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Pontiac Bonneville Owners: Meet the Members



  • jperez3jperez3 Member Posts: 1
    Whats up everyone my name is Jose and I live in Miami I just bought a used bonneville 95 se. I have allways loved bonneville unfortunately at the young age of 20 with close to non existent credit and an insurance payments that close to double my car payments I had to settle for used SE model 95 with 95000 miles. What I was wondering if any of you have any maintenance info for me E.G. are the 10 year spark plugs better than the norm. Do you guys use the good synthetic or does the normal stuff do the job for you. Another thing someone told KNN air filter will help the 6 cyl 3.8 breathe easier any advice warnings or personal experience storeies would be appreciated.
  • mfahey1mfahey1 Member Posts: 419
    Many of us have switched to the K&N filter, both for less restriction on the intake and for the extended life of the filter.
    If you don't know the service history of your car, things you should look at include servicing the transmission, coolant, serpentine belt, plugs, wires(not aftermarket), and front end components. In addition, if you have the owner's manual, there is a list of routine things that should be attended to.
    I don't think there is any generally accepted opinion on oil. Some use the synthetic and feel the extra cost is worth it while others use good quality oil and have gotten good service from the engine. Your choice.
  • wazooworkswazooworks Member Posts: 17
    Hi there.

    A few days back I posted a photo of my new 2002 Granite SSEi in the photo gallery, and I suppose now I should introduce myself and say a bit more.

    In the last 20 years I have owned two sensible, reliable, nondescript used Japanese imports. Not that I'm boring or anything, I guess you could say I'm just cheap. They were great cars, but I always felt like I was driving around in a tin can, felt unAmerican and secretly envied those fortunate enough to posess something with some good ol' United States of Muscle.

    I work in retail, and about a year ago I became aquainted with a customer who happened to be the wife of the owner of a dealership in Boulder. She's a great old gal and one day she invited me out to look at what her husband gave her to drive. Got out there and *immediately* fell in lust - a 2001 black SSEi.

    After doing some research I pretty much wrote the whole idea off because, well, it cost too much. I'd been driving without a car payment for eight years! My tags cost a whopping $35.00 a year! Just didn't seem feasable to buy a dream, so I resigned myself to the drudgery of driving this


    for the rest of my life. (note: photo shows excellent representation of what happens when you hit a deer.)

    But I continued to lust.

    Early this year I found that I would be inheriting a chunk of money from my Mom who had died three years ago - somehow part of her estate had slipped through the cracks (no doubt because my brother the drunk was executor). Pretty much you can fill in the rest of the story. The look on the salesman's face after negotiations when I told him I'd be putting $20,000 down was almost as good as getting the car itself.

    So I'm driving my dream on a tin can car payment, and the best part is that nobody around me, not even my wife, said anything except "You deserve it".
  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    Welcome aboard (although I think mlm4 and tpken are the official greeters...). I liked your story. More of us should be so lucky to be able to realize our dreams - at least in buying cars.

    Keep us up on your ownership impressions. Hope the lust never fades.

  • smfransmfran Member Posts: 432
    Welcome again. Nice upgrade!
  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    (I hear your neighbors clapping loudly too as the neighborhood property values rise!!!)

    It certainly is a great feeling to move out of the embarassingly ancient 100K+ milers into something that has panache and power. I can almost see that grin as you merge into traffic every morning.

    So welcome to the club - and please keep us current with your impressions and experiences.

    Best wishes for many years and miles of driving enjoyment.


    P.S. - Better keep your eye out for the tax assessor - he just might decide the town should cash in on your property improvement!
  • jgreen7jgreen7 Member Posts: 1
    I've had my 2001 black SSEi for about 10 months. I think I have the only one in my area that is black. This is one bad looking bandit on the road.
    My husband calls it "The Bat". It's all I can do to keep my foot off the accelerator. I've had no problems with it and it's a dream to drive. This is my 3rd Bonnie in a row. First one was an '87 SE, the 2nd a '94 SSE, and as you can see I moved up. When I saw it on the show room floor, it had my name on it. BMW owners eat your heart out.
  • mfahey1mfahey1 Member Posts: 419
    If you like it now, try it with a smaller supercharger pulley. Even more fun.
  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    And congrats on your new ride. We'd be interested in hearing about your ownership experience, driving impressions - and how this Bonnie stacks up against your previous ones.
  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    And welcome to the neighborhood. It's always nice to hear from another Bonneville lover and it sounds as though you're completely hooked!

