Yellowing and Murky Headlights

sandman46sandman46 Member Posts: 1,798
edited March 2014 in Toyota
My headlights on my '96 Corolla DX are very murky looking and have tried everything from bleach to WD-40 to try and get them back to their original brightness. Any suggestions? I hate to have to replace the lights but just might have to if I don't get some good suggestions. Thanks in advance to all for your help!


  • lancerfixerlancerfixer Member Posts: 1,284
    Many times, yellowing of a headlight is indicative of moisture buildup on the inside of the lens; I'm guessing you cleaned the outer lens, but not the inner; or if you cleaned the inner lens, you broke the seal between the lens and the housing (more so than it already was.) Replacement of the lenses (with proper sealing) is your best, albeit most expensive, solution.
  • dhughes3dhughes3 Member Posts: 56
    If the problem appears to be yellowing & dulling of the plastic cover, try this using white polishing compound (used to remove oxidation from auto paint)on them. Follow up with a coat of wax, if you want a little protection. I don't know if it will work for every make, but it sure renewed my old '87 Tempo's headlights.
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