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Forgotten Concept Cars
Russia has been in the news a lot lately, and I came across a story about 12 Concept Cars Produced & Forgotten in the Soviet Union
Curious vehicles for sure. And somewhere, you KNOW someone is saying, "I wish they had produced that!" Interesting that the homemade ones are very DeLorean-like in their "boxiness"
Me, I'm still waiting for my flying car promised to me at the 1964 World's Fair by GM
The 2000ish VW Microbus concept.
Well, the 1986 Dodge turbo Interceptor eventually became the Veyron. As for concepts I wish they would have put out.. my top 3 are
@odie6l, seems like Jeep was always coming up with great concepts for the auto shows.
Oh yea... like the Jeep Hurricane I saw at the Philly Auto Show a few years ago. Had steering on all 4 wheels and could sit in place and spin in a circle. And we all know how handy that is!
Almost forgot that one. That would have been a great on-road sighting!