    Best wishes for many years and miles of driving pleasure in that SSEi.


    '00 SE
  • smfransmfran Member Posts: 432
    Welcome - Make sure you subscribe to the Bonneville Owners Club so you can automatically check in to all the discussions regarding the Bonneville.
  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76
    Jo Ann,

    Good luck with your Bonnie. It is nice to hear that your car is running well just like your previous Bonnies.

    In two months I will be celebrating my '01 Maple Red SE Bonnie's 1st Birthday. I hope for many more birthdays to come.

    Wishing you the best with your SSEI ....Steve
  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    Stephen - I'm planning to be in Pa mid June - perhaps 19th or so. Time for that pre-Christmas (red and green) photo op???

  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76

    Glad to hear you will be in the area. Mid June sounds great to have a XMAS pic. Will have to take the car to get washed to get rid of the pollen from the trees (yellow dust does not match well with maple red.

    Just took the Bonnnie out to Gettysburg this past Saturday (5/25) and averaged 29 MPG. I was happy to see the car get some highway miles and it was also great driving along with my friends '96 Bonnie cruising down the PA turnpike!

    Took some pictures of both Bonnies on the battlefield in Black and White. I am interested in how the pictures will turn out.

    Take care,

  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    Steve - no better way to enjoy our Bonnevilles than a few hundred miles of open road ahead!!

    Hope to see you in June

  • benjohnsonbenjohnson Member Posts: 21
    If any of you current 2000+ SSEi owners desire to buy a new one, but, you are interested in seeing some radical performance and appearance changes for 2003, you may want to do what I've done which is to send a letter to Lynn Myers who heads up Pontiac / GMC.

    I still annoyed at the inclusion of Ivory White in lieu of the brighter Arctic White, as well as those enormouse uncovered cup holders.

    Why is the 2003 being limited to 270Hp while the new Grand Prix is 280Hp?

    Do any of you who may have had a 1998 SSEi feel that the seats in the 1998 gave you better support than those in the current model?

    In my letter I stated my belief that going with the same philosophy of 1992-1999 of keeping the car essentially the same wouldn't sell the car.

    Looks like the Bonny will only be around through 2004, and I would like to see it go out in style.

    I'd like to hear your opinions posted here.

  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76

    When you findout when you will be in PA, let me know. I plan on taking some time off work and I could meet you for lunch/dinner up in Montgomeryville.

    I will email you my work/home # if you need to contact me.

  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    Looks like June 19th - 20th. Perhaps dinner on the 19th?

  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76

    Dinner on June 19th sounds good. There should be some places to eat along RT309 in Montgomeryville. (Olive Gardern, Applebees etc)

    Do you work up near the mall area? Sounds like a plan. Talk to you soon...sxb
  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    This link will give you directions and a good idea of what my Pa 'home away from home' has been. Wish I was still getting there monthly - oh well - jobs change.


    Joseph Ambler Inn
  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76
    Got the directions. Looks like a nice place for a xmas picture. See you on Wed....sxb
  • drifter420drifter420 Member Posts: 1
    I was just directed to this site from another member who happens to be in bonnevilleclub.com
    I was wondering if anyone in here is from Ontario Canada.. ( or more specifically southern Ontario ). We are starting our own little bonnevilleclub ontario Chapter, and would like to invite all others around to join.
  • bonbonmanbonbonman Member Posts: 1
    well i finally found the site for me. this is Luke A. from the north star state of minnesota. in my 2 years of driving. i have had 2 bon bons. my first one was a 92 se bonnie. solid as a rock that car was and still is. i still see it once and a while still going strong with over 205K. wow i still wish i had that car. but i bought a newer one. a 96 se bonnie came across me with a price i couldnt pass up. with only 152K on it i knew it had a lot more kick left in that car. and i was right 3800 series II is a very nice motor. my bon has the power i need and looking for. it has the balls to the walls and goes like a raped ape. im very happy with my bon bon. and i know one thing for sure is im going to be a bonneville man/GM fan for the rest of my life. ive also heard people talking about a V8 for the bonnies. i think that is the best idea ive heard to improve the performance of the fully luxury family sedan. and im all for GM to put that idea into reality. bon bon 4 life
  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    I hail from Ottawa and have been on this board sporadically for almost 2 years - since I bought my '00 SLE. Welcome to to our (quiet these days) corner of TownHall.

