Ford F-150 fuel stops

truckerkittruckerkit Member Posts: 1
edited April 2014 in Ford

Hi, i have a 1989 f-150,6 cyl, 5 speed manual trans,dual fuel tanks
my problem is that the truck starts and runs for 1 or so mins than shuts down,
here's what i've done replaced: low pressure pumps in both tanks ,new front tank,new hi pressure pump in frame rail, new distributor modjail, rotor,cap,wires, new coil, new fuel relays,new oil pressure shut off sender, sea foam in both fuel tanks.
engine starts,fuel pressure @ the rail is 42 psi, runs 1 or so min that pressure falls to 12 psi eng stops, won't start for about 1\2 hour or so,than same thing.
any one know anything else i can do?

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