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Buick Park Avenue Maintenance & Repair

f2u8503f2u8503 Member Posts: 2
At approx. 55 mph and faster I have a light whistling sound similiar to a tea kettle just before it goes into a full boil. I've replaced the wipers and the passenger compartment dust/pollen filter. The excessive wind noise seems to have diminished, but the whistling persists except when it is raining or the day after a car wash. Any ideas?


  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    Does it have a sunroof?
  • rotaranrotaran Member Posts: 10
    Check the seal of the windshield.

  • rotaranrotaran Member Posts: 10
    Hi all,
    i need the camber-, caster- and the toe-in angles of a 1992 PA. Can someone help me?

  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    TSB #73-71-04A


    Some owners may comment on a noise, vibration or growl from front of vehicle during right turns or hard acceleration

    The rear transaxle mount may be grounded out due to a bound or twisted condition within the mount

    FOR 1995-96 VEHICLES
    This condition may be corrected by replacing the rear transaxle mount with a revised mount, P/N 22174976 Aurora, P/N 22174975 Riviera. See procedure below
    FOR 1997-98 VEHICLES
    The 1997-98 vehicles have been built with improved mounts but may still exhibit the condition if the mount is bound or twisted. This condition may be corrected by following the procedure listed below to correct the bound or twisted condition within the mount.

    1995-96 G CAR

    1. Raise the vehicle
    2. Support the transaxle with a screwjack
    3. Remove the rear transaxle mount studs
    4. Using the screwjack, lower the transaxle
    5. Remove the mount from the lower frame rail
    6. Install the new transaxle mount to the lower frame rail
    7. Raise the transaxle with the screwjack until the transaxle bracket contacts the mount. Check the mount alignment and reposition the mount as necessary to center the mount studs within the mount itself.

    The mount studs will not always be centered in the mount bracket. This is a normal condition. The mount bracket is slotted to allow for cross car build variation and should not be used to determine if the mount is positioned correctly

    8. Raise the transaxle with the screwjack to fully load the mount

    Loading the mount is important because the mount studs could potentially twist in the bracket while tightening the mount nuts, creating a twist or binding condition within the mount

    9. Tighten the mount nuts to 45 N.M.(33 LB.FT.)
    10. Remove the screwjack and verify mount alignment

    1997-98 C/G CARS

    1. Raise the vehicle
    2. Support the transaxle with a screwjack
    3. Loosen the rear transaxle mount nuts. Do NOT fully remove the nuts
    4. Using the screwjack, unload the mount by lowering the transaxle
    5. Adjust or reposition the mount to eliminate any bind or twist
    6. Using the screwjack, raise the transaxle until the transaxle bracket contacts the mount. Check mount alignment and reposition the mount as necessary to center the mount studs within the mount itself.

    The mount studs will not always be centered in the mount bracket. This is a normal condition. The mount bracket is slotted to allow for cross car build variation and should not be used to determine if the mount is positioned correctly

    7. Raise the transaxle with the screwjack to fully load the mount

    Loading the mount is important because the mount could potentially twist in the bracket while tightening the mount nuts, creating a twisted or binding condition within the mount

    8. Tighten the mount nuts to 45 N.M. (33 LB.FT.)
    9. Remove the screwjack and verify mount alignment

    P.S. The rear transaxle mount is the one on the left or driver's side of the vehicle (rear of transaxle), NOT the one toward the rear of the vehicle.
  • kcwolfpack59kcwolfpack59 Member Posts: 122
    This could be the same problem as experienced with the 2K Lesabre. Its the windshield molding coming loose in the heat and making a noise as the wind blows across it. There is a fix which the dealers know about. For more info. see the Lesabre posts.
  • mschoep1mschoep1 Member Posts: 4
    The exterior temperature is off by about 20 - 30 degrees. Hotter than actual.

    Is there a sensor that should be replaced? or is there some bug buildup over the sensor causing this inaccurate report?

