Looking to understand cars and looking for how to get the information(complete newb)
I've got zero knowledge in general about how cars work. I am looking to understand how cars work and how each component works. I'm hoping by doing so I'd learn how to repair things and know what is going wrong when something does.
I'm considering buying this book: http://www.amazon.com/Auto-Fundamentals-Chris-Johanson/dp/1619608200/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
Is this a good idea? I'm hoping to get the foundation I need from the book. And that the book will give me enough information to tackle most things while working on a car.
I'd skip the books at first and look for a auto repair course at a local community college. Often they offer courses geared more toward the weekend mechanic and you can get some theory and hands on training, and have a pro nearby to fix your mistakes.
The book you list is a textbook, they can be pretty dry... what about this instead?
Another thing you can do is use the www, lots of sites with car info, start googling away. Wikipedia has hundreds (or more) articles on the various parts of cars.
Here's another good place to start:
@texases, I think the link got tweaked to the workbook instead of the text - try it again. Most of those Dummies books are pretty good though.
Sure, then - how about checking some out from the local library?