Ford Expedition Maintenance and Repair

rpjazzerrpjazzer Member Posts: 3
Hi, I'm Rolly. I bought a used XLT 4WD with 36.5K miles a week ago and I just had the gear shifter replaced as a result of inoperative overdrive. I was told by the service rep. that the wires inside the shifter were frayed caused by the shifting of the shifter. A new shifter had to be installed to get it working. Have anyone ever had this problem before?


  • mchlbroommchlbroom Member Posts: 2
    I recently purchased a 2001 Expedition XL and have put 1400 miles on it. At about 1200 miles I started noticing a whining noise at low speed. progressively it got worse and I took it to the dealer. I have now been informed that they are putting in a new differential that had to be ordered from Ford. I just was curious if you were aware of this problem being repeated across the country. It seems to me that at 1400 miles this could have never passed a QA inspection at the plant.
  • cpearson1cpearson1 Member Posts: 30
    "It seems to me that at 1400 miles this could have never passed a QA inspection at the plant."
    If you didn't notice it until 1200 miles, how did you expect the plant to find it in 3 miles (or whatever distance the plant drives it)? Inspections don't do much good for problems that show up after hundreds or thousands of miles. Designs and production processes have to be robust to make sure the components are assembled correctly and built to tolerance in the first place.
  • hdlouiehdlouie Member Posts: 8
    Go to the and join that group. They have been owners since the X came out. Or go to ,and the same rear end as the f150's, there is also a Expedition site there.

    Good Luck
  • dubinerdubiner Member Posts: 1
    We have an 2001 EB that we purchased last month. It was a 'demo' model with 750 miles on it. At 1000 miles, the truck would no longer accelerate.

    It first was diagnosed as a VSS (speed sensor); after closer look at the burnt transmission fluid - there was also a problem with the transmission as a whole. So, the dealer opted to replace it.

    Two weeks later, thanks to the snow in the north east delaying the transmission's arrival from SF, we got the truck back good as new.

    Has anyone else had problems with theirs? What do I expect next?
  • cas5cas5 Member Posts: 8
    I just traded my 1997 Expedition on a 1998 Lexus GS 400. I wish I still had the Expedition, it had some troubles at first because it was a first year model but after that it worked great and never let me down.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    We have owned our new 2001 EB since Jan. 6th and have yet to experience a single problem. Not even a rattle. At present, we have about 2500 miles on it. Its my wife's car and doesn't get driven much, although we anticipate greater use during the summer.
  • hildee65hildee65 Member Posts: 1
    We have a 2000EB that we purchased in Oct. 2000 that now has 6000 miles on it. At 4500 we began to notice the transmission was not shifting into 2nd but rather skipping to 3rd from 1st. Also the overdrive light on the gear shift would blink. On first attempt to repair dealer said it was computer error sending wrong information to transmission. Reprogrammed computer. Two days later did it again. This time dealer completely replaced transmission. Running O.K. now.

    Would like to know though if anyone is experiencing a slow to fuel problem? We have a 26 gal tank but you have to nurse in the last 8 to 9 gallons. What a pain. Also in car pool line at school I am forced to park on a downhill slope, if I get caught there idling for more than a minute or two and I am below a half a tank the vehicle thinks it is out of gas. If I let the vehicle roll down to a level spot it cranks right up. Have taken to dealer several times concerning both of these problems -- even had towed from school once for them to duplicate problem which they were able to do. Am now being told by dealer there is a "design flaw" with gas tank and there is nothing they can do. We have requested meeting with Ford area Rep. Must be others out there with this problem. Interested to know.

