I like the "ipod" style nav, its fresh; do you still have floor model TVs or flat screens at home? The car overall is over priced, unattractive and small.-signed 26yr VW CC 4Motion driver
Everything seems kind of cheap and flimsy...the bin doors click and clack when they should thunk and whump. The styling is great, though. I don't mind the floating tablet trend (started, again, by BMW). I've usually got one tucked under my arm anyways.
@boff, Having spent some considerable seat time in an A-Class in Europe I agree wholeheartedly with "cheap", but not necessarily with "flimsy". Everything in these cars feels remarkably solid, just not expensive. For example, the plast
Test drove this care, well, noisy on the 101 at 80 MPH, wind noise and road noise, plastic seats, no leather although it looks kind of like lether, did not care for the nav, info system stuck on the dash, al la new Mazda 3, people will buy this just to hve a Mercades, but from what I dove, I'ed buy a Honda Acord before investing in this car, besides the blind spots are just not good and don't let that 29,990 fool anyone, did not see one on the lot for less than 35 grand.