Price appraisal tool is clunky and buggy
The price appraisal tool is clunky and buggy. When you put in all the information for a car, why do you have to start over again and re-enter color, mileage, and options to see the price for a different condition? It would be nice if you could change some of the information, especially condition, and get an updated price without having to re-enter all the other information. The used car price tool on works like that -- at the end you can change just the condition.
Also, today the appraisal tool keeps offering only manual transmission versions of cars that I know came with automatic transmissions, so I can't even look up values using its normal clunky process.
Thanks for the feedback. I've added your suggestion to our suggestion board, and we will update it as we get closer to implementing that change.
Could you give me an example of the issue you're finding with cars and manual transmissions (i.e. a year, make and model where this happens)? I've been testing the tool but am not able to recreate that issue. Thanks.
Thanks, Mark. I didn't realize there's a suggestion forum. (This forum software is a whole other ball of wax....)
Here are two examples: 2005 Mazda Mazda3 Hatchback (any trim), 2008 Ford Focus Sedan (any trim).
I just checked and if you proceed to the options screen you can select automatic transmission as an option, but I don't see how it makes sense to have that for some cars and for other cars (most? e.g. 2006 Honda Accord) show both manual and automatic transmission versions in the Style dropdown. Maybe it has something to do with a screwy way that automakers define their styles vs. options, but it makes for an inconsistent and confusing interface and user experience. I would note that the price tool doesn't appear to have that problem with those same models. Their interface is different, but for both cars it shows both auto and manual transmissions as choices in the Powertrain group of parameters, not Options.
Yes, you are exactly right. We are currently dependent on the way that each automaker classifies the feature in question -- either as part of a trim or as an option. I agree that this is not the most user-friendly way, and we are looking into ways to make it easier in the future.