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2012 Honda CR-V Long Term Road Test

Read daily updates on our long-term road test of the 2012 Honda CR-V EX-L AWD and follow along as our editors live with this car for a year.
38 degrees was record cold temps for you. Usually, you are driving cars in 50-plus degree weather in winter, 90-plus in summer. What earthly good does it do for you to let that car run for at LEAST 3 minutes before driving off? For those who want some perspective, when you leave work today, start your car and actually time 3 minutes on your cell phone after starting, before driving off - you'll be crawling up the walls.
All mfg. today say that in summer temps, let the car run for 30 seconds before driving off (slowly), and in winter, maybe 1 minute. RTFM and get back to me.
Oh, 38 degrees is not freezing. Try the cold snap that is running through the midwest - that's well below freezing, and often below zero with the windchill. Even with that, I start the car, hit the defogger, and if the windshield is clear, I get going. The car warms up quicker if you drive it, and you don't waste gas that way.
(pretty formatting coming eventually.)
That said still prudent not too hammer the gas pedal right away.