Saturn Vue A/C not working even after recharge

my A/C used to work beautifully. however, a few months ago I noticed it wasn't blowing as cold as it used to. it wasn't an immediate problem, since I noticed this during the winter, but now that it's starting to get warm again I went ahead and bought a recharge kit, complete with gauge, and recharged it. at the beginning the gauge did say that it was basically out of freon, and the instructions said that if my compressor wasn't cycling that I should try adding half a can of the freon and then see if it starts to cycle. so that's what I did, following the instructions on the can to the letter, but the compressor still didn't start up. and no matter what I did the needle on the gauge would not go past a certain point (still well within the green zone and well below the level I was aiming for). I kept trying for 15 minutes after it first hit that spot and it never got any further up.
so what I'm wondering is is it possible I have a leak in my system? would that keep my compressor from kicking in? or is there a belt for the compressor that might need replacing (I know that's how another vehicle in the household is set up, but I don't know if that's how ALL of them are)? or could it be some other problem entirely? I need some guidance here on what might be going on.
Why don't you take it to a professional? There are places that don't charge anything.