Car Buying Myths and Misconceptions

If you try to buy a car using these myths and dubious strategies, you'll be wasting your time and money.
If you try to buy a car using these myths and dubious strategies, you'll be wasting your time and money.
so yes "be prepared to walk out" is still true when you are shopping on the phone/online at least when there is some distance involved after buying quite a few vehicles recently my best advice is don't be afraid to say no even if you are on a time constraint to have a vehicle there will be others and you will find one.
A car dealer and salesperson will always try to get a feel for how informed (or stupid) the potential buyer and gauge their offer based on this analysis.
The one strategic tool that buyers rarely use (and I have ALWAYS used) is this: if the deal isn't good enough, WALK OUT.
90% of the time, the sleaze-balls will phone you in a day or two and offer you a deal on YOUR terms. If they don't, there are other dealerships.
But remember, you're negotiating with sleaze-balls!
I just came from a local one price autoplex and shopped a Tucson and HR-V and had the price immediately. And they said if I found a cheaper price, they'd beat it by $500.
The salesperson I had emailed was out for surgery today (I just showed up unannounced). Another guy helped me and never once badgered me for contact info or pulled any other "tricks". I declined test drives (mostly just checking out the seating position and hatchiness) and when I was ready to leave, I didn't have to meet the manager or play any other games. Downright enjoyable experience.