    Look for your help, anyone!
  • mike0757mike0757 Member Posts: 1
    My serpentine belt shredded half off at a light and my car stalled. I put a new belt on which was pretty easy, but now the car doesn't start. What would the belt whipping around do to cause this. I've replaced the fuel pump, coil pack and cam sensor so far. Help!
  • sorchia31sorchia31 Member Posts: 1
    I have a Buick Park Avenue 92 and today I just had the problem like the car was running out of gas but there is a full tank. What could be all the possibilities that could cause the problem. I have never experienced this problem with this car. I did notice that when it reached over 200 degrees it started to studder. After cooling for about 10 minutes it is fine for another 25 miles. I need massive help....... :cry: :confuse:
  • nlwebsternlwebster Member Posts: 1
    I tried to start my 2000 Buick PA and the steering wheel locked and the key will not turn. I have jiggled, and turned back and forth, while trying to make the key turn to no avail. What is the deal??? Any suggestions on how to fix this??
  • pato6280pato6280 Member Posts: 1
    Have 2001 Park Avenue. Replaced battery 2 weeks ago. Last ran car 4 days ago. Now it will not start. Battery is okay because everything else works, except car will not start. Steering wheel not locked. What could be wrong?
  • 95parkave95parkave Member Posts: 3
  • 95parkave95parkave Member Posts: 3
    I just bought a 95 buick park avenue, and when i test drove the car it didn't do this but now it does, during light accleration to 60 mph, it sounds like i went over a grate as the tranny shifts , i almost have to put the pedal to the floor to accelerate as a reasonable rate after 50 when it most often makes that vibration/just went over a grate noise. does anyone know what is causing this and what i can do to remedy the problem? any suggestions are welcome. thank you.
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    I think that's been mentioned in certain T60E transmissions as a known problem and I can't recall the cause. It's called the washboard effect. If I find it elsewhere, I'll post back here.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • 95parkave95parkave Member Posts: 3
    ok imidazol97, i would appreciate it so much :)
  • chey_59864chey_59864 Member Posts: 1
    I have had a continuing problem of the PassII alarm system draining my battery. Recently it the service engine light started coming on and the car would start to stutter going up inclines. We can make it do the same thing on flat surface but more noticable on inclines. The car is barely drivable now because of this problem. It does not seem to be the transmission, could a sensor be causing this? :confuse:
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    How do you believe the PassKey II system is draining your battery?

    Is the service ngine light steady or flashing? Steady means there's a problem with a code stored in memory and flashing means a serious problem that needs to be seen and fixed.

    If your car is as serious as you sound, it needs to be diagnosed with a code scan and then fixed. It could be transmission. Stuttering sounds like wires and plugs need replaced with quality replacements--not pop culture stuff from the box stores. Get AC Delco plugs and AC Delco wires or Belden from NAPA. Get Original Equipment quality on the wires. If they haven't been replaced in 60K miles, they're due. If could be ignition coils. It could be the ESC that controls the ignition coils (I believe it's right under them).

    It could even be your battery and connections at the battery not supplying adequate voltage. There are many connections to remove, clean, and check. When was the battery last replaced? Does the voltage drop into the orange zone during cranking on the voltage gauge inside the car? It should stay up in the clear area meaning the battery is supplying enough power under load.

    You didn't mention number of miles or kilometers and any history on the car. Are there any other symptoms? Losing water out of the reserve tank? Overheating?

    It could

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • skater69skater69 Member Posts: 2
    Last night my Check Engine light came on when I started my '96 PA and stayed on. Car drives fine, oil level is good. Did rain hard on the car the night before (doesn't rain much where I am) but that shouldn't have caused it.

    I drive this car about 2-3 times per week sometimes less. How important is it that I get this checked out? I'd prefer to just drive it and ignore it until I noticed it underperforming...etc. Plse advise.
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    If the light is not flashing it is not an immediate emergency. It may be from gas cap seal after putting in fuel.

    Did you recently put in gas? The car checks for the seal on the pollution system that captures the evaporating gasoline hydrocarbon vapors when the motor is lukewarm and restarted. Also the gas tank needs to be between 3/4 and 1/4 full IIRC.

    You can check the rubber seal around the cap and the area where it contacts the metal filler tube. Sometimes the metal filler tube collects a brown scudacrud. I cleaned mine with petroleum jelly. That helps soften the rubber seal on the cap. Replace and drive car til temp gauge starts up from bottom. Stop car for few minutes. Then restart; that may trigger a recheck for fuel vapor leaks. Mine turned off two times when I did that. A first time I took it to the dealer--they didn't tell me not flashing wasn't emergency--and there was a broken hose where it attached to the charcoal filter under the air intake area in engine compartment. They may just have resealed the filler cap.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • saguesague Member Posts: 1
    hello everyone, my 94 buick park avenue has a problem with the ride level air hight adjustment.

    The "leveling" lamp dash indicater lights,
    I can hear the air compressor start under the hood. the compressor runs for about 2 seconds before blowing a fuse. Please advise thank you
  • ibmosesibmoses Member Posts: 1
    I think I am abought to buy a 95 Park Ave for a "work vehicle" and would
    like some advice on what might be wrong with the AC. Also would like a guess on
    the potential costs to repair the problem if any of you folks are familiar with
    this car.