    Thanks for any input.
  • alwaysfordsalwaysfords Member Posts: 210
    Can't comment on the tranny problem, but the gas issue has been discussed in previous discussions on Expedition boards. I have to nurse the last 4.5 gallons, and yup, it's a pain. I have found one station in my area that has a different (less sensitive?) nozzle that let's me get within 2.5 gallons of full. I have the 30 gallon tank. I too have run out of gas idling on slopes, but never with anywhere near half a tank. More like an 8th or 16th - the needle on the E line, or just slightly above it.
  • nickmongonickmongo Member Posts: 2
    I have a 1998 BE Expedition that has 33K miles and is nearing 3 years old. I'm interested in purchasing the Ford Extended warranty. Has anyone purchased this at this late time for their vehicle? If so, where did you purchase it? How much did it cost? What warranty parameters (years and mileage) did you opt for? Thanks, Nick
  • sprichardsprichard Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Expedition,bought new in November. It has 4500 miles and is in the shop for a new transmission. I know of at least five other people with the same problem, and I found this out since Friday, so it must be a common problem. I would not suggest buying an Expedition or any other Ford product, and this is coming from someone who has always owned Fords, but this is the last one.
  • jilonajilona Member Posts: 2
    We recently purchased a 1999 EB with rear audio controls. I thought the front and back would be able to listen to different things but have since figured out that is not possible, salesman told me that on the 2000/2001 you can but not on the 99. My problem now is that in order for the head phones to work you have to push the speaker on/off button on the rear controls and that shuts off all of the speakers. The book says that the front speakers are supposed to continue playing and the back ones cut out when the head phones are plugged in and the speaker on/off button is pushed. The kids want to listen with the headphones but I can't hear anything. I am supposed to take it to a dealer this week but wanted to see if anyone here had any info for me. Any other info on the 99's, (problems, warnings, things to watch for) would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • joelisjoelis Member Posts: 315
    "I would not suggest buying an Expedition or any other Ford product"

    I find it rather strange that this overall consolidated EXPEDITIONS PROBLEMS topic has been out here for a couple months now, and you are one of the first to report this issue, yet you feel that everyone of them is a lemon huh?

    Considering how many Expeditions are sold every year, you would figure that more people would be out here complaining about it wouldn't you?

    I personally don't really care about the Ford product in general (my wife's vehicle, I don't drive it), but people who make blanket statements like that make me laugh (sarcasticly).
  • linzilinzi Member Posts: 5
    I have an 1998 XLT. which I bought new. I have never had a problem so far (fingers crossed) with my Ex. with 31K on it. Just got back from a 3200
    mile trip to Palm Springs area, through mountain pass snowstorms(white outs & deep snow)-no problems
    rattles or squeaks so far. Love this vehicle.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    Returned yesterday from a 1,500 mile road trip in our new 2001 EB. All freeway driving on relatively flat ground. Gas mileage ranged from 13.5 to 15. Everything worked as expected, zero problems. Very comfortable on a long, boring trip.

    However, I discovered I have the problem where you have to "squeeze" the last 3-5 gallons of gas into the gas tank. Frustrating and uncomfortable when its cold & windy at the gas station.

    Also noticed some sensitivity to head winds and cross winds, but nothing serious (where you felt the need to drive slower, for example).
  • ernie68ernie68 Member Posts: 1
    We have had no problems with '98 Exped 0-35,000 miles. Planning on trading in on 2001 XLT. Hope we do not experience Transmission problems? We bought on 36 mo. Smart buy and way under the 45k miles negotiated. Can't really sell outright, since similar 98 models are selling for less than the balloon price.
  • megasuvownermegasuvowner Member Posts: 64
    I ve had a few of these problems with my Navigator in the past. Now im in the market for a Cadillac Escalade, ive learned my lesson with FORD suvs. In case you cant tell by now, ford doesnt have a good reputation with suvs so far, you all should go out and get another suv that will keep you alive and maybe in a few more years FORD will have all of their problems fixed and you can go back to the blue oval company, but as for me, now way.
  • joelisjoelis Member Posts: 315
    For a person who claims to own a Testarossa, Gelaendewagen, Navigator, had a Hummer, Land Rover, and now looking for a Carrera, CL500 and Escalade, you sure have poor grammar skills.

    With this lineup of vehicles, who the hell would be satisfied with a Ford product? LOL!
  • sencsenc Member Posts: 44
    Yea, I know about rear-end problems. I drove mine home from the dealer and the next day the rear-end fluid was on my garage floor. The axle housing was made wrong and wouldn't hold the seal, so they replaced the axle(twice). Then, there is the transmission slipping when putting in drive after reverse.... Yesterday, I had a rough start with the engine shaking terribly. I turned it off and restarted a few times and it finally smoothed out and drove ok. I've had one before and MANY Fords, but I'm starting to believe the domestic/Ford bashers may be onto something. I thought each year, the model was supposed to get BETTER not worse, unless of course they keep trying to make them cheaper rather than better...I have 5500 mi. on it now. Only time will tell if this thing is durable enough to last the entire 24 month lease.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    We've had our Expy since January, and now have over 6000 miles on it. Up till now (knock on wood) we have not encountered a single problem.

