
  • jetboatjohnnyjetboatjohnny Member Posts: 104
    I have been searching, but cant find the info I read about a few weeks ago, anyway from what I understood, if you register a NGV in the 9 counties (bay area) you are required to get a special (FREE)transponder for FREE access to the bridges.
    I was under the impression if I drove up there I would have to pay. So maybe I will just put my transponder in a mylar bag and go for it.
    Down here in So CA we get no breaks on the tollroads, hopefully that will change.
  • stohl2stohl2 Member Posts: 4
    Anyone know how long it takes to get the stickers? I sent in my form about 2 months ago. They cashed the check, but I still don't have any stickers.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    hybrid owners i know have been getting them within 1-2 weeks. you should call!

    back to the whole bridge tolls/ fastrak topic: (again, w/out legislative proof) ... i was told by 2 separate fastrak managers that there were no tolls, and therefore no 'special transponder' or use of hybrid transponder. however, they both said there was some confusion on the topic b/c it is such a low occurance request. but i feel the existance of two separate color stickers would support separate benefits ... and what else would there be than tolls?

    can't wait to find out for certain! but just throwing more speculation out there ... where are all the bay area NGV drivers at? they should know.
  • rogerbohlrogerbohl Member Posts: 34
    From check cashing to mailing of stickers took 34 days, for me.
  • rstrst Member Posts: 73
    the stickers arrived about one month after the date of purchase of the car I still do not have the license plates, but the plate numbers were on the sticker papers so the stickers definately can be cross checked with the car.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    back to the free bridges debate -- i have spoken to Joni at Mel Rapton in Sacramento several times regarding this (she is the guru up here) and she has repeatably said that the GX qualifies for free bay area bridges during carpool hours only. she is currently trying to find the printout that Honda has provided her.

    meanwhile, on the PG&E website, they list a number of incentives for NGVs, with free bridges being one of them. until i get the letter from honda, i printed this sheet out from PG&E and keep it in my glove box.

    i have spoken to Fastrak and the DMV so many times that my head hurts thinking about it, and after all the talking, i've distilled three things:
    1) nobody talks to eachother in these organizations :)
    2) there is no bridge toll for the GX during carpool hours (you must have the stickers)
    3) there is no 'special' transponder or need to have a hyrid transponder. you may choose to have Fastrak for times in which you are outside of carpool hours, but having a hybrid version is mute as you'll never be using the flyover outside of carpool hours.

    i received my stickers w/out a fastrak acct open for this car, but DID include a lengthy letter 'enlightening' them to these facts. i also put my phone number and demanded they call me if there is still confusion, rather than mailing it back to me 2 wks later. it worked.

    i see several GXs up here on my commute ... haven't you folks done the leg work on this long ago?? what was your results??
  • ikirikir Member Posts: 11

    Did you ever get clarification regarding no bridge toll during carpool hours or 24/7? Also how did you apply for the stickers before you got the plates? I thought you needed the plate number on the application form?
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    ikir -- congratulations on your new car! yes, the answer is that bridges are free during carpool hours only. beyond that there is still a lot of confusion ... some will say you need a fastrak, some will say no (i say no!)

    i waited until i got my plates before applying, and though i've heard of people applying prior to that, i thing you're lucky if that works. i, like many people, got rejected the first time i applied for stickers. i highly recommend writing a letter to include with your app describing in clear terms that this is not a hybrid, but rather an alternative fuel vehicle, and therefore gets the white/silver stickers ... and does not require a fastrak account. i also would include your telephone and email info and request they contact you with any problems/questions rather than send it back to you by mail, adding weeks to your journey. i'll happily email you the letter i sent (that worked for me, and a colleague of mine with a GX).

    where do you live and work (areas, not necessarily companies) ... i'll happily give you tips on fill stations , etc.

    epi (brian)
  • ikirikir Member Posts: 11
    That would be great if you can send me the letter you created and tips. Email:
  • ikirikir Member Posts: 11
    I live in Hercules and work in San Francisco.
  • kate_gkate_g Member Posts: 8
    "yes, the answer is that bridges are free during carpool hours only. beyond that there is still a lot of confusion ... some will say you need a fastrak, some will say no (i say no!)"