    The AC blows cold air just fine, but the clutch on the compressor is constantly
    cycling(disengaging/engaging). The fellow already had it charged with freon and
    it seemed like it solved the problem at first but the compressor started cycling
    again about every two seconds.

    Its not a deal breaker(I love this car), but I would like an idea of what the problem
    and the cost to repair might be.

    Thanks for any help.
  • snoopysgalsnoopysgal Member Posts: 1
    Last week when I turned on my car the gauge needles moved up, as they usually do, except for the gas gauge. It went nuts and rotated all the way around to where the post stopped it from going further. It doesn't move now and I don't know how to get the needle back around?? I understand I am looking at $500 for someone to take off the dash and fix it :-(
    Any ideas? How hard is it to get at the needle to move it back around? I tried a magnet but all that did was clear all my other electronic gauges.
    Thanks for any ideas..........
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Try searching this discussion for key words like paper clip or drill hole. It seems to me that people reported this problem and used a fine drill bit (manually I assume) to drill through the plastic in a place so they could use a paper clip with a bent 90 degree angle on the end to lift the needle over the peg. I don't know if that's on years as new as an 01.

    Searching the web for key words with park ave may find other discussions about this problem.

    EDIT: ann16, "Buick Park Avenue" #329, 11 May 2006 10:37 am

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • bob2bob2 Member Posts: 10
    I have been ill and have been unable to drive my car for about 7 months. It is a 97 supercharged park avenue. Suffice it to say that the battery is dead. I plan to call a road service to come give me a jump, but I am concerned about one thing. Is there anything I should do prior to trying to start the car. It has been serviced regularly with no problems. Any help/suggestions that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Before jumping turn off all accessories, especially the automatic climate control. I'd wait until the motor has run and the voltage drops back some before I turned it on. A few people have reported strange effects if they didn't turn it off when replacing batteries or jumping...

    If you are in a cold climate where the car is below freezing and the battery is completely discharged, the battery may have frozen. You may have a bad battery in other words.

    You may want to look into a trickle charger for your battery and charge it up slowly. The jump will start the motor but the battery needs a substantial amount of drive and run time to slowly build back up with the alternator.

    There's a possibility if your battery is a few years old that being completely run down may affect how long it lasts. So watch your gauges for normal behavior on voltage and charging after the first hour or so of driving time.

    Another alternative would be to take the battery out and take it somewhere like Advance Auto. Here they will recharge your battery free and check it's serviceability--in the hopes that if defective you'll buy one of their replacements.

    I believe your battery under the rear seat like my 03 LeSabre. You just lift up on the rear seat cushion at the front...

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • bob2bob2 Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for your suggestions. I will make sure these are considered when I try and start the car.

  • banjo2kbanjo2k Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased this car and the cruise doesn't work. Are there fuses or relays, etc. that I can check myself before taking it to the dealer?
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Does the cruise light come on?

    I believe there are two electrical circuits that need contact to keep the cruise working. There are two connections on the brake pedal switches. IIRC my cruise quit and the dealer replaced the mechanical box and it still released again after a while. Then they found there were two switches. Either replaced or adjusted the switches. I had studied the circuits in the factory service manual and couldn't quit figure it out. It seemed like they were duplicating part of the circuit. But after they said there were two circuits then it made sense...

    I have a 93 service manual if you can wait a couple of days until I can dig it out.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • dayleedogdayleedog Member Posts: 1
    I have a 91 and a 93 park ave and have been tripped up by many different gremlins my 93 started having tranny problems out nowhere one day it would slip and not fully engage into gear until about 40 mph. after several weeks and a fluid filter and lucas trannyfix additive it still slipped . as a last result Idecided to check for blown fuses before a trip to the tranny shop.a 10a fuse feeding the transmissioncoolant fan was blown I believe that feeds the fan on the passenger side of the radiator, any way i replaced the 10a fuse the car worked like normal again I was later told that the computer will put certain parts of the car into a limp mode to stop catastrophic damage from say a overheated tranny. unfortunately most people will run to a repair shopfirst and get charged 1300.00 dollars for a 10a fuse ....you know it has happened more than we want to know!
  • albarrsalbarrs Member Posts: 1
    1997 Buick Park Avenue: 3800 Engine

