False alarm of the anti-theft security system.
I have 97 Ford Explorer with factory installaed security system which has remote keyless entry function. It often generates false alarm with horning and falshing lights when it armed. sometimes it starts beeping 1 minute after I leave the car. And some times it annoying me and my neighborhoods in the middle of night. Because there' no impact or effort to open the door both inside and outside of the car. It is obivious that the module affected by some signals such as Polis radio, training station radio, etc.
If you have any idea to fix this problem, please post your ideas.
If you have any idea to fix this problem, please post your ideas.
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Does the factory installed security system has motion sensor? If yes, How can I adjust the sensitivity or reprogramming the triger point?
Thanks for you input in advance.
Or, you can trick the brain... disconnect it, wait for some 10 seconds, and reconnect (essentailly letting it power down). This might reset the system (if it has an oem shock sensor).
Good luck.