I can't see how fast I am going. Kia Sorento

sprintrpssprintrps Member Posts: 62
edited April 2014 in Kia

My 2014 Sorento EX speedometer has small red needle to indicate speed. It is so small (-1/2") and is not visible during the daytime. Wearing sunglasses completely eliminates this from view. KIA knows about this issue, as it is discussed on many forums. In addition, many of us have reported the problem to NHTSA . Besides being an annoyance, it can be a safety issue when using cruise control. A simple software update could change the needle to white, so it can be read.

If I am ever pulled over by the police, and the officer asks "Sir, do you know how fast you are going?" I can honestly answer "No, as my KIA has no speedometer"

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