    OTOH, pay a visit to the Toyota Sequoia topic. Now maybe those folks are lots of whiners/complainers, but there sure are a lot of them posting some interesting/serious problems. I understand how these folks feel. I used to be a staunch Toyota supporter. Then I bought a new '95 Tacoma. It was so full of problems that the dealer took it back after only 3 months and gave me a new T100 pickup instead. I don't hate Toyotas now, but I refuse to pay a premium for vehicles that aren't any better than a Ford.

    Call me a cynic (indeed, I may be), but I feel that buying ANY new vehicle is a crap shoot. There used to be some statistics that showed if your new vehicle was built on a Monday or Friday, it would be much more likely to have problems due to absenteeism at the factory.
  • rosssantellrosssantell Member Posts: 1
    I have a '98 Exp XLT with 98,000 miles on it which I have taken good care of. Never really had any serious problems (alternator, brake pads, spark plug coil) until the other day. While parked at Wal-Mart, unattended, the engine caught on fire completely melting the fuel injection assembly plus numerous other accessories. Luckily the guys at Wal-Mart were out there in a minute with fire extinguishers and put it out before the interior went up. Although the Exp is out of warranty the cause of the fire is clearly an electrical defect of some sort. I contacted the Ford dealer, with no satisfaction, and then their headquarters in MI to see if they would loan a vehicle while THEY make the repairs (I had all the other insurance (towing etc.) with the exception of loss of use). Well I suppose it was naive.. you have probably guessed what they said "Yeah right, forget it". The purpose of this posting is two-fold. 1) Has anyone else had this problem? 2) What is with these dealers these days. This is clearly a vehicle defect (however rare) yet no one wants to help. It seems to me that it would cost them about 200 bucks to make me happy (two weeks car rental while they repair) and probably get my return business, on which they would make a hell of lot more than 200 bucks, yet they are not interested. I wonder if GM, Chevy, Dodge or any other car manufacturer would react in similar fashion?
  • alwaysfordsalwaysfords Member Posts: 210
    I feel sorry for you in your situation, but as an unbiased observer, I've got to say that I wouldn't really expect the dealer to do anything about it. They can't be liable for everything forever. Sometimes bad stuff just happens. Should it have lasted longer? Sure, but nothing is a sure thing. As far as it "clearly being electrical", I wouldn't go that far. I have seen more vehicle fires caused by fuel systems than I have by electrical systems. Odd you should mention that the fuel injection system burned. Has the local fire marshal investigated the cause?
    The rental car thing is annoying, but that is more an individual dealer situation than a Ford thing. You don't soppose the Blue Oval boys sent out a directive to not give out courtesy cars do you? Across all dealers you will find the upstanding types who want your kind words to friends and future business, and those that want your 200 bucks that day. Sounds like you have found the latter. Look at it as one less place to comparison shop next time. I always make a point of sending a nice thank you to businesses for saving me the effort after I have bought from the competition. Makes me feel all warm and happy inside.
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    New to this Ford site, although I have strolled back and read the last 300 or so messages. I have found these message boards to be extremely helpful and informative, as well as entertaining... I'm still chuckling over post #17. I spent a lot of time here a year back when I bought my Silverado and learned that you can eliminate many problems people report here by taking a long, quiet test drive before you lay down your money.

    We are in the market now for a new SUB as my wife's Jeep Grand Cherokee is getting old and we simply need a bigger rig. We test drove the Tahoe and it reminded me too much of my Silverado. The Denali was nice, but the monochromatic color scheme was a bit much. Besides, for a few thousand more you could get into the, we drove the Escapade. It was nice, lots of bells and whistles but the one we drove had a very noticeable wind noise from the front windshield. The sales re didn't believe me until he drove it at my insistence and only replied .."not to worry, we can reseal it"! Yea right. The local Cadillace dealers are in no mood to deal on these rigs as they are hard to locate here in the midwest and some even have a waiting list. We just drove a 2001 EB Expedition and liked it a lot. I have had Fords in the past and found them to be reliable so we are looking real hard at the Expedition. Seems to be a good time to buy one as every Ford dealer in the area has 8-10 on the lot and they are offering Cash Back and reduced financing incentives.

    I did have a question. My wife really likes the 2nd row bucket seats with the console and it appears to come only with the Premier Group option which comes only in the Arizona beige. Am I mistaken here? My salesman was not a lot of help as he said he would have to research it.

