MPG Is Stupid Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in General

imageMPG Is Stupid

Edmunds' well-reasoned look at why miles per gallon is far from the best means to measure fuel consumption.

Read the full story here



  • skw0123skw0123 Member Posts: 33
    Sounds good. So, lead the way...put gp100 as the official measure in every review and put MPG in parentheses.
  • empowahempowah Member Posts: 71
    Excellent writeup. And I agree, Edmunds should lead the way.
  • mspeedmusicmanmspeedmusicman Member Posts: 1
    Excellent explanation of why we should change to gpm. Lead the charge! If you go to Europe (or almost anywhere else in the world) they express fuel economy in terms of liters-per-100-kilometers. Same concept. (While you're at it, get the US to change to the metric system. This would REALLY simplify calculations.)
  • agentorangeagentorange Member Posts: 893
    Dan, while what you say is true, you are fighting the long standing perception in the mind of public that bigger numbers are better, i.e., 50mpg is better than 20 mpg. Now you want to shove how much gas is being used in the faces of the mathematically challenged who have been in blissful ignorance all these years. Some of them are going to resent that. Then there will be car execs sending black helicopters after you because the LAST thing they want is Joe Public easily seeing how much money he is blowing on gas with most cars in the US market. No sir, we don't want those kinds of facts loose amongst the general public. Good luck with your campaign.
  • superfluousdsuperfluousd Member Posts: 2
    Spock would love this; it seems Logical! - The site is great. Really handy is the Compare Side-by-Side feature. You can even personalize it to your own personal mix of driving (highway vs city), and how many miles a year you drive...
  • chrgmanchrgman Member Posts: 2
    Gee-It only took 28 paragraphs and a few sentences to explain a
    "simple" procedure....
    Going to Las Vegas yesterday, a friends new 528 display read out
    the mpg as we drove(36.7), not sure I'd like to see .0272479
    gallons per mile, if you know what I mean.
  • g3ngog3ngo Member Posts: 1
    I don't know a single person that struggles to understand the concept or math behind MPG. Even if they did, most understand that more MPG means more efficiency and less money spent on fuel.

    I don't think this argument is sufficient to warrant a change, nor does it protect consumers from companies inflating their fuel efficiency ratings.

    As another poster mentioned, the best thing we could do is make the EPA tests better reflect real-world driving conditions and consumption.
  • ampimampim Member Posts: 1
    Preaching to the choir. An example I've been using that blows people's minds is that regardless of the price of gas, and how many miles you drive, you'd save the same amount of money going from a 10 mpg truck to a 16 mpg SUV as you would going from that 16 mpg SUV to a 40 mpg hybrid. Or in the 'math' in this case would be a 60% improvement equals 150% improvement. Or 6 mpg equals 24 mpg.
  • magius39magius39 Member Posts: 2
    I just don't understand why it took a 20+ paragraph article to make the point that numbers are different if you divide them differently. The most appropriate unit is the one that answers the question you are asking. "How many gallons will it take to drive 100 miles?" And "How many miles can I drive on one gallon of gas?" Are different questions, needing different units. I just think its a stupid argument/waste of an article to say, "no, the inverse of this number is clearly the better number." When it really depends on the questions being asked. Not to mention the fact that these numbers are derived from archaic/gamed systems. The fact that people are "up in arms" over hybrids/turbo cars not hitting their sticker values for fuel usage is based on the fact the test is wrong, and not representative. Changing the number derived from that test (be it mpg or gpm) won't make it any more accurate, in the same way that changing fonts won't change what is actually written.
  • bc1960bc1960 Member Posts: 171
    Because as the article alludes, when you divide large numbers by small numbers the result exaggerates the significance of a small delta in the denominator, especially when you crudely round to the nearest whole number as the EPA does. 300 miles on 10 gal is 30mpg. 300 miles on 9.5 gal is 32mpg. People tend to assume that the mpg difference is important when it's arguably not--if you rounded to the same significance they're both 0.03 gal/mi; even if you keep the same significance as currency it's 0.0333 vs. 0.0317. Gal/mi also directly translates into $/mi by multiplying by the pump price; you are correct that division and multiplication are equivalent operators but humans psychologically find addition and multiplication easier to do mentally than subtraction and division, by a large margin. I disagree with emphasizing the combined number on the current sticker; it assumes a specific percentage city/hwy split that may or may not be relevant--you could be hitting the city and hwy figures exactly and miss the combined if your split is different. At least the sticker continues to publish both numbers so you can figure your own approximate combined number. Edmunds bloggers in the long-term section make a big deal about getting 23.5mpg (which should be rounded to 24) combined instead of 26mpg combined without noting what the driving circumstances were. The sticker also eliminated any mention of the expected variation in the averages (which was previously cited as plus or minus 6 mpg for 30mpg, 8 mpg for 40mpg, e. g.), which only reinforces the public tendency to expect that the sticker numbers are a promise and that 2mpg differences are always a big deal.
  • duck87duck87 Member Posts: 649
    The only thing stupid about the system is that it's in imperial units. Come over to the dark side... start using metric units like liters and kilometers... I promise it won't hurt and will make calculations easier.
  • magius39magius39 Member Posts: 2
    This is a stupid article making a foolish point poorly.

