I will just keep dreaming that someone will give me one as a gift! I'm also curious how you're going to price your Model S when it's time for you to sell it.
Baffled at the stupidity of the Edmunds Tesla long-term review articles. We've got dating entries, Christmas gift entries, popular with the rich entries, and onward and downward. I believe that every fourth entry actually involves something interesting about the car.
Oh well, back to what to buy a tailgater for Christmas.
I guess I will have to wait for Santa to bring me a white (or red) Mercedes, just like he does in the commercials. I don't know what happened last year, maybe he just forgot.
dunning15, I agree that these are vapid posts, but a couple of the issues that are of most concern to both current and potential owners Tesla simply refuses to discuss with Edmunds, so Edmunds can't discuss them with us.
Oh well, back to what to buy a tailgater for Christmas.