    It seems a fair price would be dealer invoice plus maybe 100-200 dollars and let them keep the holdback. I read somewhere in here that someone bought one for straight invoice and even split the holdback. Darn good negotiating! Any thoughts in this area would also be appreciated.

    Sorry for the long post.
  • alwaysfordsalwaysfords Member Posts: 210
    From your use of the phrase "let them keep the holdback" I think you are getting confused between holdback and rebate. There are rebates available right now. You should be able to get pretty close to invoice, if not below, and keep the rebate. If you start getting below invoice, then you are chewing into holdback. The rebate has nothing to do with the dealer, regardless of what they tell you. It is an incentive offered by the manufacturer. You should figure on getting the entire rebate. Do your best deal around invoice with them, and then subtract the rebate.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    I'm the guy who split the holdback with the dealer here in Denver. That was back in January. Actually, it was their idea: they advertised "Employee Pricing", which they described as invoice minus 1/2 the holdback ($1250 on our Expy). We had to pick between the $1K rebate or 3.6% financing. We chose the financing. Saves us over $2K given the duration of the loan. Our price was invoice - $625. Not Bad!

    We also took lengthy road tests of three different Expys before choosing one. There was a noticeable difference in the ride between the loaded XLT and the EB, which I found strange, since both are supposed to have the same suspension and both had 17" wheels and tires. The EB had a softer ride, in case you're wondering. The reason for the lengthy test drives was to determine if any of the trucks had the vibration problem mentioned by several owners. None of the three trucks we drove vibrated.

    The 2nd row buckets have been an option on the Eddie Bauer for a couple of years. If there's a console for the second row, it must ONLY be available on the Premier Group, as I have yet to see a 2nd row console on a "normal" EB.

    BTW- Choosing the 2nd row buckets means you won't have a flat floor when you fold the seats, if that matters to you. The flat floor was one of the selling points when we were choosing our new truck. The Sequoia and Tahoe 2nd row seats do not fold flat.

    Lastly, in case you haven't heard, Ford has recalled all the Firestone tires on Expeditions. DO NOT leave the dealer's lot without getting non-Firestones. That is, IF the Expy you choose happens to have Firestones on it. I put Michelin tires on our Expy after the first week and was immensely impressed with the improved ride, steering and handling.
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    Your quite right. I do understand the difference between a holdback and a rebate...but you could never tell it from my post. Speaking of which, after re-reading my post, I think I'm the one who needs grammar lessons!

    The same sales rep just called me and told me I can get that 2nd row captains chairs under a 21B option code. It doesn't appear to be a popular option as he has yet to find one in the area.
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    Thanks also for the reply. I made that post above prior to reading yours. really did get a good deal. We haven't come down to price yet with this dealer, as I haven't completely made up my mind yet on the EB, yet we are leaning heavily in that direction. They have two 2000 Navigators on the lot. I am fairly sure I could get one for about $42,500. Can't believe they still have those. I would be buying a two year old rig but I do like the looks of the darn things. He seemed real anxious to sell them. It would pencil out to about a $3000.00 difference. You "regular" guys posting here are much more knowledgable than I am. What do you think? Would it be smart to "step up" to the Navigator or would it be a wash in the long run?

    Thanks again for the replys.
  • alwaysfordsalwaysfords Member Posts: 210
    If you go for the Navigator, be real sure you sit in one for a while. The seats are terrible - they are completely flat and featureless. The Expy seats seem like Recaros in comparison. (Don't get me wrong, the Expy seats aren't so great either, but they are better than the Nav's)
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    I agree with you on the uncomfortable seats in the NAV. As a matter of fact, that was our main complaint about the rig. Dealer blamed it on the "flow through" feature. Evidently, those things route the AC and heat through the seats. I did like the navigation system that they offer, however, I suspect it would be cheaper to buy a map! The Escalade and Denali had the most comfortable seats of all the vehicles we drove.

    The EB offers pretty much the same features and my wife and I like the overall feel and looks better. I've had two F250's over the years and have gotten excellent service out of both. I would be very comfortable buying another Ford. As I understand it, the incentive program now offered runs through July 2nd, so we have a little time here to decide. I haven't heard much about the 2002 Exp, but I suspect they will make a signifigant body style and powerplant change in the near future.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    I would rather have a NEW truck for less money than a two-year old one. Even with the 2nd row buckets, a new 2001 Expy shouldn't cost you more than $37-38K. The real problem with buying the Nav, even if it is still "new" is that its resale value would drop like a rock once you drove it off the lot.

