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  • buck380buck380 Member Posts: 10
    Hey y'all, I'm buck. No, I'm not from the south, just like saying y'all. Anyway, I'm here cause this is where they evidently want you to start. Break in the newbie, I guess. Gots me a 98 Isuzu Rodeo S model 4x4 and am looking to replace the tires. Will probably have to search around this site to find the right place to get reactions from other people with Rodeo's on their experiences, but am willing to listen to anyone with a mid-sized SUV what their impressions might be regarding Bridgestone Dueler A/T Revos, Goodyear Fortera HL's, Michelin Cross Terrain SUV, or Yokohama Geolander A/T Plus 2. I gots them puny tires on my Rodeo, 235/75/15. Any suggestions for adding a little beef while keeping the stock wheels (15x6.5)? Drive mostly on road, occasionally haul a boat trailer, may hit a logging road when the spirit strikes, ford a stream if the rains have been heavy. But mostly I'm stuck here in Chicago, with several trips up to the northwoods of Wis/UP, occasional cross country trips as in New Orleans or New York. So how's by you?
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome to the Town Hall!

    You've probably already discovered Isuzu Rodeo where most of the Rodeo discussions are. If you're interested in comparisons with comparable vehicles try Chevy TrailBlazer/GMC Envoy/Olds Bravada vs Ford Explorer/Mercury Mountaineer vs Dodge Durango vs Isuzu Rodeo/Honda Passport.

    Some folks feel very stongly about their tires and you can jump into the fray at Tires, tires, tires.

    tidester, host
  • buck380buck380 Member Posts: 10
    Hey Tidester--
    Thanks for the greeting. As you guessed, already posted on the Isuzu board. Will take your suggestion and check out tires cubed.

  • diamond06diamond06 Member Posts: 2
    Hi we're in the market for our very first mid-size SUV. Contemplating buying new vs used. Anyone have any unbiased opinions on the Toyota 4Runner vs the Nissan Pathfinder? Also we're in Iowa and both vehicles seem to be in short supply. Can anyone recommend a good website to find both? Thanks.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Please see my message here:

    steve_ "03 4Runner vs QX4, Pathfinder, Other - Longevity and Quality" Oct 29, 2003 6:13pm

    And welcome to Town Hall!

    Steve, Host
  • andrew21andrew21 Member Posts: 6
    Hi all,

    I used to be very active a few years ago but fell off. I am suprised (and not a little disgusted, haha) to see that "I don't like SUV's why do you" is still raging, as that discussion was well in the thousands of posts when I fell off.

    Environmental types hate me. My three vehicles:
    1. Toyota 4-Runner
    2. BMW 328
    3. Porsche 911 race car

    But I sleep well at night. I became active again because I just got the race car and am hunting my new tow vehicle, trying to determine whether to get something like a Tahoe or a GM pickup. I'm not a GM fan (no flaming!) but GM does rule when it comes to towing.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome back!

    ... as that discussion was well in the thousands of posts when I fell off.

    Perhaps it wouldn't have meandered on so long had one with lucid arguments and clarity of expression remained and set the record straight! ;-)

    tidester, host
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Where you race? I just did an HPDE @ Summit Point Raceway!

    I'm considering trading in my Trooper for a Duramax Diesel since I've been towing my Impreza L racecar to the track a lot!

    Shoot me an e-mail or something. I dropped out of the I hate SUVs discussion a while back too, it was just repetative for my liking.

  • pclar08pclar08 Member Posts: 4
    I am considering purchasing a DURAMAX equipped HD2500 4x4 ext cab PU. (I currently have a similar truck w/the 6.0L gas engine). My dealer has imformed me that GMC ( and I assume GM) has cut back production of DURAMAX equiped vehicles to 5% of units sold (I didn't think to ask what it was before). Anyone out there have any idea why GM is doing this? I do know this: these units are very hard to find here in northern N.E.! Thanks for any info.
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    It might just be a dealer giving you the biz?

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Try the Silverado / Sierra 2500HD Duramax ... any thoughts? discussion. And welcome to Town Hall!

    Steve, Host
  • museracingmuseracing Member Posts: 1
    Hi! I just purchased a Lexus RX330 and love it. The only problem seems to be the transmission...it shifts weird in 2nd. I want to see if anyone else has this issue. The dealer says it's normal, but I can't imagine that is true.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard! You should check out the Lexus RX 330 discussion where you'll find lots of owners discussing all aspects of the RX. Be sure to tell them exactly what you mean by "shifts weird."

    tidester, host
  • sree2003sree2003 Member Posts: 5
    I just bought 2003 Suzuki XL-7 and I love it. I have posted my experience on Suzuki XL-7 forum .

