How To Deal With Red-Light Cameras

How To Deal With Red-Light Cameras
If the cameras have popped up in your area, here are some steps you can take to prevent a ticket, as well as tips on what to do if you get one.
If the cameras have popped up in your area, here are some steps you can take to prevent a ticket, as well as tips on what to do if you get one.
You may want to do a little more research on the apps you mention. Trapster is completely free - nothing to purchase.
Forensic Video Expert
A red light camera ticket from ANY city in LA County can be ignored, as the LA courts do not report ignored camera tickets to the DMV. This was revealed in LA Times articles in 2011. Skeptical? Google: Red light camera no consequence.
Also, it could be a Snitch Ticket, the fake/phishing camera tickets the California police send out to bluff car owners into ID'ing the actual driver. Snitch Tickets say, at the top, "Courtesy Notice-This is not a ticket," and you can ignore them, too! Skeptical? Google: Snitch Ticket.
I drive for work throughout the city and southern region almost 40 hours per week. I am no great fan of these traffic cameras. I do know this: If you REALLY want to save lives put those cameras on the interstates and highways every few miles. Catch and penalize -- and perhaps take away the driver's license of -- speeders and tailgaters. I fear for my life every day on the road and I thank my guardian angel for protecting me yet again when I make it home safely. It saddens me when I pass the hundreds of roadside memorials along my route. Many, many, many people flirt with death for themselves and innocent others when they speed and tailgate. I guess they assume nothing could possibly go wrong. They are WRONG! Everything can and does go wrong in a split instant and they leave no room -- no margin -- for error. I say penalize them all. Take them all off the road. Save lives. Not pretend, but REALLY!
Fred J. Scheyd
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