    Epi, have you actually used the HOV lane w/o fastrack on any of the bay area bridges outside commute hours? How often? Have you ever been sent a violation, or are they letting you get away with it? I went over the Carquinez bridge last Saturday but was too chicken to go through the HOV lane without a fastrack.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    you can't go through an HOV lane outside of carpool hours period. aka. the lanes that are carpool lanes during carpool hours are lit that way, and outside of hours the light is off, and often a cone is in front of the lane. for the bay bridge, they even close down the fly-over lane entirely (except for buses). if the light is off (and there is no cone) do NOT go through them.

    however, now that they are changing things around, it may be that the carpool lane becomes another Fastrak lane outside of carpool hours. if you blow through that, you will absolutely receive a ticket if not a Fastrak member. if you are a Fastrak member, either your transponder will get picked up, or your plates will be photographed and your account charged that way.

    conversely, if you go through a Fastrak lane during carpool hours, you will pay $4 regardless if you are a SUV, Civic GX, or legitimate carpool. they are separate systems, Fastrak controlled and patrolled by Fastrak, and Carpool and Cash lanes via California Highway Patrol and Caltrans. i discussed this directly with those agencies while investigating what rights we smart GX'ers actually have :)

    now if you are going through a carpool lane (during hours, which should be the only time a carpool lane is actually even available to you) with a Fastrak transponder, it will beep as you go through. supposudely it will not charge you, but i believe i and others have been charged. and if you have the long-range model that they give to Hybrids, you will get charged definately. so put it in the mylar bag, lock it in lead, and stick it under your seat :)

    let me know if this didn't answer your question! i've been doing the Carquinez and Bay Bridges every day for the last 12+ months w/out a problem. however, i do have a Fastrak acct, and will use the Fastrak lanes once those Carpool lane lights go out.

    epi (brian)
  • needhilcarneedhilcar Member Posts: 1
    Will they ticket you if you use the carpool lane on the bridge.
    I live in Oakland (California) and I work in Benicia. It is clear that CA DMV has free bridge tolls listed. The golden gate bridge has specific instructions to "bag the tag" or stop and ask the toll taker to void the charge on a fastrak.

    I have read and reread the bridge facilities information and the metropolitan traspo commission info and the dmv and countless other AB bills. It is very hard to find clear and consistent language granting free toll to CNG vehicles.
  • ikirikir Member Posts: 11
    I received my clean air stickers a few weeks ago and I have been using the carpool lane on the Bay Bridge and I'm not paying toll.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    i'm a little confused by what the question is ... so forgive me if i repeat things you already know.

    if you have the clean air stickers (and only if!) the rule is that you may go through the carpool lanes on bay area bridges during carpool hours only.

    if you do not have these stickers, you can try going through at your own risk. there is no rule that allows you passage w/out them. however, it may be that you do it 1000 times and never receive a ticket. at your own risk! i personally would not do it w/out stickers on my car.

    if you go through a Fastrak lane, you will be charged. period. even if you are a carpool, even if the transponder is in the bag. Fastrak operates Fastrak lanes, CHP and Caltrans operate carpool lanes.

    there is very limited printed information defining this, but i have been told verbally by Fastrak, the GX expert at Honda in Sacramento, and read it in on PG&E's website where they discuss benefits of CNG. in fact, i've printed that page and put it in my glove box. (you'll have to search for it, i don't know the link)

    i will say that i've been using the carpool lanes for 1.5 years now (2 bridges every day) and have never had a problem.

    i do also have a Fastrak transponder in this car for those times that i cross a bridge outside of carpool hours. it stays in it's mylar bag so that it never signals when i cross through the carpool lane during carpool hours. of course i pull it out when using Fastrak outside of carpool hours.

    bridges that i cross (bay bridge, carquinez) no longer even have carpool lanes outside of carpool hours. they get converted electronically to Fastrak lanes ... so there is no confusion. the bay bridge is extra special b/c it has the flyover carpool lane. outside of carpool hours, that big sign will be lit up that says "BUSES ONLY" ... i doubt you will be able to convince a cop that you are a bus, so wouldn't recommend trying. during carpool hours, you can of course use the flyover just like any other carpool lane (see rules above :)

    let me know if there are any other questions, and i'll happily give them a shot.

  • vicjonvicjon Member Posts: 2
    I just mail in my application for HOV lane sticker week age.
    How long does it take to receive the sticker from DMV?