    After two loooong road trips, I am quite pleased with the seats in our EB. I especially like the memory feature for two drivers. Works great!

    Personally, I would avoid the first year of a new model. Only time will tell whether Ford will be able to avoid repeating the past and produce a trouble-free truck in the first year after a major redesign. Check out the Sequoia topic. If the posters there are a reasonable sample of Sequoia owners, Toyota also has trouble producing trouble-free vehicles in the first year.

    Let us know what you wind up buying.
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    what you say makes sense on a two year old NAV. Rumor has it the resale value on them is disappointing a lot of folk.

    Interesting enough, I was at the dealer's lot this morning taking a second look at the EB Expy and right next to them was a brand new Limited Excursion with an MSRP of $500.00 less than the Expy! Go figure that one. It was a real nice rig but waay to big.
  • pwaspwas Member Posts: 34
    Rickc5 did the EB have the load level suspension? were the tires different? Why did the ride on the eddie bauer seem softer than the XLT? other than the load level suspension the suspension suppose to be the same. I test drove an navigator one time before and was surprised the the nav rode stiffer than my XLT with 17 inch wheels.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    all three suspensions were non-load leveling and all three had Firestones. I was perplexed then, and still cannot logically explain the difference. Perhaps tire pressures????
  • bassamaticbassamatic Member Posts: 79
    We bought a rig. 2002 Escalade. The EB EXpy we were looking at so hard came to almost $39,000.
    Pretty near bought it, except my wife really didn't like the fact you could not get six way power seats for both driver and passenger. So we decided to wait and think about it. The very next day we drove by a Cadillac dealer with a shiny white Escalade on the lot so we decided to take a look at it. Went right to the sales manager's office and told him.."no BS, give me your best price on the Escalade, he looked at us and said $46,000. I asked him what was wrong with it and he said not a thing except it has 227 miles on it as it was used in a golf parade and some golf pro drove it to the course and back. They had to sell it is as a "program car", hence the price. 227 miles...I'd put that on it going home! We drove it and then bought it on the spot.

    You wouldn't believe how it drives untill you sit behind the wheel.

