Hyundai Santa Fe A/C Stops Working when it rains

marclkmarclk Member Posts: 2
edited June 2014 in Hyundai

A/c stops working but would work if you restarted the vehicle. That did not last very long. Went to the dealer twice with this problem, Dealer said that it could not be duplicated and therefore would do nothing. Spoke to Hyundai and got the same result. Both claimed that they knew nothing about this problem. Happened again a few days ago when it rained hard. Went to the Dealer. Dealer could not deny that it was not working, so said they would fix it. For all those with this problem, Dealer replaced the 1 97250-0W355-CA Control Assembly- Heater. I was told that there was an open circuit in the AC Control Head. Don't let anyone tell you that nobody has reported this problem before. Shame on Hyundai.


  • marclkmarclk Member Posts: 2
    Update - Problem fixed with replacement of Thermocon. I gave that information to the dealer the second time I came in. It was fixed on the fifth. I think it helps to inform Hyundai and the Dealer that unless the problem is fixed, they are legally in "Break of Warranty". I purchased an extended warranty when we bought the Santa Fe. All I wanted was to have the Santa Fe fixed, it is a safety problem when the a/c stops working in a heavy rain and the windows all fog up. Vehicle rides great and I am very pleased with it, all long as there are no problems. At this time, I have no problems with the Santa Fe. At some time in the future, I plan to buy another one.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Thanks for reporting back. Do you mean "breach" of warranty? Five trips is a lemon law claim in most states.
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