truck96truck96 Member Posts: 22
edited April 2014 in Honda
I'm looking for a place to buy OEM Honda oil filters, oil, Honda ATF fluid, and Honda antifreeze. If you guys no where to buy this stuff cheaper than the dealer please advise me as the dealer is 60 miles from me. Also on the Honda Accord i just bought i wonder which of the 2 is better using regular Valvoline oil changing at 3,000 miles or going with Mobil 1 synthetic and changine every 6,000 the cost is almost the same.
I have always used regular motor oil and never had any problems.
Thanks in advance


  • lugwrenchlugwrench Member Posts: 213
    Try Manchester Honda that sells OEM parts discounted on the web.

  • gslevegsleve Member Posts: 183
    Use the synthetic gives more protection over extended periord change out every 6000 or 7500 which ever you prefer, spending thousands on a new or relatively new car, and then using cheap oil a 1.00 to 1.80 a quart changing every 3000, yields not many dividends, in performance niether protection to say the least cost in time ie frequecy, be better to use the newer technology in oils given the construction is better, you certainly would be ensuring you're vehicle would have a longer life with less reparis ie : dividends to using synthetic oil
  • brorjacebrorjace Member Posts: 588
    I had always gotten the Filtech OEM Honda filters from Manchester Honda ... but this last time I got the made-in-Canada OEM filters.

    I hacked open the one that just came off my car and they are actually a Fram oil filter inside.

    Avoid these!!

    --- Bror Jace
  • danbethdanbeth Member Posts: 17
    the best place to get OEM parts and fluids is They will send you anti-freeze, unlike manchester honda who will send you everything except the anti-freeze. They told me it was not safe to ship by mail. 1-888-894-6632 ask for mike or denny at
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