Vibration / Noise Problem?

jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Ford
I have less than 500 mi on 2002 Ford F150 Supercrew V8 4.6. On way home from dealer noticed vibration at 35-45 mph range, as well as, rattling noise in rear. Dealer has now replaced drive shaft and has a new rear end ordered to replace? anyone else had this type of problem.


  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    driveshaft have?
  • ferdsfordferdsford Member Posts: 5
    I also have a 2002 supercrew with a vibration/noise problem.I am seeking replacement of the vehicle under the lemon law. See 02' S-CREW
    vibration/noise. Three dealers two drivelines and one ring and pinion later the 52-60 mph vibe still is with the s-crew.
    Have the pinion angle checked.Also,ask the service dept. to try diagnosing the vibration with an electronic digital vibration analyzer with two sensors.This should pinpoint the origin of your vibration.
    Good luck!
  • jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
    Replace drive shaft has not changed anything. I took it back to dealer - next day - and was told they had ordered a new rear end - which has not been installed - (but let me take it home) Did not know they had ordered rear end before i took home.......but was told by salesman they had three trucks (mine included) with the same problem! ferdsford - i am ordering lemon law pack from state of georgia - so i can make sure i do everything in the right order.
  • jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
    ferdsford - where was your truck manufactured - do you think this is an assembly problem from plant - there are three of these types of issue with trucks at my one dealership that i am aware of.... .... my truck was manufactured in Kansas City Assembly Plant..? just trying to think of everything.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Has anyone checked the left to right angle of the drive shaft insuring its alignment? Some offset may cause vibrations.
  • jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
    My truck is 2 wd - is in the shop now checking for vibration cause. The noise evidently was the catalytic converter which has been changed out. The drive shaft was replaced. They've checked out the balancing on tires - and will benext week before its ready - today the service called and said they cannot find what's causing vibration. I will write down what you gave me obyone about the left to right angle of drive shaft; the pinion has been checked. Thanks.
  • jaguar0027jaguar0027 Member Posts: 387
    This problems sounds familiar huh???
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    one thing about's a matter of elimination.
  • jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
    4/20-heard from dealer today - they cannot find the cause of the vibration - someone from the factory is coming out on Monday to check it out. Let you know results.
  • oldharryoldharry Member Posts: 413
    at which your truck vibrates, I would ask them to try a set of wheels and tires from a truck with no problems. You may have simply a defective tire.

  • ferdsfordferdsford Member Posts: 5
    To answer some of the questions asked. My S-crew is a 2-WD model assembled @ the Kansas City MO. plant.
    The last dealer did not check driveline side angle,and claimed that the noise was exhaust resonance. I firmly disagreed and requested an arbitration form.....
    I am considering the Dodge Ram 1500 Quad-Cab as a replacement to my Ford.Any opinions or comparisons on that trade?
    Will keep you posted on the arbitration.
  • jminnixjminnix Member Posts: 6
    I posted original note regarding the noise vibration. I've had truck back for couple of weeks now - dealer ended up replace the gears in the rear end which eliminated the vibration at 35-45 mph - and so far is running like a dream....(I had already ordered the lemon law package from state of Ga just in case).....but based on the two invoices/repair sheets - the cost for the driveshaft and the rear end gear replacement ran around $3,500 - ..... - jes on a brand new truck. I didn't buy extended warranty, but are considering this purchase. I've never had any problems with a newly purchased vehicle .... that's the reason i stay away from used/previously owned vehicles - ..... -
  • radar349495radar349495 Member Posts: 2
    Have 2001 2WD built in Kansas City with vibration 40-50 mph area and again 60-65 mph. Dealer has had truck 3x's - 3 days last week and back in today.If they don't correct it this time, they can call out the Ford Rep for a replacement!
  • frey44frey44 Member Posts: 230
    It is possible to get vibration from certain torque converter problems. Also, do NOT assume that because a tire balancer, even the Hunter system, was used that that necessarily solves vibes. I have had problems with my Michelin LTX series tires on my Ford Ranger (they are the worst tires I have ever owned in terms of balancing..ironically, I chose them to replace the Firestones ! Turned out to be a bad decision). Even though the Michelins DYNAMICALLY balance, it turned out that 2 of them were not true: one had too much radial runout, and the other too much lateral runout. That makes a HUGE difference on a truck, which tends to amplify tire vibration due to the nature of its high stance and stiff suspension. Good luck..and DOUBLE CHECK THE RUNOUT AND TRUENESS OF BOTH the tires and rims. Don't go with just a spin balance, have the tires check for RUNOUT by someone who knows what they are doing.
  • ferdsfordferdsford Member Posts: 5
    Well, I just wanted to let other Ford owners know how my 02' S-crew vibration was solved.
    After 6 months of ownership and qualifying for arbitration as per Ford guidelines. I am now the proud owner of a vibration-free Ford F-150 S-crew, courtesy of Ford's replacement vehicle division.
    After qualifying for arbitration, I sent a registered letter to Ford as outlined in my owners manual.
    I was pleasantly surprised when I received their response and replacement offer.I accepted.That's it.
    I took a 1 hour test drive in the replacement over various terrain and at varying speeds. No vibrations or problems found.
    I hope that this might help other owners who have given up on getting their problem resolved.The selling dealer also included a 6 year 75,000 mile warranty for being a loyal customer.
    My new truck came with everything I wanted.
    Good luck
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