Land Rover LR2 Real World MPG

jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
edited May 2014 in Land Rover
I was able to see, sit in and look carefully at an LR2 over the weekend. The vehicle looks like a winner to me. I like the style, the interior is nice and comfy and it has everything but actual low range 4WD :cry:

Even so, it is on my most wanted list. But, at 16/23 gas mileage is a concern to me. SO I'm wondering if it is a concern to other LR2 owners?

If anyone has gathered the data, can u post your gas mileage results? Thanks.


  • vinnieg1vinnieg1 Member Posts: 53
    I have has my LR2 since May and average 22 mpg with 93 octane BP Amoco gas. Never under 20 MPG and as high as 25 mpg.
  • andybl29andybl29 Member Posts: 8
    my LR2 is averaging 21 mpg using 93 octane, hasn't gone below 20 in a few weeks. It's a pretty even split between city and hwy driving.
  • roberto6roberto6 Member Posts: 23
    I have been averaging 10.2 L per 100 Km . This has been mainly highway driving so I consider it good ! - On premium gas 91 Oct.
  • jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
    I have been averaging 10.2 L per 100 Km

    Let's see, that's 10.2L*4.3l/g caarry the 1, subtract the ... DOH! what's that in mpg? :>)

    Anyway, thanks for the prompt responses. North of 21 mpg sounds reasonable. Better than my, ahem, Navigator for sure.

    93 octane though - best I can get here in California is 91 and it costs $3.57 gallon right now. DOH!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    You need to write that as 100 km/ 10.2 L first then multiply by the appropriate conversion factors. Or, just look it up here:

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    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    on my 3rd week using prem gas, car says 17.5 - I still have to calc manually for my last fill and my gas recpt is in the LR2.

    not to blow the thread but i've been using the sport mode and not to happy so far...
  • jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
    Thanks for data. Certainly I would expect that sport mode would not be used when u want best mpg?
  • comerbuckcomerbuck Member Posts: 8
    I'm at 9 weeks and roughly 3000 miles with my LR2. Over the past few weeks I have averaged 17.8 mpg which includes a mix of 70-80 mph I85 travel to dead crawl Atlanta traffic. I do a fair amount of city driving as I live in midtown Atlanta. I've see 24 mpg with just interstate travel. Always normal mode using 93 octane gas ($3.17 lately).
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    just the past few days that I've been using sport. Is sure sees to sift rough - agree? I mean I understand the sport and all, but just seem jumpy and can't determine what gear to be in. maybe its part of the break in stuff still.
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    Sport mode will use significantly more fuel as the transmission is almost always in a gear lower then normal. Also in sport mode the transmission down shifts more aggressively when braking or going down hill.
  • haagdhaagd Member Posts: 20
    I have had my LR2 for about 3 months and have 9600 miles on it. I am averaging around 22.3 miles per gallon.
  • lakes00lakes00 Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I've had my my new LR2 for 3 weeks now and have about 800 miles under its belt. I love the style, features & driving, but I am worried about the MPG.

    I got about 16 MPG on the first week with 60/40 city/hwy driving, in the following 2 weeks I am doing the same 60/40 city/hway but now I'm getting 15.2 to 15.5 MPG. I drive conservative without hard acceleration as I'm in break in period...never in sport mode and try to use manual quite often as I see a slight improvement in MPG. I keep hoping/thinking that MPG will improve after break in..but wanted to ask if there is a steep improvement after break in?
  • gbkirschgbkirsch Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone had any experience using middle grade gasoline and do you think there are any negatives doing so?

    I have been averaging 17.5 MPG in all city driving. Will using high test bring better fuel mileage???
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Check out the What about fuel types & gas mileage? discussion too.
  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    I am on the first tank of gas and so far so bad... The computer is telling my I am avg. 7.1 mph? Is this normal? from the look of the gas gage it's looks to be correct... I need some help let me know what the deal is or this baby is going back
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    Did you idle for a while at the dealership before you picked it up? Sit in heavy traffic for a while? Idle in your driveway trying out the new gadgets?

    I have delivered cars that showed 4.5 mpg or less on the computer because we idled for an hour or so at the dealership while I went over all the features of the car.
  • jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
    Reset it and start over. See if that matters.
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    last tank, 2100 miles, 19.5 mpg - mixed, sport and stick mode
  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    Yes I did idle for a while( 1 hour or so) as I tested all the gadgets. I am showing 72 miles with 1/2 a tank of fuel left. What should I do? Doesnt seem right. I am in normal drive mode as well...
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    Run the tank down to a 1/4 tank or so, refill the tank and then drive normally.