    Town Hall was of great help in evaluating SUVs. Thanks Town Hall!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Congratulations on your new XL-7 and we're glad you're here. Enjoy!

    tidester, host
  • ladyofluxuryladyofluxury Member Posts: 93
    Goodevenin', Afternoon, or morning to everyone! I am a first time SUV buyer, finally moving on from my 94 Honda Accord EX :*(* However I'm passing it down to my younger brother so atleast it'll still be in the family. I am looking to buy a new SUV within the next few months and am EXTREMELY conflicted between the 2004 4runner and 2004 RX330. I am not extremely familiar with SUV's but I do know that the 4runner is truck based while the 330 is car based. I've driven the 4runner and loved it, haven't driven the RX330 yet. Need suggestions on what may be the best choice for me. I do not mind paying a higher price for the RX330 'IF' the ride is that much better than the 4runner. And FINALLY I live in VA beach and was wanting to know how I should decide on a 4WD/AWD or 2WD/RWD/FWD or even V6 vs V8. I do NOT tow anything except lots of groceries, my puppy and my husband. And the only rough terrain I ride on is the 15 miles it takes me to get to work on these HORRIBLE virginia streets. Sorry so long, look forward to your suggestions!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome to the Town Hall!

    I think you would benefit from the driving experiences of people who own those vehicles and recommend you join the Lexus RX 330 and Toyota 4Runner discussions.

    If you'll never tow or offroad you may want to go with the crossover rather than the truck. In any case, good luck!

    tidester, host
  • jmorr1jmorr1 Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I am the discouraged owner of an Isuzu Engine made Honda Passport. I have had engine pinging problems since around 7500 miles. I have taken it to the dealer 7 or 8 times regarding this problem. They have reprogramed the computer 4 times according to the latest updates, cleaned the top of the engine twice and put new spark plugs in. Then the check engine light came on and they discovered a crack in the neck of the gas tank and a bad sending unit. It still pings and I have been putting midgrad to premium gas in it. This is an on again off again problem, what gives?
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome to the Town Hall!

    We don't have any active Passport discussions and the ones that have been archived are rather old.

    You might try asking around in Chevy TrailBlazer/GMC Envoy/Olds Bravada vs Ford Explorer/Mercury Mountaineer vs Dodge Durango vs Isuzu Rodeo/Honda Passport where you may just run across Passport owners with a similar experience.

    Good luck!

    tidester, host
  • twinbladesztwinbladesz Member Posts: 104
    Hi I'm Vince. I own a 98 Ford Explorer. I've enjoyed reading and posting on these forums. Its been very interesting. Hope to get to know more people as I post more on here.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard! I see you've found the I don't like SUVs, why do you? "discussion." Enjoy the debate!

    tidester, host
  • twinbladesztwinbladesz Member Posts: 104
    I havent read all the post but enough to try and get in. I've learned a few good things here so I will continue to read and post. Thanks for the welcome.
  • lalagimplalagimp Member Posts: 61
    I'm not in favor or all SUVs or even half of them- there are so many people around dc that have them and aren't as considerate or careful to most of those around them.
    Everyone here is on an "i'm more important/me" complex.
    Yeah I know I've done it too- but I was driving a 15 year old econobox that couldn't really hurt anyone but a pedestrian.
    Well I caved.
    I found one I'm definately in favor of- after a very nasty car accident.
    I felt I needed more visual of the road, and safe, and something to keep later as a family vehicle, and something that wouldn't rape my gascards ;)- as well as tossing a doghouse in the back on a whim and then just hosing it out after I'm done.(just incase I ever felt like doing that)
    As of day before christmas eve; I own a 2003 Honda Element.
    it's not too big for me to handle or feel obnoxious.
    I feel guilty for owning an SUV. It was a mercury mountaineer that nearly killed me but I needed this to feel normal on the road and not stressed every day behind the wheel sitting one foot off the pavement.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Welcome (again - I saw your post in IDLSWDY).

    Best wipe out that Element. They really don't want you to hose it out, in spite of the early ads. Check out the Honda Element discussion too.

    Steve, Host
  • lalagimplalagimp Member Posts: 61
    I know they advertize that but I don't think I would ever do that> I was thinking swabbing definately.
    I don't even own potholders, yet alone a hose ;)

    I think it's a funny point, ever dealer has said that like they teach it to them before the vehicles fall off the truck.
  • alfie58alfie58 Member Posts: 7
    I'm Jen and I'm looking to buy a new 4WD RAV4L or a 4WD RAV4 Sports edition. Still not sure which one yet. If anyone knows the prices of the cars, PLEASE tell me! I posted about this on the messageboards already no responses yet.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard!

    Be sure to check out New Cars which will provide you with all the new car prices and reviews you could possibly want!

    tidester, host
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    So you need a bigger vehicle so you can see better. What will happen when everyone gets one the same height as yours? Will you then feel the need to get an EVEN BIGGER one? Maybe you should go directly to the H2 or Excursion with maybe a 2" or 3" lift kit so no one will be able to block your view, or maybe a Semi-truck, since they will still be blocking the view of the most lifted H2 or Excursion.... :(

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Hey Mike, time to stop in I don't like SUVs, why do you? again?