  • mr711mr711 Member Posts: 1
    Greetings to Everyone, Although this is my first post, I've been reading about Bonnevilles here since my purchase day around Thanksgiving 2002. My Bonneville is a Light Bronzemist(looks tannish-gold to me). I will take some pics and have them available soon. Anyway, you've all been more than just a help to me and I thank you. My new prize did develope a coolant leak around the intake mainfold around 33 days after the original warranty expired. This all happened in January. I read your postings and dealt directly with Pontiac in Texas and things worked out okay. I had to put out about $200 however, they (Faulkerner here in PA) did replace the gasket and the warped manifold.
    When we get a break from this snowy weather I'll clean it up and take some photos to share. Thanks again and I'll be here reading the posts.
  • smfransmfran Member Posts: 432
    I hope you enjoy your 2000 as much as I did. I'll be trading in (most likely to an Envoy) very soon.
  • tpkentpken Member Posts: 1,108
    Glad to see you're enjoying your 00 SLE.

    My 00 SE is still running great (turned 70K today) and I love it.

  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76
    Hope you enjoy your car as much as I have. This coming July will my cars second anniversary (Maple Red 2001 SE). Wishing you all the best and stay in touch....sxb
  • mlm4mlm4 Member Posts: 401
    Last Friday was three years since delivery on my 2000 Midnight Blue SSEi (actually it was March 1, but I signed the papers the day before I got the car to take advantage of an expiring rebate). Warranty no more. Still love it, and although I'm constantly evaluating the competition nothing impresses me as much as the Bonneville does as an overall package. I still have a vibration problem which I think may be the tires, but I'm debating spending money on the car now in case I decide to order a GXP this fall (or whenever they start taking orders).
  • smfransmfran Member Posts: 432
    My 2000 Midnight Blue SSSEi would have been with me three years on May 10th. I did love it while I had it but couldn't resist the current deal to get out of my lease early. After 5 Bonnevilles it really was time for a change and I couldn't be happier with my decision to go with an Envoy XL. The lease costs me approximately $25.00 more per month. I took a 48 month vs. the 36 month that I had to keep the payment that close. The Envoy is more expensive than the comparable Bonneville although now I have a sun roof. My Bonneville lease included a 3 year/100,000 mile warrantee. With the Envoy I purchased a separate 4 year/ 100,000 mile warrantee from GE for $1,800.00. I definitely have to to state one thing: I DO NOT MISS THE RIDICULOUSLY DESIGNED GLOVE COMPARTMENT!
  • ssurgeontssurgeont Member Posts: 8
    I am new to Edmunds but I own 4 pontiacs and I'm trying to decide whether to get a SLE or an SSEI 2000 or newer. My question to anybody that has an SSEI is Do you have to use premium fuel or is it just suggested? I would like the SSEI but I drive a sales territory and would find premium a disadvantage.The SLE on the other hand would be practical as it uses the 3800 run on regular and is very dependable.But the SSEI is more fun. Thank you and I enjoy your conversations.
  • smfransmfran Member Posts: 432
    I drove my 2000 SSEi for 80,000 miles on regular gas. It is not necessary to use premium.
  • johnnyb49johnnyb49 Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm John and I'm considering a 2001 Bonneville SE with 31,000 miles on it. It looks and rides great, I like the way it handles. I know the 3800 V6 is a great engine and should last.. but I'm concerned about this vibration problem that I'm reading about. This happened to me once before with a Camry and was annoying to the point that I got rid of the car. Is this a problem with just some of the Bonnevilles in certain years? Does anyone know if the 2001 SE is affected? I test drove it but didn't detect it, but then I didn't get it out on the highway either. Thanks for any info, John
  • xavier64xavier64 Member Posts: 76