    The crux of the article focuses on the idea that -

    miles / gallons is somehow less accurate and leads to more misconceptions than gallons / mile.

    Its the same number. Just divided differently.

    Particularly annoying is the section "It's All in Your Head." -

    You're attempting to make the point that it is difficult to calculate the amount of gallons used for a 200 mile trip because it involves doing division. Whereas, multiplication is so much easier, if only!

    Its the same basic mathematical function. It really is.
    Gallons used = 200/18 (if expressed in miles per gallon)
    Gallons used = 5.6/100 * 200 (if expressed in gallons per mile)

    I fail to see your point that the latter is somehow "more straightforward" than the former. If anything, its more complex if your trip length is anything other than a multiple of 100.

    The key point is that the "best" unit is useless discussion unless you know the primary question. What the EPA is saying by keeping MPG on window stickets is that the most common question on car buyers minds is, "How far can I go on 1 gallon of gas with this particular vehicle?" Isn't it easier to just answer that question in 1 glance?

    If you want to make a point about window stickers being inaccurate/uninformative, write an article describing the city/highway testing cycles and how they are/are not similar to modern day car usage and/or the leeway car companies have in the production of those numbers.
  • jimvetajimveta Member Posts: 96
    Let me air my pet peeve about people conflating efficiency with economy. With all due respect this article also does the same and misses the point about real efficiency. GPM is still a measure of economy, or frugality, and not efficiency.

    Efficiency is measured as a ratio between input and output. For cars it's BSFC (brake specific fuel consumption) or Torque per unit-fuel @ rpm used. That it measure the efficiency of converting between input energy and output energy. Look up any automotive engineering book and this--BSFC--is the definition of efficiency you'll see, which is not a single figure but varies over rpm, not MPG or GPM.

    You don't measure an AC/DC power supply's efficiency just by how much electricity it consumes. That's frugality or economy. You measure by how much it consumes (which can be over time or instantaneous) vs how much DC power produces.

    You don't measure a refrigerator's efficiency just by how much electricity it consumes. That's frugality or economy. You measure by how much it consumes (which can be over time or instantaneous) vs how much cooling power it produces.
  • klinkerkcklinkerkc Member Posts: 0

    I think you're missing the point of this article. You are correct in that there's nothing technical wrong with the current miles/gallon value advertised in the US. Whether you use mpg or gal/mile, you are correct that it's all the same data, just presented in a different format. The point of this article is that mpg is MISLEADING to consumers, completely unintentionally but misleading nonetheless.

    By using mpg, you might think that 14 mpg vs. 15 mpg isn't that big of an economy gain, but it's actually a helluva big gain compared to 49 vs. 50 mpg.

    I just happened to run this analysis a couple years ago when I was buying a new vehicle and comparing vehicle cost vs. total monthly cost inclusive of fuel economy. :

    Assumptions: 12000 mi/yr

    mpg $3/gal
    10 $300
    15 $200
    20 $150
    25 $120
    30 $100
    35 $86
    40 $75
    45 $67
    50 $60

    You'd save $100/month in gas cost if you ditched that 10mpg bubba truck for a 15mpg SUV. Huge change there. However, if you ditch that 45mpg Hyundai hybrid for a 50mpg Prius, you'd only save $7/month and hence might be considered an idiot if you did so purely to save on gas costs.

    Same incremental mpg gain between the two vehcile scenarios but radically different fuel cost changes.

    The net change in gas cost for a certain mpg change completely depends on the reference mpg. It's a crappy indicator because the amount of gas used does not response linearly to mpg change.

    On the other hand, gallons/mile allows for a linear response between gas used and gpm. If your gpm decreases by 10%, you're going to spend 10% less on gas, and visa-versa. It's simple.