  • ohmygasohmygas Member Posts: 3
    I just called Friday and the lady told me it takes about 4 weeks. when you check has been cleared it is a sign that they got your paperwork.
    In my case I applied with a new car purchase, which was 6 weeks ago. I just got my plates but no HOV stickers. Which may take another 2 weeks, since it would be 4 weeks AFTER issue of the plates (was no 10/30).
    Since you got your plates already it should not take more then 4 weeks.
  • jvenglassjvenglass Member Posts: 8
    I was thinking of getting one for my wife we live is So.Cal.
    if we were to buy a new one now would she be able to get the
    HOV stickers? I saw one the other day that had Silver stickers? Are those the say as the Yellow ones?

    What is the fuel cost on these? She is driving about 100 each day round trip.

    Will the car last as long as a Gas model? Will the upkeep
    costs be greater?
  • dejapoohdejapooh Member Posts: 40
    The silver HOV stickers are still available for the Natural Gas Vehicles. There is no limit on them (the limit is what cut off the stickers on the Hybrids). It is not the same, it is better. It allows free parking at meters in several southern California cities (LA, Santa Monica, and more). You are restricted to the time allowed to the meter (if it is a 2 hour meter, you get 2 hours of free parking, then you have to move the car). The Yellow stickers are only good until the end of 2008 or something, the silver ones are good until 2014 i believe (someone back me up on these).

    If she is driving 100 miles each way, make sure she has a home filling unit or a filling station near your home or office (Ideally you should be near on at both locations).

    I am paying $2.56 near my house, and $2.20 near my wife's work. Prices vary widely. Burbank is one of the cheapest stations, LAX is one of the most expensive. I think the most expensive right now is about $2.75 or $2.80.

    Rumor is that because the fuel is so much cleaner than Gasoline, there will be fewer deposits and less wear. Taxis and police cars seem to indicate that a life expectancy of about 400,000 mile to 500,000 miles if you take good care of it.

    The Fuel Filters cost a few hundred dollars to replace every 30,000 miles. The price has been dropping lately as it becomes wider knowledge that you don't need to replace the entire filter, just the insert. Other than that, it is about the same.

    If you buy used, do not buy a used GX between 2001 and 2006. The transmission is not very reliable.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    transmission issues on 2001 to 2005 ... 2006 is the newest iteration and doesn't have a CVT. i'm sure dejapooh meant this, but just wanted to clarify for you.

    everything else he said is spot on. i'll add that the silver stickers are nicer up here in the Bay Area, as they get you free bridge crossings during commute hours. i cross two bridges on my commute for a savings of $8 / day!

    for current prices (which are as high as i've ever seen them) check out for a google map of CNG stations. i'm regularly paying 2.26 / GGE and get 40mpg.

  • jvenglassjvenglass Member Posts: 8
    How much dose a tank hold? and how many miles do you get on a tank?

    Do the home fill units cost alot?

    Are the full filters hard to do yourself or do you take it to a dealer to do?

    We have the 91 toll lane and the 241 toll roads done here in So.Cal. dose any one know if the Silver stickers save on the cost of tolls on these?

    Thanks for all the great info and insite guys it is a big help.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    8 GGE (gas gallon equiv's) ... but probably never be able to put more than 6.7 GGE in. at my current avg of 40mpg, that's about 250+ miles per tank. less with more stop/go or lead-foot.

    Phil or Fuelmakers cost about $4k or so + install. worth it monetarily in the long run, obviously worth it very quickly convenience-wise. search around the site for more info on those...lots here.

    filters can be done by decent garage jockey ... and as dejapooh said, people are realizing that industrial fuel supply (PG&E) is very clean ... so perhaps you may not to replace them very often afterall.

    don't know on toll road.
  • jvenglassjvenglass Member Posts: 8
    How much are the home fueling units and can you have them installed
    yourself in So.Cal. ?
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    The place to talk about home fueling is the All About PHILL discussion.
  • johnmarcojohnmarco Member Posts: 22
    I just stopped by my Honda dealer in Huntington Beach, and was told that if I wanted a GX I would have to pay for it up front.

    Did anyone find one on a dealer lot in SoCal and were you able to test drive?

    This seems like the car for me but I at least want to drive it first.
  • epnfrnepnfrn Member Posts: 87
    shop around... this dealer seems like a hassle! i'm in norcal, so can't give a concrete report, but this seems stange ... it's a $24k car, not a hard-to-find sports car. i hadn't heard of this before with the GX.

  • thebundothebundo Member Posts: 5
    MUCH harder to find than all but a few sports cars. There is only about 700 or so released to the public for the 2008 model year, and only through a few dealers in CA & NY. And it's NOT a 24k car really, it greatly subsidized by Honda, they are sold at a big loss
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