Mark, sounds like you need to use the 'Elise Technique' to get in and out of the driver's side. That is, move the seat all the way back and use your left arm on the sill to lower yourself into the seat and also to raise yourself out of it. A side benefit are beefy triceps.
This comes with the territory Mark. Once having ungracefully flopped out of the car however, you should be heading to the other side to assist your companion, even if a valet has opened her door for her. Your companion will lift her knees just as she described in the article. While holding your hand for stability, she should slowly swing her legs out of the door (toes pointed down as much as possible to clear the heels and to show good calf definition), and lean forward onto her feet. Help pull her up once you can do so without hitting her head into the car's roof. Don't heave her up, just help her enough that she can concentrate on looking graceful. Practice shamelessly a couple of times at home, there's no reason a beautiful night should be interrupted with these kind of things.