This is an excellent piece but, and I feel strongly about this, it should have been published several months ago!! There is time to prepare and now, with snow and ice on the ground, it is a bit late!!! Next year, please, publish this in September/October time frame. Thanks.
"If the mixture deviates from this norm, then hot- and cold-weather performance can suffer."
A 50:50 mix in hot weather is less efficient at keeping an engine cool. Most of the racers I know use distilled water, pump lubricant/anti-corrosion treatment and a wetting agent.
You left out the best advice of all, read your owners manual and follow the maintenance schedule. And if the snow is so deep you need snow tires, stay home.
A 50:50 mix in hot weather is less efficient at keeping an engine cool. Most of the racers I know use distilled water, pump lubricant/anti-corrosion treatment and a wetting agent.