    I do appreciate the input and guidance here. Good luck and drive safe!
  • deevikes2000deevikes2000 Member Posts: 2
    I bought my ford expedition in large part for its safety rating. I am a brand new father, and my wife of 8 yr and myself wanted to purchase a safe vehicle to transport my son. The 2001 expedition brags about the 5 star government safety award. It also offers 4 wheel drive for the snow, and plenty of power to pull our boat.
    Less than 1000 miles after biting the $47,000 bullet, I was driving my new car in the downtown San Joe area. Ahead, the traffic light turned red. I put my foot on the brake and nothing happened. I pumped the brake, still nothing. I stepped with both feet on the brake, still nothing. At this point I was bearing down on the mazda miata that was stopped at the light. I shifted the truck into first gear, and turned my SUB onto the sidewalk to the right and somehow managed to steer clear of the oncoming traffic. I came to a stop next to the curb without a scratch.
    My dealer confirmed a failed brake booster. They replaced the part and called me to pick up the vehicle.
    I objected and demanded a new truck. My wife is scared to drive this car, she won't allow my son to ride in it, and I don't know if I disagree. This incident could have been catastrophic. If my wife had been driving, if I had been pulling the boat, if we were on the freeway, or coming out of the mountains, we would have been facing a life or death situation. The gal applying make-up in her miata, weather she knows or not, was already in a life or death situation. Personally, I can't put my newborn son in that vehicle. I'm not looking to sue anyone. I simply want what I paid $47k for; a car that I feel confident putting the lives of my family in.
    Ford contends that they cannot intervene at this point. The dealer is taking a position of "no blood no foul". Ford Credit is still waiting for the first payment.
    At this point, do I get an attorney?
  • kelly54kelly54 Member Posts: 7
    My wife had a similar breaking problem in our new Explorer (back in 99)..we told our salesman that we refused to drive the vehicle..he then called someone at Ford Regional, and within 24 hours had us trading in that car for a brand new Expedition, with a $2500.00 Ford customer credit as my "downpayment" on the new vehicle...It can be done, I think that you just need to go higher up than the dealer ....Good Luck..
  • alwaysfordsalwaysfords Member Posts: 210
    Not to add insult to (non) injury, but 47 k ?????? You got taken to the cleaners on that.
  • settleitsettleit Member Posts: 9
    Ford Catastrophe engine failure and safety issue-anyone else with the same problem? "Firestone tires could blow-out but this could have blown up" Ford mechanic-2000 Expedition bought new-currently has approx. 17,200 miles - 6.5 months old. While driving home the other evening (Fri) steering wheel starts to shimmie and "Check Engine" light comes on then goes off. Got it home and has a rough idle and smoke coming from exhaust - did not put it in garage! Next morning called Ford dealer "drive it on in to the shop". While driving through town smoke is billowing out of exhaust- all gauges OK, bad gas smell when we would stop at stop lights. Finally get to dealer and they check it out---#5 fuel inject or stuck open and was pumping so much fuel that the catalytic convertor was soaked and gas was dripping out of the exhaust pipe - -Bent piston rod = "new engine" replacement in a new top of the line Ford. Mechanic stated that it could have blown up and that I was driving a bomb - I stated, what would have happened if someone in a passing vehicle dropped a lit cigerette at the stop light or Clean Air Act violations or EPA issues. Replacing the engine does not address what caused the injector to stick open/ What part failed? Wiring harness? Someone in this same discussion group had the same #5 injector "go bad" and engine replaced. Odds of that are ???? Anyone else with this problem? This system is on several Ford vehicles not just the Exp. and could cover several years.We are having to go to the Dispute Settlement Board for a new vehicle not a "rebuilt" one. Dealer offered us lowest possible price for a trade!! I stated 2000 Exp with "0" miles-new Ford engine. I contacted the National Highway Safety Admin. to file a complaint with their office. Any help from the town hall group would help -read the post in Finance ,warranty & insurance title Brand new Ford engine for $100 post #1-#5 injector failure-same cylinder as mine !! Injecters are not cylinder specific -just screw one in -I think the issue is the controlling wiring to the number 5 cylinder. This same (sub contractor made or Ford made?) wiring is installed in a zillion Ford/Mercury products and maybe in other makes i.e. GMC,Dodge?
  • settleitsettleit Member Posts: 9
    Others have your same problem!!Go to -Yr,model,engine Etc. Post number OD ID 744378 It appears that I am/was? a traveling "bomb" thanks to Ford (post #37)and now could they possibly have evolved into making your Expedition a "cruise missile"? I'll keep everyone posted on my engine issue - it is going South at a rapid pace. Answer to your last question on your post - Yes- get a group of you together with the "same" problem - Good Luck !!!
  • deevikes2000deevikes2000 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the advise! Kelly, I have gone higher than the dealer. I have called regional and have been told that they are, at this point unable to intervene. I went to the web site for the nhtsa, I was unable to locate the ID# that settle listed, but did find another individual with a similar problem. How do I get in touch with these folks???
    Thanks, all of you for your help and advise.
  • tone2tonetone2tone Member Posts: 15
    My wife drives our 98 Expedition the most. No major complaints and it's been hit so I can attest to being glad for having a "sturdy vehicle." Lately, the air suspension warning light will come on according to my wife. I'll come home get in and drive it and no warning light. Anyone else have similar problems and recommendations on what to check? The truck is out of full warranty (50k mi).

    As for the brake failure posting from Whooooa, get an attorney. It will be a longer than desired process but you'll be better off in the long run.
  • lmr57lmr57 Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone experienced a bad rattle in the rear window or tailgate? Service Dept cannot seem to find it. It's back in for the fourth time.
  • hp382hp382 Member Posts: 1
    I bought a Ford Expedition in Northern Virginia on July 3. On July 23, after the check engine light came on, I took the vehicle to the dealership and was informed that it needed a NEW TRANSMISSION! It is covered by the warranty but THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN AFTER 20 DAYS!!! Lemon law in VA says that if the vhicle is in the shop more than 30 days in the first 18 months it qualifies. It has been there 14 days in the FIRST MONTH. I'm betting it won't make it 6 months. So much for Ford quality.
  • chaseboychaseboy Member Posts: 30
    an acronym for FORD...Fix Or Repair Daily

    Stay away from fords, you will have nothing but problems as soon as you drive off the lot. Ford's slogan in Texas is "Ford is # 1 in Texas". I know that they are "#1 in recalls" for sure.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    We bought a new 2001 EB Expy in January. We have not had a single problem of any kind and are very pleased with the truck. In addition, at the time we bought, we saved $9000 over a comparably equipped Sequoia.