    Keep track of your mileage and record the gas mileage manually.
  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    Will do, thank you. I assume you work for rover? or have in the past? what is the normal break in period for the engine?
  • lakes00lakes00 Member Posts: 3
    I am responding to myself!!...I am getting 21.3 MPG as of my last tank using 93 gas & calculating the milage from the actual usage (trip miles /gallons used). I'm at 1300 miles now. I live in Florida using full air conditioning & 60/40 city/hway. I was just looking at the info in the car computer initially. The car computer is still showing avg MPG of 15.2 so do not look at it, it's not accurate at all. I tested regular/intermediate and plus gas and I definitely get better MPG with Plus (93 oct). Other than MPG I did not notice any other differences when driving with different octane gas. Now I am pretty favorably impressed...
  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    Using 93 I am avg 210 per tank doing a 50/50 city high way. This is not great- Coming up on 500 miles- Should I call the dealer? This doesnt seem right-
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    with 2800 miles under the hood, just finished up a 325 mile trip (which took the tank for the trip) 3/4 autobahn driving trucking between 80-90, on the way back ran 110 for a good distance. Plus, 1/4 of the journey, hills and sport shift driving the mountains, a/c about hour of entire 6 hr round trip. Betsy, the LR2, says she figured 20.1 mpg (i have never reset the mpg computer from birth), I figured with the gas I just added vs miles drive = 20.91 (burned 16.64 gls) - not too bad given my 06 Ridgeline would get 425mi out of a 21 gal tank. That was all premium gas. I filled up with the regular stuff for a trip tomorrow to Frankfort and back to Kaiserslautern and on to Trier, we will see what the octane does for mileage on Betsy. oh and the sunroof was open most of the time, if that makes any real difference.

    yes, my LR2 is Betsy, it just slipped out one day and stuck. My MINI was named Java for her beautiful Pepper White color.. ok guess enough right ;)
  • roundstoneroundstone Member Posts: 6
    Just finished 2,400 mile round trip last week from NY to Florida. All highway mileages. Trip computer indicated average 22.1 mpg.

    92oct. AC on all time.
    Not too bad. :)
  • lvillelville Member Posts: 2
    Have about 1,600 miles on my LR2. Getting 21.4 mpg on 93 octane gas, 60/40 highway/city split. A/C always set to AUTO. Virtually never use sport mode. BTW, this is about the same mpg that I got on my 2004 BMW X3.
  • fanroverfanrover Member Posts: 5
    Definitely if you are not averaging atleast 40mph out of all types of drives then you are burning a lot of fuel. The mileage drops really bad when you drive slow. And forget about leaving the car on with ac. It does live up to what it says 16-23. You get 16 or less mileage when drive at 20-25 mph with ac on and all the stops at traffic lights, and with the backed up traffic trails. The same way you get 23 or more, yes more when you average at 60-70mph on free moving traffics or highways. My bet is if you really wanna enjoy this car just try to wake up real early or wake up real late and by pass the rush hour. Bcuz when your in the rush hour you can't complain about mileage. I am averaging upto 17 mpg even with the slow traffic, bcuz some times the roads open up and i zoom off. Well thats Austin, dunno how it works in other cities.
  • zbobzbob Member Posts: 6
    Getting 16 mpg after 4 days and about 200 miles of nasty city traffic in Wash DC area. Not bad and I suspect it will increase a bit as the engine and other moving parts wear in.
  • zbobzbob Member Posts: 6
    Hey Lakes, Did you reset the MPG display? If not, you are seeing average MPG from mile 0. Not surprising that it is still in the 15's. You reset it by holding in the display change button for a few seconds.
  • dubrozdubroz Member Posts: 5
    I have had a new LR2 for about 2 weeks now. Completed a trip from Boston to NJ and back again. I got 19 mpg with all highway no traffic.

    My commute to work is 60/40 highway/city and I get abour 16 mpg. I am not an aggressive lead footed driver.

    WTF ???? Is this a break-in thing or should I call the dealer?

