Ford Backs Dealers With Plan for Repairing Aluminum Panels on 2015 F-150 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in Ford

imageFord Backs Dealers With Plan for Repairing Aluminum Panels on 2015 F-150

Ford has unveiled a collision repair program for dealers and owners of body shops when it comes to fixing the aluminum body panels on the 2015 Ford F-150, a move that should reassure car shoppers, the company told Edmunds.

Read the full story here



  • rayzorrayzor Member Posts: 61
    Love this new truck but the math just doesn't add up. Ford subsidizing 20% or up to $10000 for Training and equipment to repair their F150s; a private repair shop will have to absorb the other 80%. This is just to repair one truck, so somehow the repair shop will have to pass that expenses along to the customers if I am the owner. So, it means the repair will be more expensive or everyone will be paying more for their repairs in the future...
  • rayzorrayzor Member Posts: 61
    As fas as the modular design of the truck, that means replacement part will be very expensive, these are military grade aluminum or 6000 series, especially at the first few years for this truck anyways, until since there will be few if any so called OEM/aftermarket parts (due to the Ford's exclusive modular design) to compete against Ford's own factory parts. Don't get me wrong, I am trying to build a case for me to go and order one of these new F150, so I must weight both sides...or I can just buy one of the current models where I know parts are plenty (reasonably priced) and can be repaired any where, again, reasonably price...But miss out on all the new features of the new truck...Tough choice
  • greenponygreenpony Member Posts: 531
    Or, rayzor, you could buy a truck from one of Ford's competitors...
  • greenponygreenpony Member Posts: 531
    Or, rayzor, you could buy a truck from one of Ford's competitors...
  • rayzorrayzor Member Posts: 61
    "Or, rayzor, you could buy a truck from one of Ford's competitors..."
    Hahaha, Funny!!
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