    Maybe you just treat your vehicles badly and they respond in kind.
  • worldii2worldii2 Member Posts: 27
    I ordered 2001 EB 4x2 Expedition in Jan 01. Took delivery in Mar 01. So far so good, no problems.
    Been on three trips at over 600 miles one way.
    Performance is great with the bigger engine.
    MSRP was $40,255 - loaded it up with Captain Chairs, Reverse sensor, which required side air bags, etc. Gave $300.00 over invoice. Dealer holdback was around $1200.00. Traded 98 Mercury NtNeer - no comparison, BELIEVE ME!!! Got realistic trade in amount for MtNeer. Was not going to pay the big ticket price for Navigator.
  • chaseboychaseboy Member Posts: 30
    Sorry to butt heads, I don't mean any disrespect to Ford owners, just speaking from experience and from word of mouth. I owned two fords before, and neither lasted 40K miles. And what I said about Fords having problems as soon as you drive off the lot is just strictly sarcasm. Sorry if I offended anyone. Everyone that I know that has owned a Ford or does own a Ford regrets their purchase. The most common problems I hear about deals with the AC and the transmission, before the car even reaches 50K miles. If you are wondering, I have taken care of every car that I have ever owned. Currently we have a Lexus ES300 (17K), an Acura Integra (88k), and a Toyota Corolla which by the way is 12 years old and currently has over 150k miles on it without it ever being in the shop as with the Integra. We are also currently in the market for a Lexus RX300. Kind of pricey, but you get what you pay for, and that is quality. The Sequoia is also kind of expensive compared to the comparably equipped Expedition, but again, you get what you pay for.
  • rickc5rickc5 Member Posts: 378
    One reason we bought the Expy was because every Expy owner I talked to loved their trucks and none reported any problems. I think I talked to 10-12 different owners. We have taken our Expy 4-wheeling in Moab, UT and here in Colorado. Not a squeek or rattle. Given the hundreds-of-thousands of Expys sold, I'm sure there are lemons out there. But then, there are also Toyota lemons out there too. Read on.

    Having owned over a dozen Toyotas, I would be inclined to concur with your statement about Toyota quality, except my last three Toyota experiences were less than stellar. Two Tacomas ('95 & '99) and a '95 T100. The T100 wasn't too bad (had the head gasket problem), but the Tacomas were garbage, IMHO. Lots of problems, that THE DEALER COULDN'T FIX!

    I also own a '97 Lexus ES300 and truly love the car. But, it too suffered transmission leaks at just over 50K miles. Thank God for warranties!

    BTW- I also take good care of my vehicles.

    If you think the Sequoia is the "usual high-quality Toyota product", check out the Sequoia forum. Given the small number of Sequoias sold, they sure have more than their share of problems. Or, more likely, The Sequoia owners EXPECTED a perfect vehicle, and instead got an average vehicle and they're pissed! Anyway, check it out if you have time. You may be surprised.
  • chaseboychaseboy Member Posts: 30
    man, i feel sorry for some of the sequioa owners. they probably did expect the usual high quality toyota vehicle, but in the end paid way too much money for a brand new model with problems. i also agree with rickc5, the tacomas are pieces of junk. what can you really do with those little trucks anyway other than haul a couple of bags of pine bark mulch? down here in houston, a lot of teens like to drop them, add huge rims and an obnoxious stereo system which probably costs more than the truck itself. tired of looking at em. anyways, best wishes with the expedition rickc5.
  • metallica01metallica01 Member Posts: 8
    i rented an expy to go on weekend trip upstate NY. my thoughs well its a preety good suv. good power. the one i rented BAD BRAKES nice room and very smooth. i liked it very much. well to be homest my father rented it. i drove it back to the city 6 hours never drove that long but anyway we got a preety good impression of it so now were looking for a 01 eddie bauer with quad capt chairs. getting a good deal from dealer here in the city $34,000 new eb medium wedgewood blue with quad capt chairs sun roof the whole nine yards. were looking into it. any thoughts??????
  • metallica01metallica01 Member Posts: 8
    whoops forgot why i posted expy vs sequioa .well my friend has a sequioa that i rode in and i did not like it at all. i though the expy had a better ride , more room , comfortable seats and i think that the sequioa is just plain butt ugly. it looks more like a space ship than a car
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