Wind Noise - 2014 Kia Cadenza Limited Long-Term Road Test

There is a lot of wind noise coming from the A-pillars in our 2014 Kia Cadenza.
There is a lot of wind noise coming from the A-pillars in our 2014 Kia Cadenza.
I prefer good sized mirrors. They should be able to engineer them to be quiet but they are also affected by how the air is guided around the front of the car so the overall car design affects the mirror wind noise. Look at the Nissan Leaf with its bubbled out headlights that are that way to help guide the air past the mirrors. - That being said an over $40,000 car should not have wind noise issues.
"Fortunately, when you lock the car, the ears fold in to prevent dings."
How do they prevent dings if the mirrors are folded vs deployed? If a door swings open it will hit the door metal or the mirror. I prefer the latter. This fancy mirror rotating scheme is another way to make cars heavier and uselessly complicated
Not door dings, people-hitting-your-mirror dings. Remember, not all parking is in a square layout, and there are situations when a door is near your side-view mirror. More importantly for those with street parking situations, folding side-view mirrors are less likely to get hit or ripped off by other traffic. I lived in Brussels, Belgium (over a million inhabitants, let alone those who work there) for nine years, and I can tell you that this is truly a useful feature in a place like that!
Since they fold manually, too, why don't you fold them in while at speed and see if the noise changes? We'd know then if was the mirrors or not.