What Are Certified Used Vehicles?

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in General

imageWhat Are Certified Used Vehicles?

Understanding benefits of certified pre-owned vehicle

Read the full story here



  • famosterfamoster Member Posts: 2
    Don't waste your money, I purchased a certified car and had it for 2 years in which over $3 thousand dollars of repairs were made. The dealer tried to have me pay for most of it becasuse over $2 thousand were found 2 months before the warrenty ran out. The teck did not look at the warrenty close and thought the warrenty had run out until I showed him.
  • lincolnsucks1lincolnsucks1 Member Posts: 3
    Agreed LINCOLN DOES NOT BACK THE CPO program. My Great Grandfather had one of the first Ford dealerships in this country and I am ashamed of how Lincoln can sell a CPO vehicle and then not back it AT ALL.
  • honokahuahonokahua Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a 2016 Factory Certified Silverado in July 2016 for $32k OTD, new it would have cost $38k at best, and I have an extended warranty on top of the factory warranty. I had warranty work done on it this year where the driver side of the truck sat lower by 1" than the passenger side. I took it to a dealership (not the same one I purchased the Silverado from) they gave me a loaner, and after 6 days my truck was fixed at no cost to me.So I'm a believer in Factory Certified vehicles. I see no reason to purchase new unless you just need a new.
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