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2014 Kia Optima SX Turbo, a new force to be reckoned with!

lovmycarlovmycar Member Posts: 15
edited January 2014 in Kia

1 test drive and this car sold itself. I wasn't in the market for a new ride but have been interested in seeing this thing since I learned it was to come out. I went in to the dealership as I always do for normal oil change and tire rotation on my 2013 Optima. While waiting I wanted to see if the 2014 SX-T was out yet and to my surprise one was on the lot, just arrived. The consultant asked if I wanted to test drive it and kind of reluctantly I said why not i'm not buying it just testing, that was a mistake. You know the saying about the American Express card, "don't leave home without it" well that's what
happened. Went back the next day and was offered more for my 2013 than I would have asked for it and after all the loyalty discounts and dealer discounts and the extra's that were thrown in I would have been an idiot to pass it up. My 2013 was a very nice auto but this thing is awesome, the new engineering on this model and the added styling plus the Turbo puts this animal in a whole different class. Don't believe me, if you can find one test drive it but i'll warn you it can be habit forming.LOL

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