2000 Pontiac Bonneville Se is Jerking hard
Recently my car started Jerking hard, while driving. I notice it when I am accelerating. It kinds feel as if its sucking up air, and exhaling. It don't do it all the time, and some days a few times a day. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but the ac started messing up. when I turn on the ac for vent, it wont work. when I turn on for feet, it comes out the defrost. then the ac goes up and down without touching. if I put on low, it will go on high, then low, then back high. Few months ago I had the Radiator changed, and spark plugs. I get oil changes regularly...about 6-7 month ago changed the spark plug wires.
The AC problem sounds like the vacuum problem. You might have deteriorating rubber vacuum lines leaking on the engine, but most to the heater is hard plastic. Under the dash is a box called the programmer, size of thick paperback. On corner is a piece with soft plastic tubes that carry vacuum to the vacuum motors under dash. The tube for the AC door for dash can suck closed. This group of tubes can be bypassed with pieces of vacuum line from auto store. I am assuming your car is 93-99 model. If it's 2000 and up, this vacuum problem does not apply.
Missing and jerking could be electrical such as plug wires or connections, or even the plugs gapped wrong. This is first place to check. Sometimes plug wires have a corrosion at the coil connection or at the plug end. It could be coolant getting into cylinder from upper intake manifold that has developed a leak or the lower intake gaskets leaking. Are you losing coolant in the radiator at all--check radiator not just the reservoir tank. Could be low fuel pressure due to weak fuel pump or clogged fuel filter.
Need more description.
2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,
Knowing it's a 2000, I have a change of opinion.
If the jerking is during the shifting from first to second, second to third gear, etc., then it may be a pressure control module in the transmission. This will sometimes reset when the car is turned off and shifts will be smoother until two long shift times occur and then the rough shifts start to protect the transmission.
If this is saying the speed of the blower motor goes up and down without changes from the control panel on the dash, that could be the blower control module. It's a replaceable part by taking off the panel under the dash on the right side and disconnecting the blower motor cables from it. Requires some skill and small hands help as well as being upside down lying on the floor.
2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,