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Best truck for plowing

edvanhalenedvanhalen Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Toyota
What's the difference? Can you plow with a Toyota tundra?


  • michgndrmichgndr Member Posts: 160
    Best thing for a Tundra to plow is into a wall.
  • ndahi12ndahi12 Member Posts: 235
    I second that. The Tundra is the worst truck that ever came to market. What was Toyota thinking? This truck will never be able to compete with the great trucks from Ford and Chevy.
  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    Boss ,Fisher, Western, Meyers, Diamond
    DO NOT currently offer a plow to fit on
    ANY TUNDRA ..................
    Check out www.plowsite.com
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    If you want to talk plowing...fine. If you want to turn this into another fight about Toyota vs ANYTHING topic, I can shut it down now.

    PF Flyer


    Pickups & News & Views Message Boards

  • edvanhalenedvanhalen Member Posts: 2
    I got my answer from Toyota. So that leaves me with my original question of which truck is best for plowing. I am leaning towards the GMC2500HD
    any info greatly appreciated since I am new to the american truck market and there are a million different options.

    Toyota response for future reference:

    We appreciate your interest in the Tundra.

    We apologize, but the Tundra is neither designed nor tested for use with a snowplow. Installation of a plow would be considered a modification of the vehicle. We do not recommend modifying our vehicles from their original factory specifications. Modifications could affect the vehicle’s performance, safety or durability, and may violate government regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from the modification may not be covered under warranty.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    What happened to the "CAN YOU PLOW
    WITH A TUNDRA" thread ?
  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    The big 3 offer a snow plow prep pkg.
    for MOST of their truck lines.
    If your buying brand new there many
    choices Ford, GM and Mopar trucks are
    up to the task. GM does offer a plow
    prep pkg. in a 1/2 ton reg cab.3/4 also
    If you are buying new make sure you
    have the plow prep. from the factory
    and don't believe any salesmens BS.
    If not equipped and you blow the motor
    or trans. plowing your on your own
    as far as warranty repairs.
    A new 2500 will do the job.
    I have a 01 2500 chevxcab and a nice
    western plow and couldn't be happier !
    And this ain't my first time plowing
    either ! Try www.plowsite.com for
    REAL advice and honest opinions.

    BTW:Was that the official position of
    toyota you posted ?
    Good luck..............Geo
  • ak4x4ak4x4 Member Posts: 126
    I have seen Tundras with snowplows here in Alaska. The dealerships normally do not have a problem with warranty issues due to the fact that this is Alaska and people do put plows on Trucks quite often. I almost got Dual 3 inch pipes for my Rado, but I did not due to warranty concerns. But I did get the prep package with my Rado. All in all with the Tundra's Tourque you think they would design a factory prep package. But Does it ever snow in Japan??? Just curious. I have never seen snow there.
  • plutoniousplutonious Member Posts: 799
    I believe Mt. Fuji has snow year round.
  • sonjaabsonjaab Member Posts: 1,057
    Please read eds post #6 on toyotas
    position on plowing with a Tundra
    or Tacoma !
    GM,ford, mopar have about the same
    policy about plowing with SOME of
    their truck models ! Toyota WILL NOT
    WARRANTY plow related breakage....
    BUT: Snow way plows DO offer a lite
    weight plow for the Tacoma !
    In NY snow country I see a few Tacos
    with homemade plows but no tundras yet !
    Who knows? Buy what u like but be careful
    of any dealer promises about warranty
    plowing breakage.....Take it from someone
    who has plowed for a few years !!!!!!
    Check out www,plowsite.com for HONEST
    advise and NO FLAMES !...........Geo
  • ak4x4ak4x4 Member Posts: 126
    It would be a hoot to watch the Tundra try and get up there would it not??

    My point about the Tundra is that is the only 1/2 ton in the states that does not have the option to buy the package. Where I see Toyota exceling is where there tourque is on the Tundra. The guys on the Tundra boards think there truck is the best do anything truck outhere. Cosidering how many problems they list. Maybe someone should tell those guys that if they have 4x2 they are going to be wasting money....But they belive what they want...
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