    Steve, Host
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Nah I stay out of there, it would raise my blood pressure too much! (from both sides of the issue)

  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    A little stress is a good thing! :-)

    tidester, host
  • smcclanahansmcclanahan Member Posts: 2
    Hey out there! I'm looking to buy a new SUV or full size truck and need advice on which is best for Maryland's winter snow/ice conditions. HELP!!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I'm not sure where to suggest you begin on the boards; there are just so many choices!

    Maybe take a look at the new car pages here and narrow your search down to a few models. Or a few dozen :-)

    Here's a link:

    SUV Buying Guide (There's a truck one in the drop-down box there too).

    And welcome!

    Steve, Host
  • smcclanahansmcclanahan Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. I'll start there. If anyone who owns a SUV or truck and must drive on snow covered roads could give me some input I'd be very grateful.
  • silverdadsilverdad Member Posts: 1
    I can't find"pontiac aztek:problems & solutions. It has to be somewhere as I know they are not perfect.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard!

    You can't find the Aztek Problems and Solutions board because it doesn't exist!

    We have active discussions here: Aztek Owners: Accessories & Modifications and Aztek Owners: Care & Maintenance

    Say the word and I'll reactivate the Pontiac Aztek discussion (discussions becomes archived automatically after a period of inactivity).

    tidester, host
  • robbie819robbie819 Member Posts: 4
    I've been driving a '00Lincoln LS V8 loaded even w/the advance track and finally can't take another winter of not being able to drive! I'm hoping to buy a used Lexus RX300. Any comments.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I see you've already found the Lincoln forums. I suggest starting with Lexus RX 300 to find out more about the RX-300 from people who own them.

    Good luck!

    tidester, host
  • bandidobandido Member Posts: 4
    Hola guys, this is my first time here...me interested in Nissan '04 SC supercharge 4x4..
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard!

    Have you found the Nissan Xterra discussion yet?

    tidester, host
  • rossygrossyg Member Posts: 2

    I'm in the process of buying/considering a Nissan Murano. I currently own a Nissan Maxima and an Isuzu Rodeo. The Murano would replace both these vehicles.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome to the edmunds.com's Town Hall!

    I see you've already found the Murano discussions - enjoy!

    tidester, host
  • merhenrimerhenri Member Posts: 2
    Hi there folks.

    First time stopping in and I thought I'd let you know that I recently went back to GMC to try to get a new lease going on another Envoy or maybe the new Buick Rainier ... figuring I could save some cash on my exorbitant monthly payment for my Envoy. What a shock - they are not only more expensive than they were 3 years ago, but they haven't made them any better. And hence, the monthly payment won't change. Alas ... I am disillusioned with GM in general and rather tired of getting inferior products (replace the entire transmission on the 2002 Envoy after two months - even GM couldn't figure out what was wrong so they just replaced it!) ... even switching lines (GM to Buick or Chevy) won't work.

    Any ideas on how to get a good deal on a midsize SUV? My only requirements are that it must have 4WD/AWD capability and I want butt warmers with leather seats. And no damned third row unless they are willing to keep the seats!

    Ahhh ... yes, it does appear that I joined to vent as well!
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Did you check out the Chevy Trailblazer, GMC Envoy, Oldsmobile Bravada discussion? For deals you should browse through the What Did You Pay? discussions to learn about others' experiences.

    tidester, host
  • suv_fansuv_fan Member Posts: 24
    Good Morning!

    I'm currently driving a 1999 Olds Bravada, leased used, and cannot wait to get a new SUV. Hoping for a mid-size w/a 3rd row (Pilot, Rendezvous). Also considering Murano, Endeavor. Have already checked out brand boards as well as others.

    How do I find out if certain SUVs are in demand locally (Columbus, Ohio)? Can I really trust the dealers (doubtful)?

    How can I discover estimated monthly lease payments from the dealerships? I think the estimators are too high, but not certain.

    Thank you!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Welcome to Town Hall.

    For lease questions, try the Lease Questions - Ask Here board. Car_man over there can tell you whether our lease calculators are high :-)

    Check out the What Did You Pay? discussions to get an idea of demand and deals happening around the country.

    Steve, Host
  • msu79gt82msu79gt82 Member Posts: 541
    ... its been a while since I've posted. I was very active in early 2001 prior to purchasing an '01 Acura MDX. I am now on my second MDX, an '04.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome back! I see you found your way over to I don't like SUVs, why do you?. :-)

    tidester, host
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Hi Charles, welcome and you're welcome.

    Steve, Host
  • cindy2cindy2 Member Posts: 1
    Hello and thank you! I hope I can have my hesitancy resolved here by competent users. I'm strongly considering buying a '04 Honda Cr-V, but the reports on car fires after an oil change make me want to forget it--or wait to see if this is repaired in the '05's.

    I'd appreciate user experience on this and some info on what's new for the '05 model. Thanks much!
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