    I have a 2001 SE and have never had any vibration problem at all. I have taken the car out to Dayton, Ohio from Phila., PA and the car was one smooth cruiser traveling at 65 mph plus. As long as the car was taken car of, I would think you would be good to go. Good luck with the car search.

  • fpratafprata Member Posts: 4
    Hello everyone. I have a 1997 Bonneville SE and I love it. Just recently, the trunk pops open randomly when I'm going from Park to Drive, Drive to Reverse, Drive to Park and sometimes in the Park position after I turn the enigine off! The keyless entry and trunk release works most of the time. Has anyone experience this before? Is there anything I can do oppose to taking it in to a service station? Help!!
  • llcooljsonllcooljson Member Posts: 5
    hey whats up everybody? just wanted to get some opinions. should i trade in my 91 gp gt and my 99 gp gt and buy an SSEi. my 99 is loaded with everything but sc.love the bose stereo.how is the stereo in the bonni?was looking at seville but repairs for caddy are not cheap.altenator alone is like $650. looking to get 2001 0r 2002. love my gp but looking for a little bit bigger car.(babys sure do take up a lot of space)thanx for any advice. Jason
  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    I'll respond over in the main board.
  • 94bonniebase94bonniebase Member Posts: 1
    Hey gang, just wanted to let you know that i enjoy this car very much, grated that it came with a file the size of a bible and total of $7800 in repairs but that was before me. Thank God.

    Does any one know about the door lock issues? They don't work, checked the fuse once, blowen but a new one did nothing. I haven't took the drive door apart to replace the module for them, but is there something else i should check first?

    Alexandria VA
  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85
    Just acquired a new SLE with the Premier Edition package and the heated/power seats in the gold mist. Less than 100 miles but so far so good. Pleasure to drive. Hope it stays solid and dependable.

    Glendale, Arizona
  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    Welcome to the Bonneville fraternity. Mine's an SLE too - an '00 in dark bronzemist (they don't make that colour any more unfortunately). I've been very happy with mine - after 25 years with only Japanese and European, the Bonnie was my first domestic and I have zero regrets.

  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85

    Have had several vehicles with the 3.8 V-6. All have been good at least as far as the engine is concerned. My wife's Buick Ultra has not been what you would call "without issues" but none of them have had to do with the engine. Maybe between 2000 and 2004, GM has cleaned up some of those issues and the Pontiac will be like yours. Hope so.
    First tank of gas averaged 23 mpg. That's pretty good especially since we are now paying between $1.90 and $2 a gallon for regular.
  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85
    Made a round trip to Flagstaff on Sunday with four people in the car. Tried to run between 65 and 75. Averaged 24.5 going up and 29.5 coming back. Car performed well and seemed to still be able to get out of its own way at 7000 to 8000 feet asl. Sure steers nicely with good turn-in at speed. Ride is commendably compliant except for sharp discontinuities. These tend to come through to the ones backside. Suspect it is the tires that cause most of this.

    Little bit of flutter in the steering wheel and in the car from about 65 up especially on really smooth road. Probably have to go to Michelins to get away from it.

    Overall still a good experience

  • theicemantheiceman Member Posts: 736
    Good stuff. You should broach your experiences on the main Bonneville board here - particularly with respect to the steering wheel flutter you experience. Watch that one - some have experienced wheel mounting/alignment issues that cause somewhat excessive (to them) vibrations at speeds around 70 mph and above.

  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85
    Couple of questions:

    1. What is the difference between the 3.8 Gen II and the predecessor version of the 3.8

    2. The flutter that I am experiencing is also present in my wife's 2000 Ultra. Is this a GM phenomenon? The Buick's got worse when I replaced the orig eqpmnt Goodyears with Pirelli's and has only become managable after road force balancing.

