Acura MDX Transmission and Client Service

jan35jan35 Member Posts: 1
edited August 2014 in Acura
The dealer told me it's the throttle plates in the intake manifold and there is nothing that can be done. Is this right. The vehicle has 65000 miles and it probably started around 55,000. The torque converter was replaced and there is no difference. Is anyone experiencing this problem?


  • ramk1ramk1 Member Posts: 1
    My 2009 brand new MDX had less than 300 miles and the transmission fluid started leaking. Took to dealer - they opened the transmission, disconnected from engine, diconnected everything from engine from below.... major major work. I asked the dealer to call me when they open the transmission so that I can see what went wrong. The service agent said it is better not to see my car in that state... as everything below the car was opened. The problem was a faulty "o" ring. Very disappointed that a new vehicle had to go through such major work with 300 miles on it. Called Acura, nothing from them except that dealer will take care.

    I will never buy another Acura. I have a Lexus SUV and it far exceeds Acura. For this price there are much better reliable SUVs in the market.
  • principalladyprincipallady Member Posts: 1
    I have an 03 and I on my way to work this morning the car would not accelerate. Kept sounding like I had the car in park and was pressing the gas. Finally wouldn't go anywhere and started rolling back. I parked it at a friends and went back after work to get it. Guess what? The whining noise. Took it to mechanic and they said it sounds like the transmission. I will know tomorrow.
  • nghiepnguyennghiepnguyen Member Posts: 1
    Yet ,I have the same trouble when my Acura get 60000 Miles,an Mechanic guy at auto shop tell me that can be TC trouble,I need go to ACURA Dealer auto shop check , at dealer shop the mechanic men drive the car with me for 15 minus,he said that could be bad tiers or bad bearing , the TC is no trouble,I did replace new 4 tiers ,but still whining noise when I accelerate at 60 Mile speed , I don't know why ? any one have any I deal
  • wwestwwest Member Posts: 10,706
    Ring and pinion gear wear/mismatch in the PTO. Remove the rear drive fuse(s) and see if the whining is still there.
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