I have a LS 400 2000. Going well for last 13 years until last month. Starting problems. Dealer changed battery. Did not use for 3 days and car did not start. This time they changed the alternator. OK for 2 weeks. Again did not use for 4 days and car did not start. They said maybe an electrical drain somewhere they cannot figure out. All fuses are good. An independent person verified that the battery and alternator are good. By the way, they also changed a terminal on the battery.
Also the electricals on the driver side door do not work such as driver side controls for other door locks, other door glass up/down, side view mirror controls and the alarm. This happened since the battery went down the first time and I had to jump start the car. Dealer says these are unrelated. In any case they feel that there is an electrical drain somewhere and it will cost $ 1500 to diagnose. Not sure if it is worth it, because if I start the car once a day, then it is fine the next day.
Regarding the electrical issue in the door, last week, suddently all of these electrical issues were gone, and I thought it was well and good. Again it seemed to not work. This has happened 4-5 times and I have just given up. Can anone make any suggestions. Thanks very much !
Hello i am the owner of a 1991 lexus ls400 and i just swapped out the torque converter on the vehicle but i attempted to take apart the gear box and shift knob thinking it was relevant to dropping the transmission well the car is on jack stands right now in park but my back wheels are still spinning and my steering wheel wont lock up the key isnt in the ignition and also i didnt add sufficient transmission fluid i read on some page that it only needed 2 quarts well later found out it needs 8 need some serious help if any one can give me some advice or tips to try to solve this horrid problem only had the car about 3 months
Also the electricals on the driver side door do not work such as driver side controls for other door locks, other door glass up/down, side view mirror controls and the alarm. This happened since the battery went down the first time and I had to jump start the car. Dealer says these are unrelated. In any case they feel that there is an electrical drain somewhere and it will cost $ 1500 to diagnose. Not sure if it is worth it, because if I start the car once a day, then it is fine the next day.
Regarding the electrical issue in the door, last week, suddently all of these electrical issues were gone, and I thought it was well and good. Again it seemed to not work. This has happened 4-5 times and I have just given up. Can anone make any suggestions. Thanks very much !