    My VW Passat is smooth, smooth over the same roads at all speeds. It has Michelins. Some of the discussion groups on Buicks have mentioned similar problems and have indicated elimination or significant improvements by switching to Michelins


  • gxp1gxp1 Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone know the production-run numbers for the 2004 Pontiac Bonneville GXP or where I can get this information? I have tried Pontiac themselves with no success. Specifically, I am looking for how many were produced and maybe even how many were sold. I have yet to see another one on the streets and have recently found out that the 2004's were only produced for 3-4 months. Any help with this request would be much appreciated!

  • speedcouchspeedcouch Member Posts: 1

    I'm new here. I'm interested in getting a 2005 GXP. I've been researching them for a while. I currently have a 1999 Grand Prix GTP. It's been the most reliable car I've ever owned (NEVER been in the shop), but I just want something a little bigger and with a little more room. I previously owned a 1987 Bonneville and 1990 SSE.

    Anyone here have any advice on the GXP? My husband doesn't think I need a new car, but I absolutely love the looks of the GXP. Kind of a role reversal that the husband is against spending money on a new car. :-) I don't want the overpriced sunroof, so I will probably order mine sometime after the first of year (February or so).

  • bryanbryan Member Posts: 198
    Hi Cheryl: I purchased an '04 GXP in May. It was an "inventory order" from a GM dealer in Delaware I deal with regularly, and I purchased it before it was delivered! It is graystone metallic, all options except CD changer and engine block heater. No regrets--absolutely a blast to drive this car. Almost every GXP I found on GM inventory links had the sunroof, so you may indeed need to order to get yours exactly as you want it. My only issue with the car was, ironically, a sunroof rattle, which my dealer fixed on the first try. I have 2500 miles on the car, and am getting about 22 highway mileage, and 17 around town. A fellow GXP owner who posts on another Bonneville board is getting better mileage as he has 9K on his GXP, which is what I expected will happen as I rack up more miles.

    I absolutely love the growl of the Northstar engine, and the more I drive it, the more I love the car. Two options on the car I thoroughly enjoy are the XM satellite radio and the heads-up display, which I do believe has saved me a couple of tickets!

    I also had an 87 Bonneville, and it was also in the graystone color. I enjoyed that car too, but not as much as I am my GXP. Good luck and keep us posted on your buying progress.

  • scotishguy88scotishguy88 Member Posts: 3
    Well I bought a 2001 Bonneville SLE in the fall of 2004 and just love it . I have had some minor problems but overall I am very impressed with it.


    I was originally not keen on the leather seats as I am in Canada and the winter months are COLD... but the heated seats are great.


    I have 17in rims and all the interior options. Oh did I mention this car is great.


    Having a bit of traction problems in the rear durng the winter months. Anyone have this problem?


    I have new (2003 Mich MXV4 Plus - 235/55R17) tires


    Glad to see others love this car.
  • azshellbonazshellbon Member Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Shelly I live in Arizona and own my 4th Bonneville which is a 1993 sse white w/ tan leather interior, I hope to get some great ideas on mods and so forth and Im looking forward to hearing all the feedback as well.

    Bonneville has always caught my eye and its great to see others as enthused about them as I am. :)
  • blackbonne00blackbonne00 Member Posts: 1
    Hello everyone My name is Brian I am 17 and live in south dakota. I recently (as of last thursday) own a 2000 bonneville (black) SLE the car and motor are in great shape! and so is the complete leather interior, tinted windows, and chrome (swirl) rims. My father has a 1991 bonneville and is 100% satisfied and as of yet i am completely as well! the only issue i am having is my sun roof, it appears that the track or something related is broken on that.. i went down to our local gm dealer and they figured it was the whole frame and it would cost 1,400 to fix it! and although i dont have that money i am looking for any alternative if anyone has a solution? feel free to email me.. stormob@wtn.k12.sd.us i would tottaly appreciate any advice!! but other than that my car rocks! and i look forward to at least 6 years with it!
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