Power computer isues 2005 BMW 535d

slancioslancio Member Posts: 1
edited June 2014 in BMW

My BMW 535d seems to be having power issues. While driving the computer fails... I loose all systems... Auto trans, steering, brakes, tire monitor, GPS etc. Sometimes all the lights flash. I need to pull over and restart the car so computer reboots. Until it happens again. Can't drive fast with transmission in this condition. I notice if I accelerate fast it seems to provoke the reaction. Before this began to happen, the date and time had to be reset after parking the car overnight a few times. I also notice the battery warning light when pulling over to reboot computer. I had it to the dealer now twice. First time they failed to fix it. They just serviced the car. When pulling out of parking lot of dealer it happened again. I brought it right back. Then they replaced a relay switch that they said was hot. That did not do it. I bought it back again. They've now had the car four days. This is BMW Dijon, France. Can it be this is a bad dealership? I find it strange that they can not find the problem... esp now that it is easy to cause it to happen. Any ideas?

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