    That's the point of this article.
  • cowichancowichan Member Posts: 5
    This is really just the world standard, liters/100 kilometers, Americanized for local tastes.
  • compressorcompressor Member Posts: 0
    GPM is fine for a comparison of fuel efficiency given that most people in this country apparently don't know what a reciprocal is (don't get me started as to why we should always appease the lowest common denominator - as your math "whiz" would say)

    That said, your example of planning a road trip is why, given peoples poor math skills, mpg is better. Very few plan on how much gas it takes to take a road trip. For those that do, the math is easy (not to mention very few trips are rounded to the 100 miles) What people do need to figure out while driving is how much farther I can go with my remaining gas. Say I have a 16 gallon tank in my 18 mpg car. I am at the 1/4 mark. Sans reserve I know I have about 4 gal of fuel. At 18mpg, I can go approximately 72 miles. Now, tell the average person how much farther they can go with a 1/4 tank of fuel (4 gals) in a car that gets 5.5 gp100 and I think you will have some very confused people - remember, these people think, as you have displayed, that gpm is different than mpg, and not just a simple reciprocal.
  • compressorcompressor Member Posts: 0
    magius39 - thank you!
  • jl335ijl335i Member Posts: 2
    Agreed, mpg does not convey a direct correlation. However, it still is a measure of fuel efficiency. It measures the following: "how many miles one can travel per gallon of fuel used." A more fuel efficient vehicle will travel farther, or more miles per gallon. It's not as direct as gpm, but it provides a metric for efficiency just the same. gpm hasn't caught on because, for the standard consumer, "who cares"? No one is wasting time measuring if their vehicle is under performing by 10% and the "true" meaning of that number.
  • vroom10vroom10 Member Posts: 1
    magius has said it best. He spoke exactly what I was thinking. The first paragraph into the article I was rolling my eyes. The author thinks he has it all figured out by playing a semantics game with fuel consumption. Math is math people! You can approach an equation several different ways, but if calculated correctly, you will arrive at the same conclusion. Needless to say, I didn't bother finishing the article. No wonder i stopped coming to this site for my car news.
  • bankerdannybankerdanny Member Posts: 1,021
    mspeedmusicman said: "While you're at it, get the US to change to the metric system. This would REALLY simplify calculations." How so? 5 litres/100km is no more simple to work with than 5 gallons/100 miles.
  • zimtheinvaderzimtheinvader Member Posts: 580
    all of this is somewhat pointless for the people like the guy at the gas station back when gas prices were closing in on $5 a gallon. He asked how much it just cost me to fill up my little Tacoma and I said $50. He responded with "that's what we need, my wife's car costs $70" I tried to point out that I still only got around 20 mpg and that it just held less gas; he waved his hand in the air and said "doesn't matter, just needs to be cheaper to fill up" and walked away.
  • mboilymboily Member Posts: 15
    The metric systems already uses this calculation, rated liters per 100 kilometers.
    It is more logical.
  • mboilymboily Member Posts: 15
    @ chrgman
    It's not per miles, it is per 100 miles; So it would read 2.7ghm
  • compressorcompressor Member Posts: 0
    mboily - it is only more logical if you don't understand math.

    That said, it is a clearer comparative indication of fuel usage in some ways. But a less clear indicator of fuel consumption in other ways. Both methods have pros and cons for those that do not like to do math

    As for metric - all our maps, road signs, speed, etc are in miles. All our pumps are in gallons. The cost to change to liters and km would be huge for absolutely no gain whatsoever.
  • greenponygreenpony Member Posts: 531
    Most people are lousy at math anyway; any change to how fuel efficiency is expressed will likely just lead to confusion. Still, I think you're skirting about the REAL problem - that's the EPA tests themselves. The tests are antiquated and based on driving conditions that were slower, with less traffic, and with less-capable vehicles, and rely too much on calculations and fudge factors to arrive at today's window sticker estimates. Diesels are underrated, hybrids and turbo DI motors are overrated. Fix the rating system, then we can talk about which reciprocal is better.
  • compressorcompressor Member Posts: 0
    bc1960 - but if you want to figure out how far you can go on a tank of gas (or any quantity of fuel) you have to do division with gpm.

    People that find math hard, with find it hard no matter what. Giving them a reciprocal wont help. My apologies, but they are just stupid and seem to be operating at the math level of a 2nd grader, proven by your point that people find addition and multiplication easier - since subtraction and division are technically addition and multiplication, respectively.
  • grover432grover432 Member Posts: 11
    Welcome to the way Canada measures fuel economy: liters/100 km or how many liters of gas it takes to drive 62 miles. The only problem is Transport Canada hasn't kept up with realistic mileage testing numbers like the US has so no Canadian car can hit it's sticker mileage.
  • serezhkinserezhkin Member Posts: 32
    Great article, US is one of the few countries still stuck with MPG, and the thing just doesn't make sense. Especially when the laws use it to set economy standards: they say "raise efficiency by 5mpg" without realizing that 5mpg raise not only gets the more expensive the more efficient a car is, but it also has way less impact than making the trucks and other gas-suzzlers be only 2mpg more efficient.
  • jvoelckerjvoelcker Member Posts: 0
    What a great headline! No, seriously, it's awesome.

