Toyota Sienna Unintended Acceleration

proudgrammyproudgrammy Member Posts: 1
edited September 2014 in Toyota
I've read quite a few instances in this forum of unintended acceleration in the Toyota Sienna. Well it happened to me this morning. I was pulling into my parking spot at work with my foot lightly on the brake, going about 5 or 10 mph when the vehicle suddenly accelerated as if someone had floored the accelerator. The vehicle went up over the curb and into the side of the building. When I told the policeman what had happened, he said that isn't possible. I told him it was possible because it just happened to me. I had it towed to the dealership, called my insurance company and Toyota to make a report of the incident. They will be sending someone out to check out the car, but I'm sure they won't say there is anything wrong with it. I'm sure it won't be impartial since they don't want to be held liable. I also made a complaint with the NHTSA. I am afraid to drive the car and will never buy a Toyota again.


  • reneeg2reneeg2 Member Posts: 1
    This happened to me also on September 13, 2014. I was in my '07 Sienna, slowly backing into a parking space. Suddenly my vehicle surged (reverse), up the sidewalk and hit a bridge, sending a 20 foot section of the bridge into the river. It was so incredibly fast, I felt like I was taking off in a rocket ship. Luckily my back wheels hit an embankment under the bridge and I bounced forward. I am thankful I am not in the river. And thankful I didn't kill anyone and send them into the river as well. The first and most obvious thing I did was lay on the brakes - they would not engage. The van is totaled. I have had little time to work through the issues related to this, beyond working with insurance and obtaining a new vehicle. I have been a faithful Toyota buyer for 13 years now. I will never drive one again. My insurance agency is not interested in working through these issues with Toyota. I don't want it to go unreported. Who did you call at Toyota?
  • blockaderunnerblockaderunner Member Posts: 1
    My new 2014 Sienna has accelerated on own several times I notice it happens when at slow speed with foot lightly on brake. Very disturbing nothing is being done on this. The vehicle should be off market until proper repair can be made.
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