Buying a car and then moving out of state

mz321mz321 Member Posts: 1
edited April 2014 in General

Hi everyone,

I'm graduating from college and buying a new car for the first time.

I'm currently living in Massachusetts, but in a month I'm moving to Virginia to start a new job. The question is, would it be advisable to buy a car in Massachusetts (if I can find a good deal), driving it around for a few weeks in Massachusetts, and then moving it to Virginia? Would I have to get MA plates first, or can the temporary one from the dealer work for some time? Would I need to buy insurance first in MA and then again in VA? If the 2 state solution is too expensive, then I can just buy when I get to VA. That might not be ideal though, because I would need a car after moving there immediately and so may not have much time to negotiate.

It's my first time owning a car, so I'm a bit dumb on the whole paperwork issue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer


  • movingsoonmovingsoon Member Posts: 2
    I know you wrote this over a year ago, so this might be a futile exercise. However, I am in the same boat. I live in MA, intend on buying a car here, and then will be moving to VA for a new job. I also need a car as soon as I get there and driving my car would be the best way for me to move. I am wondering how to avoid all sorts of fees, like having to register the car twice and whatever else both MA and VA will throw at me. If you have any wisdom, please share. Thanks!
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