    It just sounds sorta familiar ....

    best, jv.
  • bobert2013bobert2013 Member Posts: 4
    To make another point MPG can't be calculated on a vehicle that's coasting while in gear, ie not consuming any fuel while moving. Infinite miles per gallon.

    A car that's coasting while using the GPM figure will get 0 gallons per 100 miles.

    To the person who wrote "I just think its a stupid argument/waste of an article to say, "no, the inverse of this number is clearly the better number." I point to the above. Why so upset about it? Is it really fair to call something "stupid" when you don't understand it?
  • bobert2013bobert2013 Member Posts: 4
    bankerdanny said "While you're at it, get the US to change to the metric system. This would REALLY simplify calculations." How so? 5 litres/100km is no more simple to work with than 5 gallons/100 miles. Because adding 1 1/3, 2 2/15, 3 3/17, is pretty damn hard

    look what you made me do.
  • dlb1974dlb1974 Member Posts: 1
    I agree with magius39. I have something else to add. Is it true that auto manufacturers set the air/fuel ratio to somewhere around 16:1? In chemistry I thought to efficiently burn off all the gasoline that it had to be set to 24:1. No wonder there's all that carbon build up in the engine and pollution. Then again, if auto manufacturers were truly worried about giving us quality performing automobiles that got great gas mileage and horsepower, then I should not have to or even be able to re-program the computer on my vehicle (the hard way), or purchase a computer like say from Jeg's (the easy way), and make my vehicle get 10 to 20mpg better fuel efficiency, or alter shift points in the transmission to get better torque for towing. Or alter it for better speed. Whatever your fancy. If you ask me all of it is a load of crap, and mainstream media along with corporate america is the biggest culprit in 90% of the false and mis-leading advertisements that are out there. As for fuel economy, I had an 84 ford pick up that got 47mpg. If a hybrid can't do any better than 50 then it's a piece of engineered crap that needs to go back to the drawing board.
  • misterbubbamisterbubba Member Posts: 1
    Nice. How many bales of hay for my horse per mile?
  • zrutlandzrutland Member Posts: 1
    If the Feds. convert the gpm to mpg then so can the consumer and believe it or not, you get the same relative results if the conversion factor stays the same (which it does). I believe this is "much ado about nothing".
    Why isn't anyone focusing on how poorly the average North American navigates our roadways i.e., jackrabbit starts, speeding, staying on the gas until your a foot away from a stop light/sign etc, etc. How come you didn't discuss poorly maintained vehicles/tires as well. Seems to me there's a lot that can be done everyday by almost everyone to improve fuel efficiency!! What about LRR tires? I'm willing to bet the list is actually quite a bit longer than that which I've suggested. Get the "word" out, if you will, and forget the article on gpm please!!!!!!!!!
  • asfonsecaasfonseca Member Posts: 1
    The article it's right, it's more easy to see what we spend and the cost.

    Here in Europe, the standard is : L/100km, since i've remember.

    Sometimes the change is good!
    In this case, the best choice is gp100
  • yamahr1yamahr1 Member Posts: 9
    It's a lot more straightforward than MPGe at least!
  • explorerx4explorerx4 Member Posts: 20,071
    Forget any measurement with a decimal point in it.
    Maybe if the measurement was gallons per 1000 miles, no decimal, it would be simple and accurate enough.
    2023 Ford Explorer ST, 91 Mustang GT vert
  • dino001dino001 Member Posts: 6,191
    I agree with the article. Rest of the world measured fuel economy as consumption per distance, not distance per unit of fuel. Makes it much easier to estimate costs. Also, as the author wrote due to inverse proportionality, the mpg number misleads consumers, where small number differences at low mpg mean large money and inversely, large number at high mpg mean small money. People will sue cause their hybrids miss 5-10 mpg on the mpg number, ultimately meaning extra $50 or $100 per year, but when their pickup misses couple of mpg and they are out of $500/year, they don't think it's a big deal - just because it was "only" couple of mpg.

    I wonder how EPA came with that idea of measuring, anyway. Was it because US always jas to be different than rest of the world?

    2018 430i Gran Coupe

  • mgibson99_mgibson99_ Member Posts: 1
    What a dumb article. You have 2 variables. Miles driven (call it X) and gallons of gas consumed (call it Y).

    X/Y = Miles per gallon (MPG)

    Y/X = Gallons per mile (GPM)

    (Y/X)*100 = Gallons per 100 miles (GP100)

    To say any one measure is better or worse, or more or less intuitive, is ridiculous. There is absolutely no point to this article. It's like saying you can buy 3 apples for $1 each (measuring in terms of cost per apple), or you can pay $10 for 10 apples (measuring in terms of what 10 apples cost). Same information. No more relevant or useful either way.
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