Saab Airbags

aew88aew88 Member Posts: 3
edited April 2014 in Saab
I've been trying for several weeks to find out what kind of air bags are in the various Scab models. I have a 5'2" wife, and we are looking for used Scab 900 or 9-3 for her (I have a '97 9000). She is properly wary of air bags.

When we purchased the 9000, we were told by the dealer that it has second generation bags, but I've not really been able to confirm that. Scab customer support has not been able to answer my air bag questions, but the technicians at my dealer say that second generation bags went into Scabs in '95 and dual-stage bags in '99. However, they are not 100% sure of this.

Anyone have a clue or two?


  • lancerfixerlancerfixer Member Posts: 1,284
    I'll have to ask the hosts to add "Saab" to the list, too...
    Have you gone down to the dealer and asked a technician? If anyone knows, I would think they would.
  • aew88aew88 Member Posts: 3
    Huh. I really thought I was rejecting the suggestions, not accepting them. I guess I'll stop doing that. It does look pretty funny, though.
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    Here are direct links to our ongoing Saab 9-3 and Saab 900 discussions where you should try asking your question. Use your copy/paste so you don't have to re-write your message. Good luck. ;-)

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