  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    I have the LR2 SE FULLY LOADED- I use Prem. gas 3.59 a gal as of last nights fill up- I get about 220-250 miles per full tank and I have about 2400 mils on it so far- It is what it is I guess- A very long break in period or???
  • slaughlinslaughlin Member Posts: 3
    Here is the MPG on our LR2 we purchased in late August. Columns are date, milage at re-fuel, gallons of gas (premium) and MPG:

    09/03/07 665 16.728 17.216643
    09/11/07 941 15.613 17.677576
    09/17/07 1219 15.883 17.502991
    09/26/07 1529 16.573 18.705123
    10/03/07 1817 16.467 17.489525
    10/12/07 2107 16.446 17.633467
    10/14/07 2441 15.276 21.864362
    10/18/07 2800 16.505 21.750985
    10/27/07 3086 15.926 17.958056
    11/03/07 3378 15.878 18.390225
    11/09/07 3697 16.355 19.504739
    11/10/07 4024 14.268 22.918419
    11/12/07 4410 16.771 23.01592
    11/13/07 4797 16.759 23.09207
    11/19/07 5107 15.953 19.432082
    11/22/07 5454 15.705 22.094874
    11/24/07 5772 16.067 19.79212
    12/02/07 6086 16.387 19.16153
    12/15/07 6377 15.588 18.668206
    12/21/07 6654 16.349 16.942932

    You can see the improvement as the milage on the LR2 increased, and the road trip miles pretty easily. It's a great car!!

    Steve in Alabama
  • jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
    Great data Steve. Looks like u can get 22-23 on the road. Can I ask how u drive? I mean, hot foot in sports mode? Or slow cruise to 60-65mph tops? ANd is a lot of the lower numbers due to city?

    Thanks and Merry Christmas.
  • slaughlinslaughlin Member Posts: 3
    Highway miles are at 70 mph or a little more. The 17 or so MPG tanks are mostly commuting, which is about 40% city streets and the rest on Interstates. I don't use the sport mode, and usually drive around the speed limit or a little higher.

    Happy New Year to All.

  • jcmanhattanjcmanhattan Member Posts: 7
    I only have 1500 miles and the gas is worse than advertised. My other car is a Toyota Prius, so I have learned how to drive efficiently, so its not my driving. I am only getting 250miles (or less) out of my entire tank. Of course this is mostly street driving on short trips.
  • mooglesmoogles Member Posts: 6
    I've put almost 17K miles on my LR2 (bought in May) and probably averaged about 18 mpg over that time. In around-town driving I get about 16 mpg, on the highway 19 or 20. Note, however, that my highway driving is typically close to 80 mph.

    Once on a 75 mile trip where I had to go about 55 the whole way, I got about 25 mpg. But much more typical is the 800 mile trip I recently made with five of us (plus dog and some luggage) going 75-80 mph when not stuck in traffic, climbing hills on Routes 91, 84 and 95 in New England, and a mix of cold and very cold temps. Total trip average was 19.5 mpg. I'd say that's not bad given all the conditions. The cold definitely hurt. The average on the first leg was over 20 mpg. It wasn't until we had sub-20 degree temps on the return trip that the total average dropped below 20 mpg. The weight of the six of us (big dog) hurts of course too. But I think the biggest factor is the high speeds.

    I'm always surprised when I see people claiming to get 22-24 mpg in their LR2s, but then I think they must be driving a lot slower than I. And probably in warmer climates.
  • dubrozdubroz Member Posts: 5
    I finally brought my car in for service to check software and vehicle tunning. I am getting roughly 17 MPG on highway and 12 MPG city. My usual averaged MPG over a full tank is 15.3 MPG.

    The loaner they gave me for the last two days, I have been getting about 17.8 MPG average so far. Something is fishy .... Hopefully the software update they are doing to my LR2 will improve things. Otherwise, is this a lemon ???

    I'll post an update after I drive on the software update for a little time.
  • mvil4mvil4 Member Posts: 2
    I have had my LR2 for almost a month and have 1700 miles. I live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and commute 75 miles round trip to work. Combination of interstate and city driving. I average between 19.8 - 22.8 miles per gallon. I don't drive overly slow and use the AC. I have been very happy with the mileage so far.
  • newtoga1newtoga1 Member Posts: 1
    Averaging about 20.5 mpg. Getting about 18.5 mpg around town and almost 25 on the highway. Using 93 octane. I'm pretty happy with that.
  • jeyhoejeyhoe Member Posts: 490
    How about that update? Improvement I hope.
  • dubrozdubroz Member Posts: 5
    No difference, with the fuel economy MPG after software update !!!!! It still is horrible. I've waited three weeks to get some good data, and it still sucks. Getting about 240 miles to a full tank with mixed driving or about 14.5 MPG.

