Dodge Paint peeling problem
I am starting to find out that many people are having trouble with the paint on their Dodge cars and trucks. The paint begins to bubble up in small spots and then spreads like rust leaving nothing but primer. My Dodge RAM started this last fall and continues to spread. Dodge refuses to pay for the repair. I hesitate to just spray over the areas because then the car will look like heck as I spray each new area. Is anyone else having similar problems with any Dodge vehicle?
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I can't understand why someone would pay tens of thousands of $$$ on a new vehicle, then use a $3 bottle/can of wax on it once a year and consider it protected!
In the late 80's and early 90's it was caused by EPA forcing a change in clear coat formulations. That shouldn't be your case however.
like mine did? My 1989 LeBaron clear coat turned white and flaked off starting in '96. I noticed many American cars notably Fords and Chryslers doing this at about 7 years age.
If I bought a new car and the paint peeled off like 4 year old lapis blue neons do and Chrysler refused to repaint it, I would put signs on my car windows telling everyone the story!
It's still unrealistic to expect a manufacturer to repaint your car after 8-10 years. They have no control over someone's care or lack of it, weather conditions etc. whether it was garaged or not. They're still cars and they all wear out at different rates. Doesn't make one a "lemon" because the paint peels after 10 years.