Auto Stop-Start To Be Available on Most Ford Vehicles by 2017 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 10,316
edited February 2017 in Ford
imageAuto Stop-Start To Be Available on Most Ford Vehicles by 2017

Fuel-saving Auto Start-Stop technology will be available on 70 percent of Ford's North American vehicle lineup by 2017.

Read the full story here


  • shatnershatner Member Posts: 176
    A Fusion with a 1.5 liter engine? Good luck with that.
  • gmk2311gmk2311 Member Posts: 2
    Auto-Start-Stop (A.S.S.) is a technology that ENDANGERS LIVES.
    Safety MUST OVERRIDE Fuel savings!!
    2017 Ford Escape SE 2.0t - about 250 miles on odometer.
    I experienced an almost fatal incident with the Auto-Start-Stop (A.S.S.) engaged.
    I was stopped, exiting a paved driveway onto a 2 lane road.
    I was deciding whether to make a left turn across the path of a large truck that had just turned the corner 300 Ft away.
    The truck seemed to be lumbering along, so I made the decision to pull out across its path and make my left turn.
    Apparently the truck hit its peak Torque at that time and suddenly sped up, just as I pulled out!
    At this same moment, the engine had decided to shut itself off!
    I pressed the gas and nothing happened! The Escape rolled into oncoming traffic!
    Not knowing WHAT to do, I pressed it to the floor, the engine started up
    and sat there THINKING in the path of the oncoming truck!!!
    I was stuck like a deer in headlights!
    My passenger and I could easily have died and no one would be here to tell about it.
    I have filed a complaint with NTSHA and encourage you to do the same.
    Automotive technology is supposed to be Life SAVING, not Life SACRIFICING!
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