2014 Chevrolet Corvette Road Trip Gallery

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,315
edited September 2014 in Chevrolet

image2014 Chevrolet Corvette Road Trip Gallery

A full collection of high-resolution photos of the 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Road Trip.

Read the full story here



  • noburgersnoburgers Member Posts: 500
    could use some captions to explain what some of the cars were at the museum, and what some of the sites you were driving by were. Looks like you had a good time, though.
  • corollamikecorollamike Member Posts: 29
    I'm confused: Why, of all the choices available, did Edmunds buy a green--a GREEN--Stingray with BLACK wheels? Had Chevrolet made Intense Mud a color choice, I'm sure Edmunds would have opted for it. Good grief, Edmunds, have you no sense of style? Wouldn't the return of the sale of a RED or BLUE Stingray be better than a... a... GREEN... (*oops, I just vomited in my mouth a little*) Stingray?
  • zman24_zman24_ Member Posts: 10
    How were you able to go 2,000+ miles with no discernible license plate or temporary tag?
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