    I need to know how to get to the A/C filter down by the accelerator. The Owner Manual says it can be replaced or discarded, but I can't tell if I have to remove screws to get to it or if there is a door of some kind. Any help appreciated. Al albarrs@wfeca.net Florida :confuse:
  • flhpi1996flhpi1996 Member Posts: 5
    I have a 2000 Ultra that has a vibration only in forward gears. If you put it in reverse and move back smooth as glass. It also has the vibration with brake applied and give it a little throttle. I think it is coming from the transmission? It has now wheel front wheel bearings and left axel shaft.
  • dragon_slayer7dragon_slayer7 Member Posts: 1
    I have a '90 park ave that has been giving be some tranny issues and I can't seem to find anybody that has been able to answer my question... :cry: It runs and drives fine except for 2nd gear. When it goes to shift into second gear it will either shift ok and then kick out or it just never engages for a couple of seconds then it slowly engages. If you let off the gas and let the RPM drop then accelerate again it will engage and then drive fine again till you are accelerating and hit second gear then you have to do it all over again. It's a constant thing and I keep thinking that it about has to be something electrical but I don't know. :confuse: I know that this is an issue that buick has had for several years now cause I've known other people (my mother being one of them) that had the same problem with there cars. Not just park ave's. Can anyone tell me what I need to check or what might be causing this? I have had the tranny flushed and new filter and fluid put in and that did nothing to help. I've been thinking clutch but it just seems really odd that so many buicks that I know of have had this very same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know my way around a vehicle fairly well and I'm on a tight budget. thanks for your time and help. :shades:
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Have the motor mounts/transmission mount been checked by someone knowledgeable?

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • cpenneycpenney Member Posts: 1
    Have a 98 park ave ultra. When i put on the a/c the passenger side is cold and the driv er side blows hotair. Anybody else have this problem or know the cause.
  • dmrobertsondmrobertson Member Posts: 5
    6 months ago check eng light came on. The code indicated a camshaft sensor loss of signal: however, car ran fine. Recently car started to barely run like it wasn't hitting on all 6 cylinders. I left it over night in a parking lot. The next day it cranked and ran okay until 1 mile from home then it acted once again like it wasn't running on all cylinders. I changed the cam shaft sensor and cleared the code. This didn't help and same code came up after repair. Anyone have a suggestion what to do next. Car has 208,000 miles.
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    You don't give the year. I've read about camshaft sensors and crankshaft sensors. The crankshaft sensors seem difficult to diagnose. 208000 miles is a great success story for any car to still be running! Buicks and 3800s can do it. I can give you other forum sources for help if you contact my email. Click on the imidazol97 and read the profile for my email.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • dmrobertsondmrobertson Member Posts: 5
    The buick is a 91 Park Ave. Keith, I could not figure out how to email you for your assistance. dmrobertsn@aol.com
  • mary32mary32 Member Posts: 1

    I have a 1999 Buick Park Avenue and the front ashtray will not stay closed (up). Any ideas on how to fix this? Since I don't use the ashtray, I would prefer not looking at it all the time. Thanks for your help! :)
  • trymetryme Member Posts: 1
    I need to know where the crank position sensor is located on my 98 park ave
  • okcparkaveueokcparkaveue Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I just noticed that as of today my power door lock switches from inside no longer are working to lock or unlock. It still locks when going from Park to Drive and such and they even work with the remote but not from inside. What happened??? Is it a breaker or a fuse??? Please help
    1992 Park Ave in OKC
  • gcraiggcraig Member Posts: 11
    Hi Mary32,

    I have had this same issue on my 1998 Park Avenue. The problem is that the latch is broken on the ash tray assembly itself. There is a little tang on the ashtray that compresses a catch in the dashboard-side of the mechanism to hold the door up. It cannot be repaired by replacing the tang so you 'll need to replace the entire door assembly. I have done this and had the door break again! Poor design. I have yet to locate another good one but keep trying at on-line junk yards. The dealer wants about $75 to fix it and repair shops won't touch it saying, "that's a dealer item". In the meantime the ashtray hangs open! The next time I fix it I am not going to use the ashtray at all for fear it will break again.
    Best of luck to you!

