2014 Acura MDX AWD Long-Term Road Test

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in Acura

image2014 Acura MDX AWD Long-Term Road Test

Our recent desert trip in the 2014 Acura MDX was a good chance to try out its LED headlights on very dark roads.

Read the full story here



  • hybrishybris Member Posts: 365
    So just previewing the article here but I'm guessing the lights do reasonably well in terms of light output but given their replacement cost its not recommended that drive on dirt roads often or at least behind another vehicle.--------------- It's really off putting when you can preview a article a head of time but there are vehicles that spend weeks or months without a single post.------- Of course at this point I don't think you people even bother reading the comments considering just how much hate is now in the water as it can, and should be embarrassing for you to read as this is your work or lack thereof being raked across the coals.
  • zimtheinvaderzimtheinvader Member Posts: 580
    I think the fact that those lights don't have the harsh cutoff line is a huge plus. There seems to be a lot of worry about the replacement cost of the headlights but I don't remember ever seeing a long term test car here (or anywhere) that had its headlight broken by road debris. And if one did break wouldn't it be covered by your comprehensive insurance (after paying the deductible) just like a windshield. Plus if it is that much of a worry then get one of those clear headlight films put on it.
  • se_riouslyse_riously Member Posts: 94
    Thank you for the good post on the headlights - much better than the previous ones. I'd love it if this type of post was "standard procedure" for all vehicles in the long term fleet.
  • smrtypants44smrtypants44 Member Posts: 25
    So what are the best headlights you've ever reviewed?
  • zimtheinvaderzimtheinvader Member Posts: 580
    "So what are the best headlights you've ever reviewed?"

    Pam Anderson during the Bay Watch days. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  • joner800joner800 Member Posts: 80
    so as one of the main haters of these fugly lights, i am VERY impressed by their functionality. at least there is a purpose to them, albeit, one that i dont assume many MDX drivers will get out to the desert to appreciate.

    great post!
  • bc1960bc1960 Member Posts: 171
    It's always difficult to judge these headlamp posts, because unless you use a camera in manual mode with the same aperture and shutter speed for all the shots, the auto exposure will adjust itself (within the camera's limits) to make the shots have similar illumination. Even considering that in practice your pupils will also adjust to the brightness they intercept, I don't usually see as big a difference in the photos as I expect.
  • actualsizeactualsize Member Posts: 451
    I agree bc1960, which is why I put words around it. And I think an area with taller trees and reflectors down the road would help illustrate the reach and span no matter what the camera chose to do. Still looking for the perfect dark-sky place to do this close to home.

    Twitter: @Edmunds_Test

  • misterfusionmisterfusion Member Posts: 471
    And this is the difference between a Dan Edmunds post and a "somebody else" post. Great job, and of course the vital information is in the content, not the photos! I'd like to see how the LEDs in a Corolla compare -- I think it's amazing that they are standard in a car like that.
  • christoplechristople Member Posts: 27
    "Are these "Jewel Eye" LEDs the best headlights we've driven behind? No, but they're impressive nonetheless. "

    I remember back in the day the basic halogen projectors on the Camry were getting lots of praise on here. However what would be yours or the staff's top 5 cars with the best headlights?

    "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"

  • agentorangeagentorange Member Posts: 893
    You must be easily distracted if a Euro style cutoff upsets you. Best headlights I have seen were on four-headlamp equipped cars in Europe. That usually involved 55/60 outer units and a 55W auxiliary high beam as the inner units. I suspect 230W on high beam breaches some dumbass USDoT reg on light intensity. All I'll say is that a set of lights like that when properly aimed cut through British rain really well. I frequently had folk latch onto me on dark twisty roads because they realised I could see way more than they could with a standard pair of 55/60 H4s.
  • younghyoungh Member Posts: 11
    Out of curiosity - what car had the best stock headlights you've driven behind?
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