Chevy Impala amp bypass

oppr8roppr8r Member Posts: 1
edited July 2014 in Chevrolet

I just bought this 2001 immpy with no sound from the speakers or door chimes. radio lights up. I found the article about the 2 to 1 orange wires behind the rear seat. I opened up the harness and did not find such a connection. all 4 orange wires going to the trunk were hot. The Orange power for the amp was hot (had power)....... wish i had checked that first....LOL.
So..... I went through with the amp bypass wiring on the harness. It worked..... KINDA. At very very low volumes it works. when i give it about 1/3 throttle..... the stereo kicks out and I get static from the speakers.
Has anyone else had this????
Any known causes?????

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