  • 1995ultra1995ultra Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1995 ultra, which my son now drives. It has been having a problem with the engine faltering under acceleration. I have had it at the dealer who found rust caused pin holes in the return line to the gas tank, which is near the right rear wheel well. New gas lines are not available and the dealer did get a line from a junk yard and pieced it into the system. This seemed to help a little but the problem has never really gone away. Has anyone else had this faltering problem? If so, what is the solution?
  • buickstuckbuickstuck Member Posts: 3
    The check engine light had been on for some time but car ran rough occacsionally but gas mileage was fine. My buick park avenue, 1998, was draining coolant, which we replaced. after several days, I drove a 10 mile drive, waited three hours and white smoke came out the exhaust. I drove to an auto parts place and they added water to the overflow tank. the engine temp had risen to 240 degrees. The car sat for one month and now will not start. though it tries..... Battery is strong for I disconnected it during month of inactivity. any thoughts about what problem may be, and is it worth repairing..... We need this car for a student coming to live with us to drive. link title
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Your car had coolant disappearing and that was warning sign to immediately find the problem. You don't say if you've had the car since it was new so we don't know if it's been repaired before. The plastic upper intake can develope leaks that allow the coolant to get into the air stream that goes into the motor. That may be the cause of the roughness which probably occurred when the car was hot and the coolant was under pressure from the radiator cap and that pressure forces coolant into the intake faster. So the car developes a roughness.

    Since the turned off the car and let it sit, there probably is coolant that had gone into the intake area, onto the valves, and coolant probably was in the oil. The coolant going in after you turned off the motor has probably filled a combustion chamber and hydrolocked the motor. Or if it is turning over, the plugs may have coolant on them keeping them from firing.

    The upper intake is repairable for $500 and less at a local good mechanic. Your major concern is that the coolant in the oil may have damaged the bearings due to the acidic nature while sitting.

    The overheating may be just because the coolant in the radiator was low and should have been refilled. PUtting it into the overflow reservoir doesn't get it back into the radiator immediately.

    You need to have the car towed and checked out if you don't do repairs yourself.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • saw5saw5 Member Posts: 8
    My son purchased a used 1994 buick pa for a dealership on 7/7/07. It now shuts completely down after about 10 min. of running time. Sometimes it will re-start right away and other times it must set for 20 - 30 min. This is a bad deal since he used all of his cash to purchase the car, only put 10 or so miles on it before this happen and dealership will not take it back.

    Any suggestion on what may be causing this?
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Get the codes scanned at Advance Auto, Autozone, PepBoys, nearby. You may be able to scan codes on that with a paper clip shorting the A and B pins under the dash then turn the key on. I lose track of which cars are OBD I and OBD II that require a scanner.

    Most likely is crankshaft position sensor which doesn't seem to clearly show up in codes from what I've read on other sites.

    I believe someone suggested spraying water on the sensor area behiind the crank pulley at 3 o'clock as a test. That cools it down. You might try visually locating the sensor first.

    Is the fuel pump still pumping when the turn the key on? It should pump for a few seconds then shut off. Is there fuel at the Schrader valve on the motor on the fuel lines? Use a cloth to catch gas and see if it's as highly pressurized as when the car first starts or if it's lost pressure.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • buickstuckbuickstuck Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for a quick response.... I will arrange to get it towed to a reliable, well recommended mechanic..... I appreciate your help.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Come back and let us know how it works out.
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,567
    Hopefully if it's upper intake manifold leaking it's in time to avoid damage to bearings from sitting with coolant in the oil. You didn't mention anything about coolant dripping from the motor so that eliminates waterpump for coolant loss for me.

    Because I've heard about bearing damage from running a motor with a leak too long in other discussions, I'd recommend having someone check about what's happening. I hope there isn't damage. The good news is the motor isn't hydrolocked (cylinder filled with coolant) because it seems to be turning over. Hydrolocked motors break starters and do other damage.

    Not starting sounds like a friend's car I helped with that had coolant on plugs from an intake that was leaking and repaired. It wouldn't start up after the 4 days because the plugs were wet.

    The chugging sort of diesel like sounds like his car before he replaced the upper manifold.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • saw5saw5 Member Posts: 8

    Thank you for the help. We check the ign. module first and it was o.k. Pump and relay were good. The car is OBDll so it does require a scanner so we could not jump the circuit. So, after about 4 hours of trial and error we purchase the crankshaft position sensor and we were going to install it Sunday, When my son said he saw one message on another site were a man used the replacement key (2nd set of keys) to start/run the veichle. He was having a similar problem. Like that would be the problem. But, go ahead and try.

    So far the car has not stalled and runs great. I did not know that the chip within the keys could go bad, Or is this just a fluke.
  • stressdocestressdoce Member Posts: 1
    The dealer replaced a right front motor mount on my 2000 PA to cure a "clunking" problem. It turns out that the problem is in the transmission and mot a mount problem. Nonetheless, the dealer insists that the mount was bad and the $421 that they charged to replace it was justified.

    I have the old mount and don't think that there is anything wrong with it. I have mot been able to find any specifications for the mount (GM was no help at all!). Does anyone know of a way to check the old mount other than to remove the one that they put in and compare it to the old one?

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