Don't waste your money, I purchased a certified car and had it for 2 years in which over $3 thousand dollars of repairs were made. The dealer tried to have me pay for most of it becasuse over $2 thousand were found 2 months before the warrenty ran out. The teck did not look at the warrenty close and thought the warrenty had run out until I showed him.
Agreed LINCOLN DOES NOT BACK THE CPO program. My Great Grandfather had one of the first Ford dealerships in this country and I am ashamed of how Lincoln can sell a CPO vehicle and then not back it AT ALL.
BMW has thrown in the towel on their vehicles as credible long-term products. Go to this link from their website , look about half way down to "See what is not covered for CPO vehicles retailed on or after 1/1/2014". The "not covered" list includes things like door locks, sunroof, electronics, bushings, struts, tie-rods, headlights, door handles, water leaks (not a joke), mounts (as in transmission and engine mounts, not a joke), light bulbs, interior dashboards (not a joke) and on and on. If your dash-board goes dark and it's not covered, what's the point behind "CPO" again? Seems kind of important. What's worse, BMW used to sell policies for $1,500-$3,000 allowing you to upgrade their CPO "warranty" effectively to bumper-to-bumper coverage. They no longer do this. Some dealers try and get around it by working with third party insurers but the prices are staggering and that's because these are PRECISELY the things that WILL FAIL on BMWs inside 60k-70k miles. I've owned 5 BMWs, have LOVED driving them, love the cars but have had chronic quality problems with all but one of them. Wonderful cars to drive, when they drive, but the changes to the CPO warranty and the lack of supplemental policies seems to be a clear flag that declining BMW quality makes these vehicles toys for enjoyment, not reliable vehicles for transportation.
I purchased a 2016 Factory Certified Silverado in July 2016 for $32k OTD, new it would have cost $38k at best, and I have an extended warranty on top of the factory warranty. I had warranty work done on it this year where the driver side of the truck sat lower by 1" than the passenger side. I took it to a dealership (not the same one I purchased the Silverado from) they gave me a loaner, and after 6 days my truck was fixed at no cost to me.So I'm a believer in Factory Certified vehicles. I see no reason to purchase new unless you just need a new.