    I brought it back to delaer, they opened a ticket with corporate office.

    My drive is .5 mile 'city' and then 9 miles highway and then .5 mile city again. I should be getting something like 20 MPG round trip right? Well not even close.

    If I reset the MPG while driving on highway at 55mph, I will eventually average 22 MPG. I think the city driving is the problem, and am getting about 8 to 10 MPG when driving speeds are about 30 MPH.

    As a reality check to let you know I am not insane ... the loaner car I got from LandRover would get about 27 MPG when resetting at 55 MPH and would average about 19MPG when commuting to and from work for 3 days. The cars had the same options, except they had Navigation package.

    ????? THOUGHTS ?????

    My gearhead friend's best idea is that this is a case of a mass air flow sensor or O2 sensor that is barley out of spec and not creating an error.

    I need help, really love this car, but not meeting MPG expectations. I will open lemon suit if need be.
  • stonefoxxstonefoxx Member Posts: 14
    Gas Milage for me has always been bad- I had the software updated ect.. Still I get less than 300 a tank using Prem. 3.70 a gallon gas- driving 60-city 40 hwy Ive complained when I brought it in 3x- The Service rep was like thats the price you have to pay to drive this car- Any thoughts? Please advise-
  • roveretteroverette Member Posts: 6
    I just broke 10k miles on my LR2 and have consistently gotten 20 mpg - combo of city/hwy driving. All highway driving gets me about 24 mpg.
  • manupmanup Member Posts: 24
    Anyone living in the So. Cal., greater Los Angeles area share any mileage figures on their LR2's ?

  • bmac3bmac3 Member Posts: 2
    Hello I recently purchased an LR2 (still under 1k miles), but so far I'm pretty happy with the MPGs. The trip computer showed 24 mpgs on a 150 mile road trip with some limited stop and go. My 45 mile commute has been about 22 mpgs, there is a fair amount of stop and go and the start and finish of the commute. Overall pretty good for a 4,000 lb vehicle, but I do take it pretty easy on the throttle, top speed of 75.
  • MAlr2ownerMAlr2owner Member Posts: 8
    I have had mine for 14 months and have 33,000 miles on it.

    I get about 19 around town using 87 octane gas. On a long trip this summer.. (over 3,000 miles) I got 24.6 using 87 octane which is excellent.. I use the standard mode most of the time.. :)
  • rovergalrovergal Member Posts: 11
    I'm averaging anywhere between 20 and 22 highway on a daily basis, depending upon traffic, and around 18 city. Apparently, mine didn't have a "breakin" period, because the mileage has never changed since I picked her up. About 3 times a year, I take a drive across southern tier NYS, from Vermont to Lake Erie. I average 24.6-25,5 on this trip, which is approximately 1800 round trip.

    Reset the mileage at the beginning of each trip, or at each fillup. Driving habits contribute to the mileage. Keep a steady, even speed when traveling. Doing this, I save about 2-3mpg or more.
  • sixthflicksixthflick Member Posts: 47
    Pretty amazing results - on a trip from San Diego to Huntington Beach last year, I set the cruise control to 60mph and actually got 28mpg (according to the computer - which I had reset at the beginning of the trip). On average though (without using cruise control) I typically get about 22-23mpg highway and about 18mpg around town. My 2008 LR2 has just over 16k on it, is dealer serviced and I only use premium - 93 octane.
  • sixthflicksixthflick Member Posts: 47
    See my latest reply - Msg #50.
  • sixthflicksixthflick Member Posts: 47
    Just took a 50/50 highway/city journey today about 2-1/2hrs round trip. Averaged 26.5 mpg!!! Down only 1.5 mpg from my San Diego to Huntington Beach trip last year. I must either drive really slow compared to the rest of you (averaged 52mph with that 50/50 mix) or you must all be stomping on the accelerator all the time. I'm testing my mpg's on my '04 Disco II now and will let everyone know how I fair with that (realizing this discussion is about the LR2 of course).
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