2015 Honda HR-V Small SUV Bound for Dealerships This Winter

Edmunds.comEdmunds.com Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited September 2014 in Honda

image2015 Honda HR-V Small SUV Bound for Dealerships This Winter

The Honda HR-V small SUV, which is based on the 2015 Honda Fit, will arrive at dealerships this winter. The announcement was made at the 2014 New York Auto Show.

Read the full story here



  • hank39hank39 Member Posts: 144
    Looks decent and promising. I think it'll do very well for Honda. I'm prepared to see a bunch of these on the roads in the next few years.
  • leocosta75leocosta75 Member Posts: 1
    Thanks, but no thanks Honda! I'll be trading my Civic for the new Golf sporwagen TDI. Now that's gonna be " fuel efficient, roomy and fun to drive" !
  • ericnlaericnla Member Posts: 1
    I hope we get the Hybrid version here in the US
  • reminderreminder Member Posts: 383
    I like the looks of it. Might steal a few sales from the CRV, but not enough to matter. Have to offer AWD if I were to consider one.
  • jeffinohjeffinoh Member Posts: 156
    There's a major trend in Japanese cars toward ugliness. There are more details in the grille of this car than some entire American car bodies. Crazy slashed-open front ends, blackout panels suggesting windows where none exist, and crazy flowing character lines on the bodies just seem to exist for no reason. Novelty has officially replaced good looks in the auto design industry. At least in Japan.
  • bankerdannybankerdanny Member Posts: 1,021
    So it will be saddled with the same CVT that the Fit has now? No thanks.
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